Black_Soil 版 (精华区)
发信人: yhhitbbs (3ks_gov), 信区: Black_Soil
标 题: usanews 对哈尔滨停水事件的报道 cnn上也有,这下有名啦!!
发信站: BBS 哈工大紫丁香站 (Sat Nov 26 16:25:59 2005)
HARBIN, China (Reuters) -- A stretch of potentially lethally polluted river wa
ter headed toward one of China's biggest cities on Thursday after an explosion
at a petrochemical plant.
China said on Wednesday the blast had caused "major pollution" in the Songhua
River from which Harbin, capital of the northeastern province of Heilongjiang
and home to nine million people, draws its drinking water.
Harbin city officials temporarily restored water supplies to allow residents t
o stock up in a city where winter temperatures regularly drop below minus 20 C
elsius. People crowded the airport and railway stations to leave the area, a w
itness said.
A provincial government spokesman said the 80-kilometer (50-mile) stretch of p
olluted river water passed Harbin's water supply inlet early on Thursday and w
as to flow past the city itself on Saturday.
The explosion happened at a chemicals plant in neighbouring Jilin province onl
y a few hundred meters (yards) from the Songhua River. Five people were killed
"Jilin had quickly blocked entry of the pollutants into the river and discharg
ed massive volume of water from a reservoir to dilute pollutants, while Harbin
has added some active carbon powders, and is expected to get 1,400 tons more,
to purify the water," Xinhua said.
The provincial government has told Harbin residents to stay away from the rive
r to avoid possible exposure to airborne contaminants coming off the water, Xi
nhua said.
The State Environmental Protection Administration said banks of the river cont
ained 100 times more than normal levels of chemicals with benzine, an industri
al solvent and component of petrol.
People who drink water with a little benzine can suffer mouth ulcers, the Chin
a Daily quoted Zhang Lanying, director of the Environment and Resources Instit
ute of Jilin University, as saying.
"Massive amounts can lead to the disorder of blood cells; in other words, leuk
aemia," she said.
'Grim environmental situation'
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao chaired a government meeting on Wednesday on pollut
ion. "Our country's environmental situation remains grim," the State Council w
as quoted as saying by Xinhua.
"As the economy has expanded, waste of resources and energy has continued grow
ing, and the pressures on environmental protection are increasingly heavy."
The pollutants had already passed through the smaller city of Songyuan, betwee
n Jilin and Harbin, water supplies had been partially cut for seven days.
The Jilin plant, Jilin PetroChemical Co., had insisted it was not responsible
for the pollution, arguing all the benzine burnt up in the explosion and gener
ated harmless carbon dioxide and water, state media reported.
But the deputy general manager of China National Petroleum Corp., Jilin PetroC
hemical's parent company, apologised to Harbin residents and offered 60 trucks
to help ship water into the city and a drilling team to dig wells.
Feelings among Harbin residents seemed to be shifting from panic to anxious re
signation and anger. Most shops and restaurants were open on Thursday, althoug
h business was generally slow.
Provincial governor Zhang Zuoji promised to be the first person to drink tap w
ater when supplies were restored.
"After four days, I'll have the first drop," he said.
Russia's environmental protection agency said on Wednesday it was worried the
pollution could affect drinking water supplies in its Khabarovsk region, which
the Songhua enters several hundred kilometres downstream from Harbin.
Russian Natural Resources Minister Yuri Trutnev said all steps would be taken
to ensure there was no health risk, the RIA Novosti news agency reported.
"But so as to make sure these measures are effective, we need more information
from the Chinese," he said. (Additional reporting by Guo Shipeng, Vivi Lin an
d Joel
Copyright 2005 Reuters. All rights reserved.This material may not be published
, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
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