Math 版 (精华区)
发信人: wanderer (海王星的小鱼), 信区: Math
标 题: Nonliear Science FAQ(18)
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Mon May 15 21:39:46 2000), 转信
What is quantum chaos?
According to the correspondence principle, there is a limit where
classical behavior as described
by Hamilton's equations becomes similar, in some suitable sense, to
quantum behavior as
described by the appropriate wave equation. Formally, one can take
this limit to be h -> 0, where h
is Planck's constant; alternatively, one can look at successively higher
energy levels.
Such limits are referred to as "semiclassical". It has been found that
the semiclassical limit can be
highly nontrivial when the classical problem is chaotic. The study of
how quantum systems,
whose classical counterparts are chaotic, behave in the semiclassical
limit has been called
quantum chaos. More generally, these considerations also apply to
elliptic partial differential
equations that are physically unrelated to quantum considerations. For
example, the same
questions arise in relating classical waves to their corresponding ray
equations. Among recent
results in quantum chaos is a prediction relating the chaos in the
classical problem to the statistics
of energy-level spacings in the semiclassical quantum regime.
Classical chaos can be used to analyze such ostensibly quantum systems
as the hydrogen atom,
where classical predictions of microwave ionization thresholds agree
with experiments. See Koch,
P. M. and K. A. H. van Leeuwen (1995). "Importance of Resonances in
Microwave Ionization of
Excited Hydrogen Atoms." Physics Reports 255: 289-403.
See also:
<> Quantum Chaos
※ 来源:.紫 丁 香[FROM:]
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