Pcgame 版 (精华区)
发信人: ldr (ldrrrr), 信区: Pcgame
标 题: Magical Weapons & Armor
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2002年09月03日11:41:42 星期二), 站内信件
Items Price
(1)3 Sockets Sword:
Cruel CS 290ED+ 4-6 7bc
Cruel CB 250ED-270ED 4 6bc
Cruel CB 270ED-280ED 1-2 7bc
Cruel CB 290ED+ 2-4 7bc
(2)2 Sockets Sword:
Cruel CB 270ED+ 1 7bc
Cruel CB 290ED+ 1.6 7bc
(3) 2 Sockets Warpike:
Cruel Warpike 250ED-270ED 0.8-1.4 7bc
Cruel Warpike 270ED-280ED 2-3 7bc
Cruel Warpike 280ED-290ED 3-4 7bc
Cruel Warpike 290ED+ 4-5 7bc
Cruel Warpike of Quickness 250ed 8 7bc
Cruel Warpike of Quickness 285ed 15-20 7bc
(4) 2 Sockets JP bow:
Ward bow/Hydra bow 290ED+ 1.5-2.5 7bc(ward bow贵一些)
Cruel Ward bow of Eviceration 280ed+50max 5-6 7bc
Cruel Hydra bow of Eviceration 280ed+50max 3-4 7bc
Martriarchal bow 290ED+ 3-4 7bc
jp cmb 7sc
Cruel Matriarchal bow of Eviceration 275ed+50max
30 7bc
Grand Matron bow 290ED+ 1.5-3 7bc
Cruel Grand Matron bow of Eviceration 280ed+50max
6-8 7bc
(5)4socket add life(50-100) armor
(1)defence 1xx,heavy(full plate)or medium(gothic plate)
+60~69life 1 6bc
+70~79life 2 6bc
+80~85life 3 6bc
+86~89life 1 7bc
+90~95life 1.2 7bc
+95以上life 1.6 7bc
+100life 2 7bc
以上以gothic plate为准,full plate对应低 0.4 7bc(2 6bc).
(2)defence 2xx,medium(ancient armor)
比对应(1)的价格高出:(1)0.2 7bc(+<90life);(2)0.4 7bc(+>=90life).
(3)defence 3xx,heavy(chaos armor.req str140,no use for ama)
比对应(1)的价格低 0.2 7bc(1 6bc).
(4)defence 3xx,medium(embossed plate)
比对应(1)高出 0.4 7bc.
(5)defence 4xx ,heavy(shadow plate,hellforge plate)
比对应(1)的价格高出0.2 7bc(1 6bc).
如果(4)defence 为5xx,则比对应(1)的价格高出 0.4 7bc.
(6)defence 4xx,heavy(loracated mail,npc概率很低)
比对应(1)的价格高出1.4 7bc.
(7)defence 4xx,medium(ornate plate,lacqured plate,kraken shell)
比对应(1)的价格高出1 7bc.
(8)defence 4xx,medium(balrog skin,boneweave,diamond mail;scred armor).
比对应(1)的价格高出2 7bc(前3种不能在npc买到,贵.前2种pp for ama).
(9)defence 4xx,light(anchon plate,great heuberk,wire fleece,scarab hask,
whymhide,dusk shroud)
比对应(1)的价格高出4~5 7bc.(高life,高defence更贵)。
(10)3孔,40life crown/grand crown 1 sc
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香 bbs.hit.edu.cn·[FROM:]
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