Paper 版 (精华区)
发信人: wxl (小亮), 信区: Paper
标 题: SBBD 2005
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Tue Apr 5 07:18:23 2005), 转信
SBBD 2005 - XX Brazilian Symposium on Databases
Organized by SBC, Brazilian Computer Society,
in cooperation with ACM/SIGMOD
Uberlandia / MG - Brazil
October 3-7, 2005 (submissions)
SBBD is the official database event of SBC - the Brazilian Computer Society - and aims mostly at publicizing research results.
In its twentieth edition, SBBD will happen in Uberlandia, MG.
SBBD gathers researchers, students and practitioners, from Brazil and abroad, for discussing problems related to the main topics in modern database technologies. Besides technical sessions and tutorials, the symposium also includes invited talks given by distinguished speakers from the international research community. Additionally, SBBD comprises a Thesis Workshop, a Demos Session and several workshops co-organized with the Brazilian Software Engineering Symposium.
In the past SBBD has been organized in cooperation with ACM/SIGMOD and partially sponsored by the VLDB Endownment.
Topics of Interest
SBBD 2005 invites submissions on a broad range of topics, including research issues in new database applications. Typical topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Active Databases
- Authorization and Security
- Concurrency Control and Recovery
- Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
- Data Semantics
- Data Visualization and Databases
- Data Warehousing
- Database Design
- Database Support for Digital Libraries
- Electronic Commerce and Databases
- Geographical Information Systems
- Information Integration and Interoperability
- Information Retrieval and Databases
- Knowledge Bases
- Mobile Data
- Multimedia Databases
- Object-Orientation and Databases
- Parallel and Distributed Databases
- Query Languages and User Interfaces
- Query Processing and Optimization
- Scientific and Statistical Databases
- Semi-structured Databases and XML
- Spatial Databases
- Temporal Databases
- Web Database Services
Best Paper Award
Since 1998, SBBD sponsors the Jose Mauro de Castilho (JMC) Award. This award is given to the best paper as selected by the program committee.
Submission Guidelines
Submitted papers can be written in Portuguese or English. Submission in English is strongly encouraged since the papers will be included in the ACM SIGMOD DiSC ( A preliminary version of the proceedings including all accepted papers will be available for distribution to the attendees at the symposium site.
A revised and extended version of the best symposium papers will be invited to be submitted for a special issue of the Data&Knowledge Engineering Journal published by Elsevier.
Papers submitted to SBBD must not have been simultaneously submitted to any other forum (conference or journal), nor should they have already been published elsewhere. The acceptance of a paper implies that at least one of its authors will register for the symposium to present it. Submitted papers will be reviewed based on originality, relevance, technical soundness and clarity of presentation.
Papers must be submitted electronically, by April 18th, 2005, through the submissions Web page ( Before submitting a paper, and no later than April 11th, 2005, authors must register its title, list of authors and abstract using the same Web page.
Submitted papers must not exceed 15 pages. Papers may be composed using the SBC template (found at or with font size 12pt, 1.5 line space, and single column. Papers exceeding this limit will be automatically rejected without being reviewed by the Program Committee. In addition, papers must be submitted in PDF format. Formats other than PDF will NOT be accepted. However, exceptionally and upon request, generic postscript might be accepted.
For further inquires, please contact the Program Committee Chair at the email below.
Symposium Venue
Uberlandia is located in the extreme west of Minas Gerais State, Brazil, 550 km from Belo Horizonte, 590 km from S?o Paulo and 430 km from Brasilia, being easily accessible from all Brazilian states. Its population is estimated at 500,000 inhabitants. The city is an outstanding agribusiness reference and one of the most important biotechnology centers in Brazil.
The weather in Uberlandia is tropical, characterized by a dry winter and a rainy summer. The average temperature is 22o C. The period from October to March is hot, with average and maximal temperatures of 24,7° C and 35°C respectively. June and July are the coolest months in the year, with an average temperature of 18,8°C.
Uberlandia boasts a very diversified and high quality hotel service at an affordable price much lower than those of Brazilian large cities. The city also counts on its excellent restaurants, barbecue houses, bars and cafés as well as good music and cinemas to provide a variety of entertainment.
>From the tourism and leisure point of view, Uberlandia has parks, ecological reserves and various waterfalls set in a pleasant landscape on its outskirts. Those looking to relax on a long weekend can choose among a variety of places within 180 to 270km of Uberlandia, such as, the "Termas de Araxá", a natural source of radioactive and sulphurous water ideal for a healthy and relaxing mud bath, or the hot natural springs of Caldas Novas. For the more adventurous there is the Serra da Canastra found in a beautiful setting of waterfalls, canyons and natural high rock faces ideal for rock climbing as well as waterfall scaling.
SBBD 2005 Organization
Steering Committee:
+ Alberto Laender, UFMG
+ Ana Carolina Salgado, UFPE
+ Carlos A. Heuser, UFRGS
+ Mario Nascimento - University of Alberta, Canada
+ Sergio Lifschitz, PUC-RIO
Symposium chairs:
+ Program Committee: Carlos A. Heuser, UFRGS (
+ Organizing Committee: Sandra de Amo, UFU
+ Tutorials Committee: Mario A. Nascimento, Universidade de Alberta, CA
+ Thesis Workshops Committee: Javam de Castro Machado, UFC
+ Demos session Committee: Angelo Brayner, UNIFOR e Carina F. Dorneles, UFRGS
+ Workshops Committee: José Palazzo M. de Oliveira, UFRGS
Program Committee:
Mariano Consens - Univ. Toronto, Canada
Serge Abiteboul - INRIA Futurs, France
Denilson Barbosa - Univ. Calgary, Canada
Karin Becker - PUC-RS, Rio Grande do Sul
Angelo Brayner - UNIFOR, Ceará
Maria Luiza Machado Campos - UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro
Jorge H. Doorn - Univ. Nac.Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Nina Edelweiss - UFRGS, Porto Alegre
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes - University of Manchester, UK
Jo?o Eduardo Ferreira - IME/USP, S?o Paulo
Marcelo Finger - IME/USP, S?o Paulo
Juliana Freire - OHSU & University of Utah, USA
Pedro Furtado - Univ. Coimbra, Portugal
Silvia Gordillo - LIFIA-UNLP, Argentina
Theo Haerder - Univ. Kaiserlautern, Germany
Carmem Satie Hara - UFPR, Curitiba
Cirano Iochpe - UFRGS, Porto Alegre
Alberto H F Laender - UFMG, Belo Horizonte
Sergio Lifschitz - PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro
Javam C. Machado - UFC, Fortaleza
Ioana Manolescu - INRIA Futurs, France
Marta Mattoso - COPPE/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro
Wagner Meira Jr - UFMG, Belo Horizonte
Bernhard Mitschang - Universit?t Stuttgart, Germany
Ana Maria Moura - IME, Rio de Janeiro
Edleno Silva de Moura - UFAM, Manaus
Mario Nascimento - University of Alberta, Canada
Vincent Oria - New Jersey Institute Technology, USA
Tamer Ozsu - Univ. Waterloo, Canada
Esther Pacitti - Univ. Nantes, Lina/INRIA (Atlas Group), France
Oscar Pastor - Univ. Politecnica, Valencia, Spain
Fabio A Porto - EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Ana Carolina Salgado - UFPE, Recife
Klaus-Dieter Schewe - Massey University, New Zeland
Ulrich Schiel - UFCG, Campina Grande
Altigran Soares da Silva - UFAM, Manaus
Mário J. Silva - Univ. Lisboa, Portugal
Paulo Pinheiro da Silva - INESC, Unai / Stanford, USA
Kian-Lee Tan - School of Computing, National Univ., Singapore
Ernest Teniente - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
Ricardo da Silva Torres - UNICAMP, Campinas
Caetano Traina Junior - USP, S?o Carlos
Alejandro Vaisman - Univ. Buenos Aires, Argentina
Vania Maria P. Vidal - UFC, Fortaleza
Marina T. Pires Vieira - UNIMEP/UFSCar, S?o Carlos
Important Deadlines and Dates
Paper registration: April 11th, 2005
Paper submission: April 18th, 2005
Authors notification: June 18th, 2005
Camera ready due: July 1st, 2005
SBBD 2005 starts: October 3rd, 2005
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