Graduation 版 (精华区)
发信人: bage (圆愿怨缘远冤), 信区: Aero
标 题: he Defense
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2002年11月29日20:10:56 星期五), 站内信件
a brief guide
Jacques Vaisey
printing date: January 10, 2001
version: 3.4
This guide is for those students (graduate and undergraduate) doing their th
eses under my supervision.
If I am not your senior supervisor, then you are not required to follow thes
e guidelines;
however, I would still recommend them. My purpose in writing this document i
s to answer “o-
line” the questions that frequently come up when one is in the throes of th
esis preparation. Many
of the points in here are similar to those in the ENSC Communication Handboo
k written by Susan
Stevenson and Steve Whitmore; however, some of the more perverse items may b
e unique to me.
The ENSC Communication Handbook also contains a good amount of information t
hat will likely
improve your writing style. Good references for style related questions are:
Strunk and White’s
Elements of Style, Fowler’s Modern English Usage, and The Chicago Manual of
1 Generalities
A thesis is a major body of work, no matter whether it be at B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc
. or Ph.D. level. If
you have doubts about how a thesis is done or how much work is expected, I r
ecommend that you
look through some previously written theses – these are available from vari
ous sources around the
department and more recent ones can be found on the Dept. website. It would
be a good idea to
ask around in order to find a good one.
The process of doing a thesis typically starts with an idea. At this point,
an initial investigation
should be done to see if the idea is really worthwhile. Only once this inves
tigation has been carried
out should the formal proposal be written. It is a good idea to start writin
g your thesis as soon
as finishing the proposal. Waiting until all of your research/development is
complete makes things
take much longer. Also, it is amazing how explaining what you are doing in w
riting can clarify
your ideas and identify wrong turns.
The following is a summary of what is expected for each kind of thesis. In a
ll cases, the scope of
the project should be well defined and the work should be of a high standard
. You are expected to
understand the material in your chosen area of work and you need to be able
to justify the major
technical decisions that you make.
Normally, a Ph.D. thesis is required to contain original and independent res
earch. As a result, the
direct choice of thesis topic rests almost entirely with the student. Of cou
rse, it is necessary that
their supervisor support the topic.
The M.A.Sc. thesis does not have to be “original”, but it should at least
use known techniques in
novel ways or combinations. The M.A.Sc. student should make a strong eort t
o define their own
topic; however, at some stage the professor should assign a topic if the stu
dent has di
--culty. An
M.A.Sc. thesis is typically less than 100 pages in length.
The B.A.Sc. thesis is expected to show that you are able to work independent
ly on a problem of
reasonably large scope and come up with a good solution. The work need not b
e original and,
in fact, may be an implementation or an analysis of something that has been
done elsewhere. A
B.A.Sc. thesis is typically between 50–60 pages long and the technical work
usually takes 2-3
months once the topic is defined and researched.
When your thesis is part of one of your workterms, it is important that you
negotiate with your
employer so that you are assigned a task “suitable” for turning into a the
sis. This task should be
a solid and cohesive body of work that requires a good amount of independent
eort. In addition,
the work must be at a senior year technical level. A series of
unrelated tas
ks does not make a thesis
no matter how useful they may be to the employer. The negotiation
of what is
a suitable project
may be an iterative procedure between you, your boss and your SFU
thesis sup
ervisor. In some
cases, it may be useful to draft up a pre-proposal to present your
idea in a
more comprehensive
way and to ensure that your boss and your supervisor have the same
ding as to what
you are planning to do. In this way, you can be fairly confident
that you ha
ve a topic before you
spend time writing a formal proposal.
2 The Proposal
It is necessary that you write a thesis proposal (indeed, Ph.D.
students mus
t defend their proposal
in an oral presentation). The purpose of this exercise is not just
to make y
ou do more work! A
proposal is, in fact, a mini-contract. Once I (and perhaps the
other committ
ee members) sign it o,
it means that we have agreed that the proposed work is su
********************************* cient to form an a
cceptable thesis. This
contract is not written in stone and you may change the thrust of your work
midstream; however,
this should only be done in consultation with your senior supervisor. Your t
hesis proposal also
provides your committee with a chance to warn you o should you be attemptin
g to solve all the
problems of the world in a few (OK, tens of) pages. Note that it is dangerou
s to progress too far
with your work before getting it okayed through the formal mechanism of the
proposal. An oral
indication from your supervisor is generally not a reliable indicator of app
roval, since professors
have been known to forget and oral communication is never as precise as we w
ould like.
A proposal is, in general, a short document – say 10 pages for a B.A.Sc. pr
oposal to 20 pages
for a Ph.D. proposal. Your intended audience is your supervisory committee,
not your peers as
in the thesis. This document should be written with as much precision as pos
sible and should
contain enough background material to show that you know what is involved. T
ypical sections for
a B.A.Sc. proposal are as follows:
— identify the problem/design-project and put it into context
— identify your role if it is a team project
— provide the technical details needed to understand the problem and its co
— what does the project have to accomplish and how well does it have to wor
— what is the environment in which the project has to work
— what are the constraints on the solution
Plan of Attack
— how are you planning to do the design or solve the problem
— identify major risk areas and possible contingency plans
— discuss how you are going to evaluate the success of your project
Time Lines
— break your project up into tasks and to estimate the completion time for
M.A.Sc. and Ph.D. thesis proposals typically have greater technical depth, f
uzzier goals and should
include a reasonable thorough review of the literature in the area under inv
3 The Thesis
A thesis is not a project or a workterm report. It is a formal document in w
hich you must
demonstrate your command of the technical area under investigation. This mea
ns that you need to
include enough background material so that your intended audience (students
at a similar academic
level to you, who may have no special training in your specific area of work
) can understand and
follow what you did. One of your peers should be able to duplicate your work
using the information
that you provide in your thesis. You should also be extra careful to fully j
ustify and explain all
major decisions that aected the direction of your investigation. Try to put
your self in your readers
shoes during the writing process and think about whether your text will be c
omprehensible or not.
Remember, your reader does not know before hand what you have done and will
likely become
confused if contextual information is missing.
A thesis should be cohesive in that each part should be relevant to solving
the problem in question.
Conciseness is a virtue and makes your document easier to read and a more va
luable reference. The
thesis is NOT a story and you should avoid at all costs endless descriptions
of each twist and turn
of your investigation (these can be put in an appendix if you really can’t
bear to leave them out).
Extraneous material such as program listings, circuit diagrams, complex deri
vations or material
that does not directly relate to the thrust of your argument should be put i
nto appendices.
3.1 Format and Style Issues
The format of a thesis is important and you must follow the University guide
lines for your final
copy to be acceptable. You must pay attention to the margins, the print qual
ity and the format
of the introductory pages.
Some common format errors are as follows:
Your Introduction should motivate your work and define the scope of your stu
dy. If you are
doing a design project, you should also layout the project specifications an
d discuss how you
will test to see that these specifications are indeed met.
Over use of the first person. The first person is generally not used in scie
ntific work for
several reasons:
— Your work should be objective (to the extent possible) and sound reasonin
g should be
used to justify courses of action. Use of the first person lends a subjectiv
e tone to your
work that is best avoided.
— There is a strong tendency to adopt a “story-telling” style when using
the first person.
No punctuation in equations – see some IEEE journal articles for details.
Improper or missing citations. You should be sure and provide citations to t
he literature
where appropriate. These are important both for giving credit where it is du
e and for guiding
the reader to more detailed information. All of the items in your bibliograp
hy should be
referred to at some point in the text.
Material directly copied from elsewhere. Verbatim usage of text is permitted
; however, the
words should be put in quotes and cited. You must also cite the source when
you use
somebody else’s figures and drawings!
Improperly placed figures. Make sure that figures AND their captions stay on
the same page.
In addition, do not begin sections with figures: each section should be intr
oduced with some
Confusing line-breaks. You should also be sure to avoid line breaks in the m
iddle of abbreviations
or in-line equations (eg: “5 dB” should not be split across two lines at t
he hyphen).
Punctuation. It is amazing how many people (myself included) have trouble wi
th commas,
colons and semi-colons. Please re-read a grammar/style book (or the Communic
Handbook if you doubt yourself.
The use of which instead of that in “defining” clauses. To paraphrase Stru
nk and White
That is the defining, or restrictive pronoun, which the non-defining, or non
-restrictive. For
“The lawn mower that is broken is in the garage.” In this case, that speci
fies which
lawn mower from the class of all lawn movers and is thus defining.
“The lawn mower, which is broken, is in the garage”. In this case, the whi
ch clause
adds a fact about a specific lawn mower.
Note: a non-restrictive clause is always parenthetic and should be preceeded
by a comma.
Citations should be in the format discussed in chapter 7 of the ENSC Communi
cation Handbook;
Recent research (Aardvark 1992) shows that . . .
Previously published work (Aardvark and Sloth 1989) indicates . . .
Previously published work (Aardvark, Girae and Sloth 1989) indicates . . .
Previously published work (Aardvark et al. 1985) indicates . . . (> 3 author
Aardvark (1992) has shown that . . .
Previous methods (Aardvark 1980a, 1980b; Grizzley 1809) . . .
This method is endorsed by the Chicago Manual of Style and in my opinion is
superior to the
standard paper numbering used in IEEE journals, since it saves the reader a
lot of paging back to
the reference list – an important feature when there are many references. I
n addition, should your
word processor not automatically number citations (and generate a reference
list), you will find
that the above system saves you a great deal of typing by allowing you to ad
d references without
changing what has been formatted already.
Your bibliography should be presented in alphabetical order with the last na
me of the author first
(only the first author should be in reverse order). This method allows you t
o quickly identify a
reference. For example,
Aardvark, A., and B. Sloth (1989, August). A comparison between two gourmet
ants and leaves. Journal of Good Taste 44 , 555–565.
Some styles put quotes around article titles and the date at the end. It is
not critical which style
you choose as long as you are consistent.
Although you are free to use any word processor to compose your thesis; howe
ver, I recommend
the use of LATEX or Word. Each of these packages has advantages and disadvan
tages. For example,
LATEX generally produces a superior looking document; however, it is not WYS
IWYG, takes a
while to learn, and dealing with tables and graphics is a bit painful. Word,
on the other hand
generally produces inferior equations and has a hard time “floating” figur
e and tables to sensible
places. Word also lacks a free bibliography database package for doing easy
citations. On the plus
side, however, Word, has useful features such as a WYSIWIG interface, the ab
ility to add notes,
track changes and simple inclusion of graphics. A Word macro package is avai
lable from the ACS
to help you with items like a table of contents and general formatting
For those of you with home PC’s, a free version of LATEX is available from
The software installs very easily and can be used to produce a “pdf” outpu
t. Also, by using the
ensc thesis.sty style file, LATEX can automatically arrange your document in
the correct way (margins,
line spacing, chapter headings, approval page . . .) for an SFU thesis. The
style file itself is
located in
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