Microwave 版 (精华区)
发信人: superfighter (稀饭fanxiaocao), 信区: Microwave
标 题: MIT的电磁场MATLAB程序库
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Wed Apr 27 20:00:26 2005), 站内
Electromagnetic Wave MATLAB Library
The EM Wave MATLAB Library consists of a collection of MATLAB programs relat
ed to electromagnetic wave scattering with special emphasis on wave scatteri
ng by random rough surfaces and discrete random media. This web site will be
updated regularly, as new programs become available.
Detailed descriptions of the theories and formulations behind these codes ca
n be found in the three-volume book Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves publ
ished by John Wiley & Sons:
Volume I: Theories and Applications (2000) by L. Tsang, J.A. Kong, and K.H.
Volume II: Numerical Simulations (2001) by L. Tsang, J.A. Kong, K.H. Ding, a
nd C.O. Ao
Volume III: Advanced Topics (2001) by L. Tsang and J.A. Kong
Download all programs: .zip [PC], .tgz [UNIX], .hqx [Mac]
Disclaimer: The material on this web site is provided “as is” without warr
anty of any kind. Users are free to modify the programs for their own use, b
ut please retain any copyright notice and credit to the programmers that are
included in the distribution.
Random Rough Surfaces
Random rough surface generation
Monte Carlo simulation of random rough surface scattering: Dirichlet case
Gaussian surface with Gaussian spectrum
Gaussian surface with ocean spectrum
Fractal surface
Emissivities from 2-D dielectric rough surface using small perturbation meth
Discrete Random Media
Monte Carlo simulation of volume scattering by point scatterers
Percus-Yevick pair distribution function for hard spheres
Monte Carlo simulation of pair distribution function for hard spheres
Monte Carlo simulation of scattering by small dielectric spheres
Effective propagation constant for Mie scatterers based on QCA
Effective propagation constant for dense medium with size distribution based
Financial supports from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Army Re
search Office, NASA, National Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research,
and Schlumberger-Doll Research for work related to this web site are gratefu
lly acknowledged.
Last updated on November 25, 2001.
Please send comments and suggestions to Chi On Ao.
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