Physics 版 (精华区)
发信人: FDTD (放荡*坦荡), 信区: Physics
标 题: Re: 请教。
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年05月13日21:57:49 星期二), 站内信件
The subtitle of Physical Review A is Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics.
Papers are categorized into the following subsections:
Fundamental concepts
Quantum information
Atomic and molecular structure and dynamics
Atomic and molecular collisions and interactions
Photon, electron, atom, and molecule interactions with solids and surfaces
Clusters (including fullerenes)
Atomic and molecular processes in external fields
Matter waves
Quantum optics, physics of lasers, nonlinear optics
Papers must contain new results in physics. Confirmation of previously
published results of unusual importance can be considered as new, as can
significant null results. Papers advancing new theoretical views on
fundamental principles or theories must contain convincing arguments that the
new predictions and interpretations are distinguishable from existing
knowledge, at least in principle, and do not contradict established
experimental results. Mathematical and computational papers that do not have
application to physics are generally not suitable for Physical Review B. In
general, authors should keep review material to a minimum. Some review and
reprise of past work is acceptable if the paper can be made more
understandable and self-contained thereby.
Material previously published in an abbreviated form (in a Letters journal,
as a Rapid Communication, or in a conference proceedings) may provide a
useful basis for a more detailed article in the Physical Review. Such an
article should present considerably more information and lead to a
substantially improved understanding of the subject. Reproduction of figures,
tables, and text material that have been published previously should be kept
to a minimum and must be properly referenced. In order to reproduce figures,
tables, etc., from another journal, authors must show that they have complied
with the copyright requirements of the publisher of the other journal.
Publication of material in a thesis does not preclude publication of
appropriate parts of that material in the Physical Review.
Papers advancing new theoretical views on fundamental principles or theories
must contain convincing arguments that the new predictions and
interpretations are distinguishable from existing knowledge, at least in
principle, and do not contradict established experimental results.
Mathematical and computational papers that do not have application to physics
are generally not suitable for Physical Review C.
Papers that describe proposed experiments fall into a special category. For
such papers to be acceptable, the experiments must be demonstrated to be
novel and feasible. It is the authors' responsibility to show that their
proposal is likely to stimulate research that might not otherwise be
undertaken. Generally not suitable for Physical Review are papers proposing a
new experiment using straightforward calculations based on well-known
theories or models, and papers describing simulations of apparatus or
optimization and feasibility studies.
Physical Review D1 is subtitled "Particles and Fields." Physical Review D15
is subtitled "Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology."
D1 generally covers experimental particle physics and phenomenologically
oriented theory of particles and fields. D15 covers more formally oriented
theory of particles and fields, gravitation, cosmology, and allied areas.
(More detailed information follows.) Authors are welcome to indicate an issue
preference for papers on borderline subject matter.
Physical Review D1 includes papers on subjects such as the following:
experimental particle physics (and experiments in other areas of physics
whose results are relevant to particles and fields); cosmic-ray physics;
phenomenology of collisions; decays, masses, and other properties of
particles; electroweak interactions; applications of quantum chromodynamics;
development and application of more phenomenological approaches to strong
interactions; development and application of specific realistic or
semirealistic models beyond the standard model; other theoretical
developments of phenomenological interest; lattice gauge theory.
Physical Review D15 includes papers on subjects such as the following:
general relativity; supergravity; quantum theory of gravitation; cosmology;
astrophysics relating to cosmology and particle physics; formal aspects of
theory of particles and fields; general and formal developments in gauge
field theories, including quantum chromodynamics, grand unified theories:
string theory; quantum electrodynamics.
If a manuscript submitted to Physical Review D is on a topic not within its
purview, but may be suitable for another Physical Review journal, the Editors
will transfer the paper to the appropriate journal and inform the author(s)
of that transfer.
The subtitle of Physical Review E is Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter
Physics. PRE has two parts and sixteen subsections:
Part 1: Soft Matter and Biological Physics
Statistical physics of soft matter
Equilibrium and linear transport properties of fluids
Granular materials
Colloidal dispersions, suspensions, and agregates
Structured and complex fluids
Films, interfaces, and crystal growth
Liquid crystals
Biological Physics
Part 2: Chaos, Hydrodynamics, Plasmas, and Related Topics
General methods of statistical physics
Chaos and pattern formation
Nonlinear hydrodynamics and turbulence
Plasma physics
Physics of beams
Classical physics, including nonlinear media and photonic materials
Computational physics
If a manuscript submitted to Physical Review E is on a topic not within its
purview, but may be suitable for another Physical Review journal, the Editors
will transfer the paper to the appropriate journal and inform the author(s)
of that transfer.
【 在 hechongjun
( 赫崇君) 的大作中提到: 】: 在下愚钝,虽为学物理之人,但常识知之甚少。
: 请问 physical review A B C D E 分别收录哪类文章?
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香·[FROM:]
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