Physics 版 (精华区)
发信人: FDTD (放荡*坦荡), 信区: Physics
标 题: [转寄] Darmstadt gets credit for new elements(转载)
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年10月11日19:08:33 星期六), 站内信件
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发信人: nanoH (风飘飘而吹衣), 信区: Physics
标 题: Darmstadt gets credit for new elements
发信站: 南京大学小百合站 (Sat Oct 11 18:29:06 2003)
Darmstadt gets credit for new elements
9 October 2003
The discovery of element 111 has been officially credited to the GSI laborator
y in Darmstadt, Germany, by a joint working party set up by the International
Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) and the sister union for physics (
IUPAP). IUPAC has also officially approved a proposal from GSI that element 11
0 - which was also discovered at the German lab - should be known as darmstadt
ium (Ds).
Sigurd Hofmann and co-workers first created element 111 in December 1994 by co
lliding a beam of nickel-64 nuclei with a target made of bismuth-209. The GSI
team observed three chains of events that signalled the production and decay o
f nuclei that contained 111 protons and 161 neutrons.
However IUPAC - the organization that is responsible for assessing such claims
- was reluctant to accept this result as conclusive proof for the discovery o
f a new element because two of the decay chains involved isotopes that were un
known at the time: meitnerium-268, which contains 109 protons, and bohrium-264
(107 protons). The next members of the chain - dubnium-206 (105 protons) and
lawrencium-256 (103 protons) - were known but the group was unable to unambigu
ously measure their decay.
In 2000, the GSI team repeated their experiment with an improved set-up and ob
served another three decay chains. Moreover, this time Hofmann and co-workers
succeeded in detecting isotopes all the way down to lawrencium-256 and the IUP
AC-IUPAP working party accepted the new result (P Karol et al. 2003 Pure Appl.
Chem. 75 1601).
"IUPAC will now ask us to suggest a name for element 111 and we are in the pro
cess of discussing this at GSI," Hofmann told PhysicsWeb.
However, the working party reported that further results will be needed before
credit can be assigned for the discovery of elements 112, 114 and 116. Eviden
ce for these new elements has been seen at GSI and in experiments by Yuri Ogan
essian's group at the Dubna Laboratory of Heavy Ion Nuclear Reactions in Russi
a. Claims by a US team to have created element 118 in 1999 were subsequently r
etracted after it emerged that the results had been fabricated by one member o
f the team.
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