Paper 版 (精华区)
发信人: hitwdh (心灯), 信区: Paper
标 题: Summary of Endnote versus Biblioscape
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Fri Mar 25 15:37:07 2005), 站内
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发信人: libq (听雨), 信区: office_tools
标 题: Summary of Endnote versus Biblioscape
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Tue Jul 27 16:07:47 2004), 转信
Summary of Endnote versus Biblioscape
(full evaluation to be found in )
To help you to choose between Biblioscape and Endnote (David and Goliath
syndrome) as a replacement for Papyrus:
Endnote advantages:
several people in the University already using it
better known product so formats for import often include Endnote format
smart parsing of author name on import, but so does Biblioscape
z39.50 so if the reference supplier supports this protocol the selected
references go straight into the Endnote database without the users having to
import them (but ISI Web of Science do not have this connection). Aleph
supports Z39.50 and so this would be attractive to academics and students
alike. In fact, most library systems now support Z39.50 so this is a definite
plus in academic environment.
license also covers Reference Manager and Procite (but not possible for
Computing Service to support these too so would tell people to use Endnote if
they wanted a better quality of support from me)
works on Mac, 3.1, NT etc with same version on different op systems so can
swap info between diff op systems even though using same package (unlike
Reference Manager and ProCite)
works with either Internet Explorer or Netscape- should open URL if
preferences set properly
poor search facilities
lookup lists not intuitive and not updated automatically (now improved in
version 4)
have to pay extra for WEb Poster- which is used to browse databases via web
browser (works with either Netscape or Microsoft IE)
concurrent nw access read only
Biblioscape advantages:
nice web interface to find external databases
database can be held in Oracle, Access etc
good choice of search facilities and very powerful and intuitive
concurrent rw nw access
small supplier
not so many users so perhaps there may be support issues. However, all my
technical queries were answered very quickly, and where necessary, the
software was changed within days so they are very responsive to change. All
emails and user forum postings are answered within one day. Visit to see some user comments. Visit
the user forum at to see how fast a
posting is answered.
have to use Internet explorer to use web browser. (Biblioscape has an
integrated web browser which requires the presence of IE to be able to
directly load into Biblioscape. If user has Netscape only, he or she has to
save the browser content as text file, then import that file into
Biblioscape. So there is one extra step.)
only on NT, 95 and 98, ME, 2000 (not 3.1 or Mac)
no z39.50 link
The advantages of Endnote probably outweigh those of Biblioscape
-particularly if the latter does not run on the Mac, even though I prefer the
capabilities of Biblioscape
It is probably best to standardise within the academic community - would make
it easier to swap references etc.
Better to support something that is already being used rather than asking
users to swap into something new. The users will offer too much resistance,
even if I tell them that I prefer Biblioscape.
what I really want is for Papyrus to be upgraded!
我希望我是白天,有阳光可以爱 我希望我是夜晚,就看不到尘埃
我希望我是天空,有红色的云彩 我希望我是大海,有蓝色的悲哀
我希望我是电影,总跟得上时代 我希望我是游戏,输了可以重来
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香·[FROM:]
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