NanoST 版 (精华区)
发信人: zjliu (秋天的萝卜), 信区: NanoST
标 题: 纵横量子点之一——"艾"莫能助
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Wed May 5 13:15:47 2004), 站内信件
发信人: titanz (天石), 信区: NanoST
标 题: 纵横量子点之一——"艾"莫能助
发信站: 瀚海星云 (2004年05月02日02:40:19 星期天), 站内信件
在这个领域里,A. Paul Alivisatos可以说是绝对的权威,熟悉纳米领域的人几乎都知
道此人。A. Paul Alivisatos不是美国本土人,据说是从哪儿移民过去的吧?现为berk
eley教授,Nano Letters的主编,为后来在jacs上灌了N篇文章的彭晓刚的导师(彭也是
Alivisatos有几篇非常经典的文章,其中一篇就是science 271(933)的综述,96年发
本期之星:A. Paul Alivisatos 噢~也~ 给点儿掌声 hohoho
Research Group URL:
本期推荐文章:Alivisatos, A. P. Science 1996, 271, 933.
Semiconductor Clusters, Nanocrystals, and Quantum Dots
A. P. Alivisatos
Current research into semiconductor clusters is focused on the properties of
quantum dots-fragments of semiconductor consisting of hundreds to many thou
sands of atoms-with the bulk bonding geometry and with surface states elimin
ated by enclosure in a material that has a larger band gap. Quantum dots exh
ibit strongly size-dependent optical and electrical properties. The ability
ntific discovery.
The author is in the Department of Chemistry, University of California, and
Materials Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 9472
0, USA.
║★★★★★友谊第一 比赛第二★★★★★║
※ 来源:.哈工大紫丁香 [FROM:]
发信人: zjliu (秋天的萝卜), 信区: NanoST
标 题: 纵横量子点之二——"彭壁"生辉
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Wed May 5 13:16:18 2004), 站内信件
发信人: titanz (天石), 信区: NanoST
标 题: 纵横量子点之二——"彭壁"生辉
发信站: 瀚海星云 (Mon May 3 14:22:18 2004)
现在在University of Arkansas做Associate Professor。很有意思的是,在低微这一块儿
都是JACS上最频繁出现的水手之一, 呵呵。
像是准备在nano device上大作手脚,也开始涉足bio体系,颇有让人琢磨不透的潜力。彭
能出其不意的把一篇又一篇的jacs、nano letters摆上舞台。
本期之星:Peng Xiaogang waha~, 黄皮肤帅哥也~
本期推荐文章: J. Am. Chem. Soc., 123 (1), 183 -184, 2001
Formation of High-Quality CdTe, CdSe, and CdS Nanocrystals Using CdO as Precur
Z. Adam Peng and Xiaogang Peng*
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry University of Arkansas, Fayetteville,
Arkansas 72701
Received October 10, 2000
High-quality colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals are nanometer-sized, single
crystalline fragments of the corresponding bulk crystals, which have well-cont
rolled size and size distribution and are dispersible in desired solvents/medi
a. Recently, semiconductor nanocrystals are of great interest for both fundame
ntal research and technical applications,1-8 due to their strong size dependen
t properties and excellent chemical processibility. Synthesis of high-quality
semiconductor nanocrystals has been playing a critical role in this very activ
e field.1,9-15 As the most developed system in terms of synthesis,1,9,10,15 hi
gh-quality CdSe nanocrystals with nearly monodisperse size and shape are in ac
tive industrial development for biological labeling reagents.5,6 Since Murray
et al. 15 reported the synthesis of high quality cadmium chalcogenides nanocry
stals using dimethyl cadmium (Cd(CH3)2) as the cadmium precursor, the synthesi
s of CdSe nanocrystals using this precursor has been well developed.1,9,10 In
mparison, the synthesis of CdTe and CdS15,16 are not as advan
Z. Adam Peng and Xiaogang Peng*
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry University of Arkansas, Fayetteville,
Arkansas 72701
Received October 10, 2000
High-quality colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals are nanometer-sized, single
crystalline fragments of the corresponding bulk crystals, which have well-cont
rolled size and size distribution and are dispersible in desired solvents/medi
a. Recently, semiconductor nanocrystals are of great interest for both fundame
ntal research and technical applications,1-8 due to their strong size dependen
t properties and excellent chemical processibility. Synthesis of high-quality
semiconductor nanocrystals has been playing a critical role in this very activ
e field.1,9-15 As the most developed system in terms of synthesis,1,9,10,15 hi
gh-quality CdSe nanocrystals with nearly monodisperse size and shape are in ac
tive industrial development for biological labeling reagents.5,6 Since Murray
et al. 15 reported the synthesis of high quality cadmium chalcogenides nanocry
stals using dimethyl cadmium (Cd(CH3)2) as the cadmium precursor, the synthesi
s of CdSe nanocrystals using this precursor has been well developed.1,9,10 In
mparison, the synthesis of CdTe and CdS15,16 are not as advan
yielded from this complex. This success encouraged us to develop a one-pot sy
nthesis which does not require separated preparation of cadmium complex. We fa
iled to make high-quality CdSe nanocrystals using CdCl2 by the one-pot approac
h although CdCl2 can be dissolved in the reaction mixture at elevated temperat
es. In contrast, CdO works very well for the one-pot approach
. We think this is due to the low stability of CdO relative to phosphonic acid
s, compared to that of CdCl2.
Experimentally, CdO, TOPO, and HPA/TDPA were loaded in a three-neck flask. At
about 300 C, reddish CdO powder was dissolved and generated a colorless homoge
neous solution. Introducing tellurium, selenium, and sulfur stock solutions yi
elds high quality nanocrystals.17 The samples for all of the measurements show
n in this paper are directly from synthesis without any size separation.
The growth kinetics of nanocrystals grown by the new approach possesses a patt
ern similar to that of the best CdSe nanocrystals formed by the Cd(CH3)2 appro
ach (Figure 1).10 Figure 1 and Figure 2 further reveal that the size of all th
ree kinds of nanocrystals can be close to monodisperse, represented by the sha
rp absorption peaks if the growth stops in the "focusing of size distribution"
regime.10 Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) measurements indicate that t
hese nanocrystals have very narrow distribution. The relative standard deviati
on of the size of the nanocrystals shown in Figure 3 (top) is about 10%. The h
igh crystallinity of these wurtzite nanocrystals was confirmed by X-ray powder
Figure 1 Temporal evolution of size and size distribution of CdTe, CdSe, and
CdS nanocrystals studied by UV-vis.
Figure 2 Absorption spectra of different-sized CdTe nanocrystals in the size
range from 2 to 8 nm. Inset: photoluminescence (PL) and absorption of a CdTe n
anocrystal sample.
Figure 3 TEM pictures of shape-controlled CdTe nanocrystals synthesized by th
e CdO approach.
For this CdO approach, the size of relatively monodisperse CdSe nanocrystals c
an be continuously tuned down to the sizes with the first absorption peak at 4
40 nm (see the first absorption spectrum in Figure 1). Relatively monodisperse
CdSe nanocrystals with the first exciton absorption peak below 480 nm are dif
ficult to synthesize directly with the existing Cd(CH3)2-related approach.10,1
Apart from high-quality quantum dots for all three cadmium chalcogenides, the
CdO one-pot approach can further generate high-quality quantum rods (Figure 3,
bottom) by using higher initial monomer concentrations.
The initial nucleation of this new approach can be tuned tens of seconds later
after the injection (Figure 4). We believe the slow initial nucleation is bec
ause of the relatively high stability of Cd-HPA/Cd-TDPA. In the Cd(CH3)2 appro
ach, the instant initial nucleation is due to the extremely high reactivity of
Cd(CH3)2. The slow initial nucleation rate bears three important advantages i
n practice. One, the injection temperature does not need to be 340-360 C. Inst
ead, 250-300 C is fine. Two, both nucleation and growth of nanocrystals are ba
rely related to the injection. As a result, the synthesis is very reproducible
(Figure 4). Three, this time delay of initial nucleation implies that the ini
tial injection can take as long as tens of seconds. A large quantity of stock
solution can be added into the reaction vessel, provided the non-pyrophoric an
d nonexplosive reactants used for the new scheme. In a 100 mL flask, a synthes
is with adding 15-20 mL of stock solution was tested and yielded about 700 mg
gh-quality CdTe nanocrystals. We expect that, industrial-scal
e synthesis should be very possible with this new approach. It should be menti
oned that, with the Cd(CH3)2 scheme developed by Peng et al.,10 the explosive
stock solution containing Cd(CH3)2 and Se dissolved in TBP should be initially
injected within sub-seconds at 340-360 C to take the advantage of the "focusi
ng of size distribution"10 and the "1D-growth".1,9 Therefore, an injection vol
ume close to 5-6 mL requires special caution and is very dangerous. This explo
sive nature is a combination of the gas released from Cd(CH3)2 and the rapid b
oiling of TBP.18
Figure 4 Example showing the reproducibility of the CdO approach. Two reactio
ns of CdTe nanocrystals synthesis gave identical results within the experiment
al error.
Currently, CdTe and CdSe nanocrystals are of great industrial interest for dev
eloping photoluminescence-based biomedical labeling reagents.5,6 The photolumi
nescence properties of the nanocrystals synthesized by this CdO approach are c
ompatible to the nanocrystals synthesized by existing Cd(CH3)2-related methods
. Figure 2 (inset) illustrates the absorption and emission spectra of one CdTe
sample. In general, the quantum efficiency of CdTe nanocrystals synthesized b
y the new scheme is the highest, which can be well above 20%.
The CdO approach is well suited for studying growth mechanisms of colloidal na
nocrystals, especially for nucleation. First of all, different from the Cd(CH3
)2 related approach, the cadmium precursor in the entire nucleation and growth
period is one species Cd-HPA/Cd-TDPA. Second, the initial nucleation is slow,
which makes it possible to access the nucleation process. Also, due to the sl
ow nucleation and growth rate, time-resolved, in situ study of crystallization
is possible. Currently, we are actively developing methods for such in situ s
In conclusion, a reproducible one-pot synthesis of high-quality quantum rods a
nd dots of CdTe, CdSe, and CdS was developed using CdO as cadmium precursor. T
he resulting nanocrystals can be close to monodisperse without any size separa
tion. The reaction conditions are mild and simple. In principle, a large-scale
synthesis without using a glovebox is possible. We consider this one-pot synt
hetic scheme as a major step toward a green-chemistry approach for synthesizin
g high-quality semiconductor nanocrystals. This new approach may also be used
for time-resolved, in situ study of crystallization. Furthermore, this new sch
eme implies that, with appropriate knowledge, spontaneous formation of shape-c
ontrolled high-quality colloidal nanocrystals under mild conditions is possibl
║★★★★★友谊第一 比赛第二★★★★★║
※ 来源:.哈工大紫丁香 [FROM:]
发信人: zjliu (秋天的萝卜), 信区: NanoST
标 题: 纵横量子点之三——谁主沉浮
发信站: BBS 哈工大紫丁香站 (Wed May 12 14:09:27 2004)
发信站: 瀚海星云
磁性量子点: Co等;
bimetalic QDs: Ni/Pd等;
alloyed QDs:CdZnSe等;
core/shell QDs:CdSe/ZnSe等;
doped Qds: Eu in CdSe等;
heterodimers of QDs: FePt-CdS等;
,希望能将这个名字延续下去 ^_^。
纵观各大group,立足量子江湖,除老艾和小彭以外,quantum dots田园里不乏精英,可谓
问苍茫天地,谁主沉浮? 携来百侣曾游, 忆往昔峥嵘岁月稠。
本期推荐文章,这个可多了,送过礼的优先 hoho:
1、Monodisperse FePt Nanoparticles and Ferromagnetic FePt Nanocrystal Superlat
Shouheng Sun, C. B. Murray, Dieter Weller, Liesl Folks, and Andreas Moser
Science 17 March 2000; 287: 1989-1992
Synthesis of monodisperse iron-platinum (FePt) nanoparticles by reduction o
f platinum acetylacetonate and decomposition of iron pentacarbonyl in the pres
ence of oleic acid and oleyl amine stabilizers is reported. The FePt particle
composition is readily controlled, and the size is tunable from 3- to 10-nanom
eter diameter with a standard deviation of less than 5%. These nanoparticles s
elf-assemble into three-dimensional superlattices. Thermal annealing converts
the internal particle structure from a chemically disordered face-centered cub
ic phase to the chemically ordered face-centered tetragonal phase and transfor
ms the nanoparticle superlattices into ferromagnetic nanocrystal assemblies. T
hese assemblies are chemically and mechanically robust and can support high-de
nsity magnetization reversal transitions.
2、Single-Phase and Gram-Scale Routes toward Nearly Monodisperse Au and Other
Noble Metal Nanocrystals
Nikhil R. Jana and Xiaogang Peng
J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 2003, 125, 14280-14281
3、Facile One-Pot Synthesis of Bifunctional Heterodimers of Nanoparticles: A C
onjugate of Quantum Dot and Magnetic Nanoparticles
Hongwei Gu,? Rongkun Zheng,? XiXiang Zhang,? and Bing Xu*,?
J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 2004, 126, 5664-5665
5月12号jacs上的一篇文章,可归属在heterodimers of QDs类,香港科大做的,非常漂
亮,自己动手去下载吧 :)
║★★★★★友谊第一 比赛第二★★★★★║
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香·[FROM: 202.118.229.*]
发信人: zjliu (秋天的萝卜), 信区: NanoST
标 题: 纵横量子点之四——辟邪不出,谁于争峰
发信站: BBS 哈工大紫丁香站 (Sun May 16 21:09:58 2004)
发信站: 瀚海星云
用,就是可谓的dots in bio。时至今日,量子点原创性的制备工作越来越少了,所以不再
做特别推荐; 然而在bio的领域里,却有着一些非常有趣的历史佳话,美文佳人辈出,ha
乎相同,都是bio dots的始主。不同的是,Alivisatos是化学出生,在做完这篇paper之后
阵的腥风血雨,搅得整个江湖人心惶惶。所谓乱世出英雄,在98年之后,bio dots体系颇
bio dots这本辟邪神功的进化历史在下一期再做描述。本期给大家介绍一下这里面的一个
技术性问题:如何将bio and dots对接。做量子点工作的哥们儿都知道,化学方法制备出
目前,在bio体系里面活跃的group寥寥可数,文章也多发在jacs、nat. biotech. 杂志,
聂的底细偶不是太清楚,只知道是南开毕业,现在好像已经加入美国国籍。提及Nie Shum
ing,有一个人不得不说,那就是他的学生Warren Chan,本期推荐文章的第一作者,现在
本期之星:独舞武林的辟邪掌门人——Nie Shuming ,虽然不是做QDs出生,不过以其独创
Quantum dot bioconjugates for ultrasensitive nonisotopic detection
W. C. W. Chan and S. Nie
Highly luminescent semiconductor quantum dots (zinc sulÞdeÐcapped ca
dmium selenide) have been covalently coupled to biomolecules for use in ultras
ensitive biological detection. In comparison with organic dyes such as rhodami
ne, this class of luminescent labels is 20 times as bright, 100 times as stabl
e against photobleaching, and one-third as wide in spectral linewidth. These n
anometer-sized conjugates are water-soluble and biocompatible. Quantum dots th
at were labeled with the protein transferrin underwent receptor-mediated endoc
ytosis in cultured HeLa cells, and those dots that were labeled with immunomol
ecules recognized speciÞc antibodies or antigens.
║★★★★★友谊第一 比赛第二★★★★★║
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香·[FROM: 202.118.229.*]
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