Black_Soil 版 (精华区)
发信人: JJason (勿扰,务正业中.........................), 信区: Black_Soil
标 题: 境外媒体对哈尔滨事件的报道:共同社(英文)
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Tue Nov 22 17:36:00 2005), 转信
N.E. China city cuts off water to residents for 4 days
(Kyodo) _ Harbin, a city of 9.6 million people in northeastern C
hina, has halted water supply for four days to do an emergency o
verhaul of a water system that may be contaminated, local media
and a city representative said Tuesday.
Tap water in Harbin, capital of Heilongjiang Province, may be co
ntaminated with chemicals that can sicken people who drink it, s
aid a staffer surnamed Zhu in the city promotions department.
Media reports said parts of the city lost water Monday, though t
he official supply cut was set for late Tuesday.
State media said the Songhua River, which runs through downtown
Harbin and provides water, may have been contaminated with carbo
n dioxide by a Nov. 13 chemical plant blast upriver in neighbori
ng Jilin Province, though Jilin officials have reported no conta
According to the city's three-point city announcement as publish
ed in local media, households and companies as well as water sup
pliers should have arranged emergency water supplies.
"It won't affect the daily lives of the common people," Zhu said
, though people in more remote parts of the 53,000-square-kilome
ter city may have trouble stocking up.
On Monday, the city government held an emergency meeting to orde
r activation of all the city's wells to ensure sufficient ground
water. Bathhouses and car washes must stop using water immediate
ly, the city's announcement said.
The English-language China Daily said bottled water and other be
verages had sold out from supermarkets amid buyer panic. It carr
ied a photo of empty drinking water shelves in one store.
Hao Yuxi, a retired worker, said she had stocked up on tap water
after seeing TV news Monday of the shutdown. Her family filled
enough pails with water to drink, cook and wash hair.
"We won't have any problems living for the four days," Hao said.
But she said her neighborhood bathhouse, which serves families
such as hers without private showers, may be closed or rationed.
The city's announcement instructed police and commerce officials
to "strengthen market supervision and safety management" to kee
p social order.
China Daily said Harbin's water supply has never been suspended
for as long as four days.
Harbin is known for its frozen winters and annual ice sculpture
festivals, a draw for tourists throughout China.
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香·[FROM:]
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