Physics 版 (精华区)
发信人: PeterWang (PW), 信区: Physics
标 题: Richard P.Feynman - The Meaning of It All(2)
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2002年07月01日07:53:48 星期一), 站内信件
The Uncertainty of Science
I WANT TO ADDRESS myself directly to the impact of science on man's
ideas in other fields, a subject Mr. John Danz particularly wanted to be
discussed. In the first of these lectures I will talk about the
nature of science and emphasize particularly the existence of doubt
and uncertainty. In the second lecture I will discuss the impact of
scientific views on political questions, in particular the question of
national enemies, and on religious questions. And in the third lecture I
will describe how society looks to me-I could say how society looks
to a scientific man, but it is only how it looks to me-and what future
scientific discoveries may produce in terms of social problems.
What do I know of religion and politics? Several friends in the
physics departments here and in other places laughed and said, "I'd like
to come and hear what you have to say. I never knew you were interested
very much in those things." They mean, of course, I am interested,
but I would not dare to talk about them.
In talking about the impact of ideas in one field on ideas in another
field, one is always apt to make a fool of oneself. In these days of
specialization there are too few people who have such a deep
understanding of two departments of our knowledge that they do not
make fools of themselves in one or the other.
The ideas I wish to describe are old ideas. There is practically nothing
that I am going to say tonight that could not easily have been said
by philosophers of the seventeenth century. Why repeat all this? Because
there are new generations born every day. Because there are great ideas
developed in the history of man, and these ideas do not last unless
they are passed purposely and clearly from generation to generation.
Many old ideas have become such common knowledge that it is not
necessary to talk about or explain them again. But the ideas
associated with the problems of the development of science, as far as
I can see by looking around me, are not of the kind that everyone
appreciates. It is true that a large number of people do appreciate
them. And in a university particularly most people appreciate them,
and you may be the wrong audience for me.
Now in this difficult business of talking about the impact of the
ideas of one field on those of another, I shall start at the end that
I know. I do know about science. I know its ideas and its methods, its
attitudes toward knowledge, the sources of its progress, its mental
discipline. And therefore, in this first lecture, I shall talk about the
science that I know, and I shall leave the more ridiculous of my
statements for the next two lectures, at which, I assume, the general
law is that the audiences will be smaller.
What is science? The word is usually used to mean one of three things,
or a mixture of them. I do not think we need to be precise-it is not
always a good idea to be too precise. Science means, sometimes, a
special method of finding things out. Sometimes it means the body of
knowledge arising from the things found out. It may also mean the new
things you can do when you have found something out, or the actual doing
of new things. This last field is usually called technology-but if
you look at the science section in Time magazine you will find it covers
about 50 percent what new things are found out and about 50 percent
what new things can be and are being done. And so the popular definition
of science is partly technology, too.
I want to discuss these three aspects of science in reverse order. I
will begin with the new things that you can do-that is, with technology.
The most obvious characteristic of science is its application, the fact
that as a consequence of science one has a power to do things. And
the effect this power has had need hardly be mentioned. The whole
industrial revolution would almost have been impossible without the
development of science. The possibilities today of producing
quantities of food adequate for such a large population, of
controlling sickness-the very fact that there can be free men without
the necessity of slavery for full production-are very likely the
result of the development of scientific means of production.
Now this power to do things carries with it no instructions on how to
use it, whether to use it for good or for evil. The product of this
power is either good or evil, depending on how it is used. We like
improved production, but we have problems with automation. We are
happy with the development of medicine, and then we worry about the
number of births and the fact that no one dies from the diseases we have
eliminated. Or else, with the same knowledge of bacteria, we have
hidden laboratories in which men are working as hard as they can to
develop bacteria for which no one else will be able to find a cure. We
are happy with the development of air transportation and are impressed
by the great airplanes, but we are aware also of the severe horrors of
air war. We are pleased by the ability to communicate between nations,
and then we worry about the fact that we can be snooped upon so easily.
We are excited by the fact that space can now be entered; well, we will
undoubtedly have a difficulty there, too. The most famous of all
these imbalances is the development of nuclear energy and its obvious
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香·[FROM:]
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