Math 版 (精华区)
发信人: llhhxht (绿林好汉--争取斑竹中...), 信区: Math
标 题: 参考书目:1.逻辑(zz)
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Tue Dec 3 19:27:53 2002) , 转信
文章阅读 北大未名站 ○ 数学 讨论区 [Mathematics]
发信人: caldream (我是小猪我怕谁:)), 信区: Mathematics
标 题: 参考书目:1.逻辑(zz)
发信站: 北大未名站 (2002年11月19日09:58:31 星期二), 转信
发信人: yjyao (poly), 信区: Mathematics
标 题: 参考书目:1.逻辑
发信站: 日月光华 (2002年11月18日19:49:16 星期一)
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Barwise J.
Admissible sets and structures--an approach to definability theory,
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Barwise J., Feferman S.
Model-theoretic logics, Perspectives in Mathematical Logic, 1985
Chang C.C., Keisler H.J.
Model Theory, North Holland, 1973
Ebbinghaus H.D., Flim J., Thomas W.
Mathematical Logic, Unergraduate texts in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, 1984
Girard J.Y., Lafont Y., Taylor P.
Proofs and types, Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computor Science n°7,
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Godel K.
Collected Works, Vol.I:1986, Vol.II:1990, Oxford Uni Press
Jech T.J.
Set Theory, Pure and Applied Mathematics, Academic Press, 1978
Hinuley J.R., Sedlin J.-P.
Introduction to Combinatorics and \lambda-calculus, London Math.Soc.,
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Krivine J.-L.
Lambda Calcul, types et mod\`eles, Masson Paris, 1990
Kunen K.
Set Theory, North Holland, 1980
Minsky M.
Computation: finite and infinite machines, Prentice Hall Series in
Automatic C
omputation, Prentice Hall, 1967
Moschovakis Y.N.
Descriptive set theory, Studies in logic and the Foundations of Mathematics
100, North Holland, 1980
Robinson J.A.
Logic: form and function, The mechanization of deductive reasoning,
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Rogers H.Jr
Theory of recursive functions and effective computability, McGraw Hill, 1967
Schutte K.
Proof Theory, Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften n°225,
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Soarse R.I.
Recursively enumerable sets and degrees, Springer-Verlag, 1987
Stern J.
Fonements Math\'ematiques de l'informatique, McGraw Hill, 1990
Tarski A.
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Van Heijenoort J.
From Frege to Godel, a source book in mathematical logic, 1879-1931,
Harvard U
niv. Press, Cambridge, MA,1967
Cogito Ergo Sum.
The Master siad, "He who learns but does not think, is lost.
He who is thinks but does not learn is in great danger.
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