Physics 版 (精华区)
发信人: zjliu (Robusting), 信区: Physics
标 题: 与光电有关的软件列表
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Mon Oct 7 18:09:38 2002) , 转信
ABCD Laser Beam Propagation Software - A Macintosh-based program for propag
ating Gaussian laser beams through various optical elements or calculating e
igenmodes of simple resonators.
Barnard Microsystems - Develops microwave and optotelectronic device and cir
cuit design software.
Beamseeker - Gaussian laser beam trace spreadsheet software program using Mi
crosoft Excel (TM)
Bentec Multiplexed Hyperaspheric Optical Surfaces - Provides free download o
ptical software (aspheric/hyperaspheric), designs and manufactures aspheric
polymer optics. Non-spherical wavefront transformation lenses are designed t
o specification.
Breault Research Organization, Inc. - Software and consulting services for t
he development and analysis of optical systems.
Computational Optics Group (COG) - Software for computational optics and com
putational electromagnetics. Offers MaX-1, a general Maxwell solver, MMP is
a Multiple Multipole Program, GMT solves for electrodynamic fields. Includes
evolutionary optimization, genetic algorithms and evolutionary strategies
C2V - Software for simulation and design in integrated optics components. Of
fers 1D and 2D mode solvers, beam propagation software and mask and device d
esign software.
East Coast Optical Corporation - Software development tools and applications
for thin film metrology (film thickness, spectral ellipsometry). Also offer
s software and optical design services.
Femtosoft Technologies - Sells retrieval software for the measurement of fem
tosecond laser pulses using Frequency-Resolved Optical Gating (FROG).
Focus Software, Inc. - Offers optical engineering software and product descr
iptions for ZEMAX, OptiCAD, ZELUM, and LensVIEW.
FreeBPM - A free software for designing and simulating integrated optical el
ements. These are the core technology of optical communication and the Inter
FTG Software Associates - Software for optical thin film coating and spectro
photometer data acquisition
Grating Solver Development Company - GSOLVER is a tool for analysis of grati
ngs with arbitrary groove profile based on full vector diffraction. Antenna
Solver is a rigorous antenna analysis program
IME Software - Provides physics educational software: RAYTRACE, for teaching
geometrical optics, GASSIM is a molecular simulation program, ELF is an ele
ctric field and equipotential plotter.
International Intellectual Group, Inc. - PC Grate is a software for calculat
ions of diffraction efficiency of different types of relief gratings on PCs.
Lambda Research Corporation - Publishes TracePro and OSLO software for optic
al design and analysis and illumination design and analysis, and provides co
nsulting services for design, analysis, and software development.
LAS-CAD GmbH - Laser cavity design and analysis code LASCAD, including FEA a
nd DPSSL analysis.
Light Scattering Analysis - Software for analysis of scattering of particles
by plane waves and laser beams. A demo version is available.
Light Tec - Distributor of software for optical design, illumination, strayl
ight, integrated optics and color measurements.
Lighting Technologies - Provides software for photometric analysis and light
ing design of non-imaging optical systems. Products are Photopia and Lumen M
MIT Photonic-Bands - Software for computing optical band structures (dispers
ion relations) in periodic dielectric structures and photonic crystals (free
, C source).
MODAS - Modern Optical Design and Analysis Software - Paraxial and Seidel ca
lculations, spot diagrams, ray fans, 3D wave aberrations and energy distribu
tion, optical layout, optimization. (MS-Win, free crippled version available
MS Macrosystem - Offers 3-dimensional visualization software for laser beam
topography, optical interferometry, atomic force microscopy.
OpTaliX - Comprehensive optical design and thin film analysis software. Supp
orts 3d surface tilts, aspheres, gratings, gradient index, spline deformatio
n, optimization, diffraction analysis, coatings. A free version OpTaliX-LT i
s available.
Optical Data Solutions, Inc. - Offers LensVIEW, a CD-ROM database of lens de
sign examples found in the optical design literature, mainly from patents. I
ncludes more than 30000 individual designs.
Optical design software - ATMOS the Amateur Telescope Maker Optical design a
nd analisys Software is a program for designing and analizing about thirty t
elescope configurations . Atmos is easy to use and came at a very affordable
Optical Research Associates - Optical design and illumination software. Also
pages educating about optics.
Optical Systems Design, Inc. - Information and download of SYNOPSYS lens des
ign program (SYNthesis of OPtical SYStems) evaluation copy.
Optics Lab - Optical raytracing software for optical design and analysis.
Optikwerk - Design and simulation software of optics and complex laser syste
ms. Offered packages are OPTIKWERKS and LASERWERKS.
Optima-Research - Supplies equipment and software for scientists and enginee
rs. Also provides training in computer-based optical design and modelling.
OPTIS - Optical design and analysis software. CAD software for light simulat
ion. Products are SPEOS, SOLSTIS, OPTICALC and LIGHT.
Optiwave - Software for integrated and fiber optics.
OXALIS-LASER - 3D coherent beam propagation and Gaussian beam propagation so
ftware along optical systems and laser cavities, including diffraction, gain
saturation, thermal lensing and others physical effects. Products are SimCa
Photodigm Inc. - WAVEGUIDE, Optical slab waveguide modeling software.
Photon Design - Software tools for integrated optics, fibre optics, diode la
ser, TWA and diffractive optics modelling. Products include FIMMWAVE, FIMMPR
Photon Engineering - Optical engineering and optics-related software develop
ment such as FRED (optical engineering software package).
Radiant Imaging - Software and services for illumination calculations. Compr
ehensive radiant source model library. Product descriptions for ProSource, P
roMetric and ZELUM.
Sarkomand Software - Optical simulation, particle beams, and other scientifi
c software (Macintosh).
Schneider Optics - GAUSSOPT-ik, Software for analysis of first order imaging
properties of lenses.
Scientific Computing International SCI - Software for optical thin film desi
gn, characterization and metrology systems. Current products include: Film W
izard, Film Spectrum and Film Ellipse.
SCIOPT Enterprises - Software for Optical, Laser, and Integrated Optical sys
tem design. Products are PARAXIA, SIGRAPH-OPTIK, OPTEC.
SciSoft - Programs for investigations of single particle light scattering on
base of the Mie theory and light scattering in dispersive media with high c
oncentration of particles.
Sinclair Optics, Inc. - OSLO optical design software. Free evaluation level
OSLO LT available.
Sky Scientific Optical Design and Astronomy - Offers optical design software
for engineering professionals, students and educators. Products for astrono
my and astrophotography.
Stellar Software. - Beam III, IV, optical raytracer for use by students and
optical engineers. Windows and Mac versions available.
TEC++ - Optical design and analysis software VOB by METEC with optimization.
Thin Film Center, Inc. - Offers optical thin film design and analysis softwa
re and product descriptions for Essential Macleod. Training services and con
sulting for the coating industry.
WaveSim - Software for simulation and analysis of laser beam propagation suc
WinLase - Software for laser resonator design and gaussian beam propagation
(MS-Win, demo available).
X-Ray-Soft - Software for x-ray-tracing, simulation of x-ray microscopes and
spectroscopes. Reflection and focusing properties of asymmetrically cut and
bend crystals.
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