Mud 版 (精华区)
发信人: Quiet (天街月色), 信区: Mud
标 题: The Best In FYIII(转)
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Sun Nov 29 15:16:09 1998), 转信
[3] 转载自fengyun usa 如风(rufeng)(Tue May 19)
22 Best things in fy3 by May 12 五行真人(fai)(Wed May 13)
Today's new change does not change the shape of the mud.
The best remains to be the best and the worst remains to
be the worst.
I can now claim the best things here would remain to be the
best forever.
For players who have no intention to play into very high level,
all fy3 skills are worthy to try.
General Principles:
1. Weapon skills with only one hit in its perform are not
worth to spend big pot to learn (except deisword). One should
finally go to ximen for doomsword.
2. Weapon skills with several hits in its perform all lose
their values because of yuhuan. No easy solution for tie to this
problem, unless tie makes force much more efficient.
3. With jin-gang or drift or feixian in hand, the feeling is great.
4. Player is not npc. The infinite defence is always under the
control of player. In this sense, defence skills are not a big deal.
5. It is not necessarily to be true that best skills allow one
gain exp more quickly.
6. Let's pray doomsword really means something. If it turns out
to be a joke, the life of all non-officer would be over.
Best of All:
yuhuan (or doomsword if it is really FATAL as rumored).
Other Best Things:
jin-gang, drift, feixian, high level unarmed, meihai
shaolin's literate + tianfeng's special force for players
in very high level, at least 5M around.
Best for dummy: earth-warp sheet, beggar, officer
Best for super dummy: jin-gang, drift
About chaoting: absolutely the best menpai.
1. 200 unarmed means enforce 80, i.e. 240 tianfeng special force.
Without considering other issues, this unique feature is great
enough to put chaoting among the best menpais.
2. With yuhuan in hand, can easily down all killable npc. This
feeling would be stronger and stronger with the increasing of exp.
3. yuhuan's high damage is coded in a special way. With enforce 0,
yuhuan is still very powerful. Even if yuhuan spends neili as other
perform does, it is still the best.
4. Great 4 hits feixian perform. No additional time needed to
practice unarmed. Always have the choice to get any other best
skills through betray.
About tiexue:
Highest attack: deisword for female.
Best menpai if use fight in yaren without perform as standard.
meihua-shou is now unique to tiexue. fall-steps perform is great
for killing chicken npc while shaqi low.
The problem with female tiexue dizi: it is painful to decide when
to betray. Need 6.6M to finish deisword. A good husband is a plus.
About shenshui:
Nine-moon-claws and nine-moon-steps are its unique features.
Its steps perform has no busy delay if no change.
Claws' damage quite high, but not as high as yuhuan's a single hit.
Claws has no perform except faint into ground waiting for death.
About sanqing:
1. zombies are great, but this feature is overshadowed by yuhuan.
The reason is simple, in most case, what zombies can do, yuhuan
can do it in an easy way.
2. thunder-bolt and xingguo's lightsense are totally useless,
the only target worth to try is mirror soul. Also the cost of curse
from diwanggu is too high, and quest is not a good way to get exp.
About xingguo:
Drift is among the best things. Other features of essencemagic
are just for fun.
About huangshan:
Very interesting to play, that's all.
About mojiao:
demon-steps is not not as good as before, there is busy delay.
About tianchui:
All depends on how good qiankunwuxing is. It is a new skill.
I intend to think it is just for fun.
About shenjian:
Maybe very great/poor. All depends on its performs. Still
not clear whether it has any perform.
All Other Menpai:
If its skill is not mentioned above, this menpai would be just
for fun unless there are some major change.
Certainly tie would not agree with me.
For players who have no intention to play to very high
level, all fy3 skills are best and very interesting.
Best of all: yuhuan (or doomsword perform if it is really
"FATAL" as rumored).
Other best things:
jin-gang, drift, feixian-steps/sword
Shaolin's 200 literate + guanyin's force (for players
in very high level, at least 5M around).
Best for dummy: earth-warp sheet, beggar, officer
Best for super dummy: jin-gang, drift
About Officer: best menpai. best perform yuhuan, best busy
perform (200 unarmed + meihai), best damage, great 4 hits
feixian perform for beginner. No additional time needed to
practice unarmed. Always have the choice to get any other
best skills.
About sanqing:
1. Sanqing is now proven not as good as it was weeks ago
after yuhuan came out. The reason is simple. In most case,
what zombies can do, yuhuan can do it in a more easy way.
2. thunder-bolt (and also xingguo's lightsense) is totally
useless, because the cost of the curse (from dwg) is too high,
and quest is not a good way to get exp.
About tiexue: highest attk (for female). Best menpai if use
fight in yaren without any perform as standard. Tiexue's
meihua-shou/fall-steps are among the best skills, but we
can finally get from books.
About huangshan: it is very interesting to play huangshan, that
is all. Unless tie allow fight all the way to at least 2M exp,
huangshan is not good.
About mojiao:
The same reason about sanqing applies here. yuhuan makes
demon-blade perform not so good. Also demon-steps is not
not as good as before, there is busy delay.
In fy2: demon-blade is totally useless, fully because of yuhuan,
About tianchui: no idea whether it is good or not, all depends
on how good master lan's qiankunwuxing is. It is a new skill.
I intend to think it is just for fun.
About master xie: Maybe very great/worse. All depends on
how good his perform is.
About xingguo: drift is among the best things. Other features
of essencemagic are just for fun.
Other menpai: if its skill is not mentioned above, this menpai
would be just for fun unless there are some major change.
When can other weapon perform become better than yuhuan ?
No positive answer. All depends on how good 250 - 300 guanyin's
special force is to one's neili recovering. The low damage of
enforce also makes it hard for other perform to catch up yuhuan.
Finally, to get that 250 force, need about 5M exp.
Is yuhuan good enough to kill npc in master range ?
The answer is positive.
Here I give 2 fy2 examples.
1. When drg killed huang at 2M+ exp, his weapon attk is no big
difference to his yuhuan attk. Huang is the most toughest among
all killable npc (except master ye).
2. My 300k exp officer can easily take away mengzhu from
4M player. But I never successed to let my 600k+ mojiao char
to get it. If I want let that mojiao char to success, I have
to keep exercise, back to kill, etc again and again and again ...
3. 200 unarmed now plays a very important role to the damage,
because the damage of enforce is now so low.
Finally comment:
1. It is not necessarily to be true that best skills allow one
get exp more quickly.
2. For any non-officer menpai, one can always try ximen. Let's
pray doomsword really means something.
[20] Update. Best things in fy3 by June 14 五行真人(fai)(Wed Jun 24)
All menpai in fy3 has something great. But most menpais
are not good as the first menpai unless one is playing
with a special scheme.
Best of All:
200 literate, shenji, yuhuan
The major reason I list yuhuan here is that I wonder whether
a key feature would be changed in future.
Other Best Things:
200 unarmed, jin-gang, drift, feixian, meihai, deisword
high level tianfeng force, ghostcurse+thunderbolt
Best Starting Menpai for newbie:
chaotin (dazhaosi and baiyun also very great)
Best Starting Menpai for non-newbie:
shaolin+xie zhang gui+tianfeng
chaotin+shaolin skills from betray or marriage/self-shaolin-dummy
1. I like the first choice at this moment, but if there
is a small change to some key feature, it would be very boring
to try tough npc without alert.
2. For the second choice, there are two good points.
No need to worry about any future key change, easy to try tough npc
safely. 200 unarmed makes quite big difference to damage, while -20
level shenji makes small difference to attk/def if betray and high exp.
3. For female char of any menpai, it is actually easy to get shaolin
200 level skills through marriage, at worse case, using self-shaolin-dummy.
Best Ending Menpai for highhand:
tianfeng, chaotin (mojiao also okey)
The first choice is better at this moment, but not sure in the future.
For the second choice, it is better to play female char.
Best for dummy: earth-warp sheet, begging, alert
Best for super dummy: shaolin skills, jin-gang, drift
Best apples in sky: xiaoli feidao, yiqiforce
However, I don't think xiaoli feidao is much better than
some combined features available to us now.
Other things that are probably very great/interesting:
Master xie's softsword, Master bai's skills
※ 来源:.紫 丁 香[FROM:]
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