Math 版 (精华区)
发信人: wanderer (海王星的小鱼), 信区: Math
标 题: Nonliear Science FAQ(7)
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Mon May 15 21:32:48 2000), 转信
What is chaos?
It has been said that "Chaos is a name for any order that produces
in our minds." (George Santayana, thanks to Fred Klingener for finding
However, the mathematical definition is, roughly speaking,
Chaos: effectively unpredictable long time behavior arising in a
deterministic dynamical system because of sensitivity to initial
It must be emphasized that a deterministic dynamical system is perfectly
predictable given perfect knowledge of the initial condition, and is
practice always predictable in the short term. The key to long-term
unpredictability is a property known as sensitivity to (or sensitive
dependence on) initial conditions.
For a dynamical system to be chaotic it must have a 'large' set of
conditions which are highly unstable. No matter how precisely you
measure the
initial condition in these systems, your prediction of its subsequent
goes radically wrong after a short time. Typically (see [2.14] for one
definition of 'typical'), the predictability horizon grows only
logarithmically with the precision of measurement (for positive Lyapunov
exponents, see [2.11]). Thus for each increase in precision by a
factor of 10,
say, you may only be able to predict two more time units.
More precisely: A map f is chaotic on a compact invariant set S if
(i) f is transitive on S (there is a point x whose orbit is dense in
S), and
(ii) f exhibits sensitive dependence on S (see [2.10]).
To these two requirements #DevaneyDevaney adds the requirement that
points are dense in S, but this doesn't seem to be really in the
spirit of the
notion, and is probably better treated as a theorem (very difficult
and very
important), and not part of the definition.
Usually we would like the set S to be a large set. It is too much to
hope for
except in special examples that S be the entire phase space. If the
system is dissipative then we hope that S is an attractor (see [2.8])
with a
large basin. However, this need not be the case--we can have a chaotic
an orbit that has some unstable directions as well as stable
As a consequence of long-term unpredictability, time series from chaotic
systems may appear irregular and disorderly. However, chaos is
definitely not
(as the name might suggest) complete disorder; it is disorder in a
deterministic dynamical system, which is always predictable for short
deterministic dynamical system, which is always predictable for short
The notion of chaos seems to conflict with that attributed to Laplace:
precise knowledge of the initial conditions, it should be possible to
the future of the universe. However, Laplace's dictum is certainly
true for
any deterministic system, recall [2.3]. The main consequence of
chaotic motion
is that given imperfect knowledge, the predictability horizon in a
deterministic system is much shorter than one might expect, due to the
exponential growth of errors. The belief that small errors should have
consequences was perhaps engendered by the success of Newton's mechanics
applied to planetary motions. Though these happen to be regular on human
historic time scales, they are chaotic on the 5 million year time
scale (see
e.g. "Newton's Clock", by Ivars Peterson (1993 W.H. Freeman).
※ 来源:.紫 丁 香[FROM:]
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