Physics 版 (精华区)
发信人: FDTD (放荡*坦荡), 信区: Physics
标 题: [转寄] New conductor stands the heat(转载)
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年10月29日07:27:27 星期三), 站内信件
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发信人: nanoH (奋青帮※水影※lit14), 信区: Physics
标 题: New conductor stands the heat
发信站: 南京大学小百合站 (Wed Oct 22 14:22:26 2003)
New conductor stands the heat
15 October 2003
Researchers in the US have discovered a metallic alloy that does not expand or
contract when heated and also conducts electricity at the same time. The mate
rial could have applications in components that encounter large temperature fl
uctuations, such as motors and actuators, and also in space (J Salvador et al.
2003 Nature 425 702).
Most materials exhibit positive thermal expansion and expand when heated, alth
ough a small number display negative thermal expansion and contract instead. I
f combined, these two types of material can form a composite that does not exp
and at all as the temperature is changed. Such 'zero-expansion' composites are
useful because they can withstand rapid variations in temperature.
Now Mercouri Kanatzidis and colleagues at Michigan State University have disco
vered that a non-composite material made of ytterbium, gallium and germanium c
an also exhibit zero-expansion behaviour. Moreover, the new compound conducts
electricity, whereas previous zero-expansion materials were insulators. Furthe
rmore, the effect is observed over a wide temperature range - between 100 and
400 Kelvin.
Kanatzidis and co-workers speculate that as the sample cools, delocalized elec
trons in the valence band associated with the gallium atoms become localized o
n ytterbium atoms, which expand as they accept the electrons. The gallium atom
s, on the other hand, contract. Since the gallium atoms only contract by a sma
ll amount, this leads to a positive thermal expansion coefficient in one direc
tion. However, the material can be prepared and processed so that there is an
almost equal and opposite contraction in the other two directions. This result
s in a negligible overall volume change in the unit cell.
"We hope that these results will allow us to look for zero-expansion materials
among semiconductors and intermetallic compounds, which had not been thought
of before now," Kanatzidis told PhysicsWeb. "Perhaps new systems that take adv
antage of such valence transitions could be considered. This is a fresh approa
ch to such materials."
Belle Dumé is Science Writer at PhysicsWeb
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