Science 版 (精华区)
发信人: asdf (变量), 信区: Science
标 题: 克林顿谈21世纪科学
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Tue Dec 16 14:25:39 1997), 转信
发信人: chaoser (我就是那个木木), 信区: Science
标 题: 克林顿谈21世纪科学研究
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Mon Sep 15 23:14:59 1997)
本文传载于Science, June 2, 1997, 原文节选自美国总统Clinton 1997年5月18
日在Morgan State University的演讲。
Imagine a new century, full of promise, molded by science, shaped by
technology, powered by knowledge. We are now embarking on our most daring
explorations, unraveling the mysteries of our inner world and charting new
routes to the conquest of disease. We have not and we must not shrink from
exploring the frontiers of the science. But as we consider how to use the
fruits of discovery, we must also never retreat from our commitment to human
values, the good of society, our basic sense of right and wrong.
Science often moves faster than our ability to understand its
implications, leaving a maze of moral and ethical questions in its wake. The
Internet can be a new town square or a new Tower of Babel. The same computer
that put the Library of Congress at our fingertips can also be used by
purveyors of hate to spread blueprints for bombs. The same knowledge that
is developing new life-saving drugs can be used to create poisons of mass
Science has no soul of its own. It is up to us to determine whether it
will be used as force for good or evil. We must decide together how to apply
ethical and moral principles to the dazzling new discoveries of science. Here
are four guideposts.
First, science and its benefits must be directed toward making life
better for all Americans----never just a privileged few. Its opportunities
and benefits should be available to all. Science must not create a new line
of separation between the haves and the have-nots, those with and those
without the tools and understanding to learn and to use technology.
In the 21st century, a child in a school that does not have a link
to the Internet or the student who does not have access to a computer will
be like the 19th-century child without school books. That is why we are
ensuring that every child in every school, no matter how rich or poor, will
have access to the same technology by connecting every classroom and library
to the Internet by the year 2000.
Science must always respect the dignity of every American. We must
never allow our citizens to be unwitting guinea pigs in scientific
experiments that put them at risk without their consent and full knowledge.
Second, none of our discoveries should be label or discriminate against
any group or individual. With stunning speed, scientists are now moving to
unlock the secrets of our genetic code. Genetic testing has potential to
identify hidden inherited tendencies toward disease and to spur early
treatment. But that information could also be used, for example, by insurance
companies and others to discriminate against and stigmatize people.
Third, technology should be used to break down the wall of privacy and
autonomy free citizens are guaranteed in a free society. The right to privacy
is one of our most cherished freedoms. As society has grown more complex and
people have become more interconnected in every way, we have had to work even
harder to respect the privacy, the dignity, and autonomy of each individual.
As the Internet reaches to touch every business and every household and we
face the frightening prospect that private information---even medical records
---could be made instantly available to world, we must develop new protections
for privacy in the face of new technological reality.
Fourth, we must always remember that science is not God. Our deepest
truths remain outside the realm of science. We must temper our euphoria over
the recent breakthrough in animal cloning with sobering attention to our most
cherished concepts of humanity and faith. My own view is that each human life
is unique, born of a miracle that reaches beyond laboratory science. I believe
we should respect this profound gift. I believe we should resist the temptation
to replicate ourselves. But this is a decision should make alone. No president
is qualified to understand all of the implications.
If we hold fast to these principles, we can make this time of change a
moment of dazzling opportunity for all Americans. Science can serve the values
and interests of all Americans, but only if all Americans are given a chance
to participate in science.
※ 来源:.紫 丁 香[FROM:]
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