Physics 版 (精华区)
发信人: Sci (三思而后行), 信区: Physics
标 题: 物理学经典教材(zz)
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Thu Dec 13 18:34:10 2001), 转信
发信人: Zola (弗朗西斯克·佐拉), 信区: Science
标 题: 物理学经典教材(zz)
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Thu Dec 13 16:46:28 2001)
发信人: fengling (风雪伊人), 信区: CP
标 题: 物理学经典教材(供参考,欢迎补充)
发信站: 我爱南开站 (Sat Nov 24 14:04:59 2001), 转信
Mathematical Physics:
Methods of mathematical physics, by R. Courant and D.Hilbert
Tensor Analysis, by I. Solkolnikoff
The Variational Principles in Mechanics, by Lancoz,
Classical mechanics:
Classical mechanics, by Herbert Goldstein
Mechanics, by L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz
Quantum mechanics:
Quantum mechanics(non-relativistic theory), by Landau and Lifshitz
The principles of quantum mechanics,by P.A.M. Dirac
Classical electrodynamics ,by John David Jackson
Statistical physics:
Statistical Mechanics,by Kerson Huang
Statistical physics, by L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz
Quantum field theory:
Introduction to Quantum Field Theory,by M.E.Peskin and Schroeder
The Quantum Theory of Fields,by Weinberg Steven
General theory of relativity:
Gravitation and cosmology, by Steven Weinberg
Gravitation, by Charles W. Misner, Kip S.Thorne and John Archibald
String Theory:
String theory, by Joseph Polchinsk
Superstring theory, by Michael B. Green,John H. Schwarz,Edward Witten
Geometry, Topology and Physics ,by Nakahara
Supersymmetry: J.Wess and J.Bagger
Standard Model particle physics:
Gauge Theory of Elementary Particle Physics ,by Cheng and Li
The Early Univers,by Kolb and Turner
Conformal Field Theory : Di Francesco
Solid State:
The Introduction of Solid State Physics, by Charles Kittel
Dynamical theory of crystal lattices, by M. Born and K. Huang
Solid State Physics, by N. W. Ashcroft and N. D. Mermin
Principles of condensed matter physics ,P.M. Chaikin, T.C. Lubensky
Semiconductor Physics
Physics of Semiconductor Devices, by S.M.Sze
Semiconductor Physics,by K.Seeger
Fundamentals of Semiconductors:
Physics and Materials Properties, by P.Y.Yu
Many body:
Many particle Physics, by Gerald Mahan
Quantum Theory of Many Particle System,by Fetter and Walecka
Low dimension system:
Wave mechanics applied to semiconductor heterostructure,by G. Bastard.
Group Theory
Group Theory and Its Application to Quantum Mechanics of Atomic
by E.P.Wigner
Group Theory,by Van der Waarden
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