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·¢ÐÅÈË: superfighter (Ï¡·¹fanxiaocao), ÐÅÇø: Microwave
±ê Ìâ: IEEE_Instruction for uploading manuscripts of electronic re
·¢ÐÅÕ¾: ¹þ¹¤´ó×϶¡Ïã (Wed Apr 27 20:08:30 2005), Õ¾ÄÚ
Instructions for Uploading Manuscripts for Electronic Review
In the Manuscript Central Author Center, “File Upload Center”, you will
upload all files associated with your manuscript submission. Those files
may include the following:
1. Text of your article (you may insert your figures into the
document) - Prepare your manuscript using a word processing
program and save it as a .doc, .pdf, .rtf or .ps file. Any of these
file types will be converted to .pdf format. Please note the
a. LaTeX files may be uploaded, however Manuscript Central
will not convert them to .pdf format. Those reviewing your
manuscript will only be able to view the files if they have
appropriate software. To ensure that those reviewing your
manuscript will be able to view it you must save your
LaTex file as a PostScript (.ps) file. Upload the .ps file to
Manuscript Central, which will automatically convert it to
.pdf format.
b. Other file types such as Excel spreadsheets, QuickTime
movies, PowerPoint presentations or other image types,
may be uploaded but Manuscript Central will not convert
these to .pdf format. The journal staff, editors and
reviewers will only be able to view these unconverted files
if they have the appropriate software on their computers.
2. Any figures, saved in .jpg, .gif, .tif or .eps format.
3. Any tables saved separately as images or inserted into the text
To upload your files:
• Click on the "Browse" button and locate the document you want
to upload.
• Select the document's designation from the pull-down menu.
The designation choices may vary from journal to journal, but
will always include “Main Document” (your manuscript text).
• You will also be asked whether each document you upload
should be considered for review, and the default is set to "Yes."
Please be advised that, if you select "No," the editorial staff will
still be able to view that document and make it available to an
editor or reviewer if necessary.
• When the upload of each file is completed, you will see a
confirmation window asking you to write a description of that
document. For your Main Document, you can use language such
as "Article Text" or "Main Document." For your figures, please
indicate which figure, such as "Figure 1" or "Fig. 1." For any
other supporting documents, please indicate clearly what the
document is as well as its format (MS Excel, MS PowerPoint,
There are two types of documents that will be saved with your
1. Files for Review - These will be the files viewable to the editor
and reviewers of your manuscript. The system will automatically
convert your text documents (anything in .doc format or .rtf)
into Portable Document Format (.pdf) and make that newly
converted document accessible for review, leaving the originally
uploaded document under the second column, "Files for
Production." PDF files are readable with Adobe Acrobat Reader,
available for download from the main login screen of Manuscript
Central. The system will also convert any .jpg, .gif, .tif and .eps
image files into a smaller .jpg image and leave the original under
"Files for Production." The smaller version of your image will
include in the filename "_sm.jpg." The system will save under
"Files for Review" any documents which are uploaded in formats
that cannot be converted.
2. Files Not for Review - These are all your originally uploaded
files. Not shown will be those files you designated for review
that cannot be converted by the system.
Some guidelines for all users:
1. The system will not automatically convert presentations created
in Microsoft PowerPoint into images viewable on a web browser.
It is advised that you convert each PowerPoint presentation into
a .tif, .jpg, or .gif, saved separately.
2. When inserting figures into your text documents, please make
sure they are readable. Many figures contain miniscule
characters such as numbers on a chart or graph. If these
characters are not easily readable in your text document, they
will most likely be illegible in the .pdf created by the system.
Certain image formats such as .jpg and .gif do not have high
resolutions, so you may elect to save your figures and insert
them as .tif instead.
3. You can insert a PowerPoint presentation into your text
document in Word by selecting "Insert" > "Object" and selecting
the tab "Create From File." Then click on "Browse," find your
PowerPoint presentation, and click "Insert." You can re-size your
artwork inside Word.
4. Please use simple filenames when saving all your documents and
avoid special characters such as [brackets], (parentheses),
punctuation marks (?, !), and symbols such as @, #, &, $, and
5. Avoid spaces in your filenames: instead of "Figure 1 Author.gif,"
save your file as "Figure1.gif."
Guidelines for Macintosh users:
1. In addition to using simple, short filenames when saving your
documents, you must type the extension at the end of the file
name you choose. The file extensions are as follows:
.doc - Microsoft Word documents.
.rtf - Rich Text Format
.jpg - Joint Photographic Group format (known on an Apple as
.gif - Graphic Interchange Format
.tif - Tagged Image File format (known on an Apple as TIFF). Please
do NOT include the second "F" in your extension.
.ppt - PowerPoint presentation
.xls - Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
.pdf - Portable Document Format
.eps - Encapsulated PostScript
.mov (or .qt) - QuickTime movie
2. In order to view manuscripts for review, you must install Adobe
Acrobat Reader, which you can download from the login screen
of Manuscript Central. There are seven Macintosh computer
formats to choose from. If you are not sure which one to use,
you may want to ask your system administrator before
3. After downloading and installing the program, users of both
Netscape and Internet Explorer will have to configure their
browsers to use Acrobat to read .pdfs.
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