Graduation 版 (精华区)
发信人: tyh (神仙——后起之秀), 信区: Graduation
标 题: 名企介绍:Siemens
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2001年10月23日10:54:38 星期二), 站内信件
At Siemens,you Can Do That! ——SIEMENS
A company is only as good as its people, and Siemens has prospered for more
than 150 years for just this reason. The ingenuity, determination and work e
thic have been the core strength and a major component of our success for mo
re than a century and a half.
When a new college graduate joins our company, he or she quickly learns why
Siemens has maintained its position as one of the world's leading technology
concerns. We've become a global force by staying ahead of trends, adapting
to new markets and develoing rpoducts to meet customer's needs.
We consider the lifeling learning process a crucial element of our corporate
culture. Continuing education, applied training, questioning and rediscover
y are key to helping our company and employees adapt successfully in our rap
idly-changing world.
The constant improvement of skills represents increased value in service and
products to customers. As a member of this learning organization, you will
have the opportunity not only to achieve change,but to influence it .
Siemens On Campus
Siemens is always on the lookout for the brightest and best college students
. Through very exciting Siemens International Student Circle Program, talent
ed Engineering students can earn credits, valuable experience and cash for t
heir work.
The SISC is an exciting opportunity to learn more about the Company, to buil
d yourself and to step into a industrial career. In addition to SISC opportu
nities within China, Siemens will often sponsor opportunities such as schola
rships and internships for college students to study abroad in Germany.
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香·[FROM:]
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