Physics 版 (精华区)
发信人: zjliu (秋天的萝卜), 信区: Physics
标 题: Physics News Update this week (ZT)
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Sun Aug 31 11:41:09 2003)
The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News
Number 650 August 20, 2003 by Phillip F. Schewe, Ben Stein, and
James Riordon
GIANT HELIUM MOLECULES, containing only two atoms but assuming a
size as large as a small virus, have been created by researchers at
the 蒫ole Normale Sup閞ieure in Paris. At sizes ranging from 10 to
100 nanometers, these helium molecules are the largest diatomic
(two-atom) molecules ever created by a factor of 5 (and comparable
to the size of viruses, which vary in length from 5-300 nm). What's
more, helium is an inert gas that does not normally form molecules.
To observe the new giant molecular states, one needs to start from
an ultracold gas of atoms. At the 蒫ole Normale Sup閞ieure,
researchers trap a cloud of helium atoms with magnetic fields. Each
helium atom is in a long-lived "metastable" state and carries nearly
20 eV of internal energy, which is more than 10 billion times its
average energy of motion. In the confines of a magnetic trap, the
标 题: Physics News Update this week (ZT)
发信站: 南京大学小百合站 (Fri Aug 22 11:44:34 2003)
The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News
Number 650 August 20, 2003 by Phillip F. Schewe, Ben Stein, and
James Riordon
GIANT HELIUM MOLECULES, containing only two atoms but assuming a
size as large as a small virus, have been created by researchers at
the 蒫ole Normale Sup閞ieure in Paris. At sizes ranging from 10 to
100 nanometers, these helium molecules are the largest diatomic
(two-atom) molecules ever created by a factor of 5 (and comparable
to the size of viruses, which vary in length from 5-300 nm). What's
more, helium is an inert gas that does not normally form molecules.
To observe the new giant molecular states, one needs to start from
an ultracold gas of atoms. At the 蒫ole Normale Sup閞ieure,
researchers trap a cloud of helium atoms with magnetic fields. Each
helium atom is in a long-lived "metastable" state and carries nearly
20 eV of internal energy, which is more than 10 billion times its
average energy of motion. In the confines of a magnetic trap, the
In precisely measuring the forces that bind the molecule, the
researchers can obtain detailed information about the helium atom.
In addition, the metastable helium molecule can sensitively test the
accuracy of calculations in quantum chemistry, the application of
quantum mechanics to chemical systems such as molecules. (L閛nard
et al., Physical Review Letters,15 August 2003; contact Allard Mosk, or J閞閙ie L閛nard,
phenomenon that has fascinating analogies to superconductivity.
Newly obtained insights into biomolecular "like-charge attraction"
may eventually help lead to improved treatments for cystic fibrosis,
more efficient gene therapy and better water purification. The
like-charge phenomenon occurs in "polyelectrolytes," molecules such
as DNA and many proteins that possess an electric charge in a water
solution. Under the right conditions, polyelectrolytes of the same
type, such as groups of DNA molecules, can attract each other even
though each molecule has the same sign of electric charge. Since the
late 1960s, researchers have known that like-charge attraction
occurs through the actions of "counterions," small ions also present
in the water solution but having the opposite sign of charge as the
biomolecule of interest. But they have not been able to pin down
In precisely measuring the forces that bind the molecule, the
researchers can obtain detailed information about the helium atom.
In addition, the metastable helium molecule can sensitively test the
accuracy of calculations in quantum chemistry, the application of
quantum mechanics to chemical systems such as molecules. (L閛nard
et al., Physical Review Letters,15 August 2003; contact Allard Mosk, or J閞閙ie L閛nard,
phenomenon that has fascinating analogies to superconductivity.
Newly obtained insights into biomolecular "like-charge attraction"
may eventually help lead to improved treatments for cystic fibrosis,
more efficient gene therapy and better water purification. The
like-charge phenomenon occurs in "polyelectrolytes," molecules such
as DNA and many proteins that possess an electric charge in a water
solution. Under the right conditions, polyelectrolytes of the same
type, such as groups of DNA molecules, can attract each other even
though each molecule has the same sign of electric charge. Since the
late 1960s, researchers have known that like-charge attraction
occurs through the actions of "counterions," small ions also present
in the water solution but having the opposite sign of charge as the
biomolecule of interest. But they have not been able to pin down
as the "ends" and one or more carbon atoms along the handle) to
simulate the transition between divalent and monovalent ion
behavior, they found that the most effective diamine counterions for
causing rodlike M13 viruses to attract were the smallest ones.
These small diamine molecules had a size roughly equal to the "Gouy-
Chapman" length, the distance over which its electric charge exerts
a significant influence. Nestled on the M13 virus surface, one end
of the short diamine molecule neutralizes the virus's negative
charge, while the other end supplies a positive charge that can then
draw another M13 virus towards it (Butler et al., Physical Review
Letters, 11 July 2003; also see Phys. Rev. Focus, 21 July 2003, ).
In a third experiment, researchers noticed that the like-charge
attractions could cause actin molecules to organize themselves into
a novel phase of liquid crystal (a structure with both liquid-like
and solid-like properties). Adding small amounts of magnesium ions
to a solution of actin rods caused the rods to arrange themselves
into a stack of 2-dimensional rafts ((see figure at ). This discovery may
revise notions of how cells control the actin cytoskeleton..
Previously, researchers assumed that only proteins could do all the
work in assembling this structure, which helps the cell to move,
as the "ends" and one or more carbon atoms along the handle) to
simulate the transition between divalent and monovalent ion
behavior, they found that the most effective diamine counterions for
causing rodlike M13 viruses to attract were the smallest ones.
These small diamine molecules had a size roughly equal to the "Gouy-
Chapman" length, the distance over which its electric charge exerts
a significant influence. Nestled on the M13 virus surface, one end
of the short diamine molecule neutralizes the virus's negative
charge, while the other end supplies a positive charge that can then
draw another M13 virus towards it (Butler et al., Physical Review
Letters, 11 July 2003; also see Phys. Rev. Focus, 21 July 2003, ).
In a third experiment, researchers noticed that the like-charge
attractions could cause actin molecules to organize themselves into
a novel phase of liquid crystal (a structure with both liquid-like
and solid-like properties). Adding small amounts of magnesium ions
to a solution of actin rods caused the rods to arrange themselves
into a stack of 2-dimensional rafts ((see figure at ). This discovery may
revise notions of how cells control the actin cytoskeleton..
Previously, researchers assumed that only proteins could do all the
work in assembling this structure, which helps the cell to move,
shape itself and divide. However, this newly discovered phase opens
the possibility that physical interactions--electrostatics, electric
charge, and entropy--could work synergistically with proteins to
regulate the cytoskeleton in a wide range of cellular functions
(Wong et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 4 July 2003).
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※ 来源:.哈工大紫丁香 [FROM:]
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