Pcgame 版 (精华区)
发信人: pilot (〓〓★〓〓), 信区: Pcgame
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Sat Apr 1 18:48:51 2000), 转信
发信人: adward (郁闷中...), 信区: NetBattle
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Fri Mar 31 15:23:30 2000)
Quake3 Commercial Release Console Command List
+attack When active the player is firing the current weapon
+back When active the player is moving backwards.
+button0 Each of these buttons correspond with an inventory item or action.
Below is a list of the known assignments by button number. 0 - fire weapon
1 - Stops all movement but mouselook 2 - Use personal teleporter 3 - Some so
rt of taunt Usage: bind +button#
+button1 see +button0
+button2 see +button0
+button3 see +button0
+button4 see +button0
+button5 see +button0
+button6 see +button0
+forward When active the player is moving forwards.
+left When active the player is turning left.
+lookdown When active the player is looking down.
+lookup When active the player is looking up.
+mlook When active the mouse movement forward serves as +lookup and mouse m
ovement backward as +lookdown. The function of the forward and backward move
ment of the mouse can be reversed with a negative value in the m_pitch varia
+movedown When active the player is moving downward in liquids, on a ladder
, or is crouching on ground
+moveleft When active, the player is strafe moving, sidestepping to the lef
+moveright When active, the player is strafe moving, sidestepping to the ri
+moveup When active the player is moving up in liquids, on a ladder, or jum
+right When active the player is turning right.
+speed When the active player is running.
+strafe When active the +left and +right functions are changed to +moveleft
and +moveright.
arena Used to chose an arena. Replacement for the "map" command.
When active the player is **NOT** firing the current weapon
-back When active, the player is *not* moving backwards
bind Assign a command or a set of commands to a key
When the command is used with just the key name and without assigning any co
mmands to it, it will display the command which is currently assigned to tha
t key. To bind multiple commands to a key, enclose the commands in double-qu
otes and separate them with semi-colons. To bind to non-printable keys, use
the key name. The escape, and ~ (tilde) keys can only be bound from an exter
nal configuration file.
Example: bind h "say Hi Foo!" bind mouse1 "+attack;+moveup;wait;-moveup;-att
ack;echo Foo!"
bindlist Displays all key and button bindings.
-button0 Opposite of +buttonX (see +button0)
-button1 see +button0
-button2 see +button0
-button3 see +button0
-button4 see +button0
-button5 see +button0
-button6 see +button0
centerview Center the player's view.
changeVectors Generates a table of the most common delta vector changes use
d to compress network bandwidth.
Thanks to zoid for this command
cinematic Command to call/recall cinematics from within the console environ
clear Clear the console of all text.
clientinfo Displays current information about your client. Sample Output:
--------- Client Information ---------
state: 7
Server: localhost
User info settings:
handicap 100
model visor/BLUE
name +SOD+ Questy
rate 25000
snaps 20
color 4
cmd Send the command and/or parameters to the server.
cmdlist Dumps all current console commands to the console. Can be output to
a text file using the condump command.
condump Dump the console text to a text file. It is not necessary to specif
y an extension to the (filename) since a .txt extension as appended automati
configstrings Usually preceded by "cmd". Set up the initial configuration f
or connecting the client to the server.
connect Connect the client to a server. It is usually not necessary to spec
ify a (port) unless the server is running on a different port than 29760, wh
ich is the default port.
Brings the server down hard. Why, I don't know, but it does.
cvar_restart puts all cvars back to what they were set at when the game was
loaded (either that or from the default.cfg, i'm not sure (yet))
Thanks to nothing for the command explanation.
cvarlist Display a list of all variables, their flags, and their values
Each varaiable has a value and a state flag. If a variable has the value of
"", then that variable is empty.
List: * - Saved setting, will save changes to this variable between games by
writing it in the config.cfg file. U - User variable, will show up in the o
utput from the userinfo command or dumpuser command.. S - Server variable, w
ill show up in the output from the serverinfo command. L - Delayed function,
will take action after a map change. - - Write protected, only changable up
on launching of the game with a command line parameter.
demo A replacement for the command demomap. Plays back a demo. The extensio
n .bsp is appended to any (filename) which does not contain an extension. Th
e default extension of a demo is .dm3. If any key is pressed during the play
back of a demo the main menu is displayed.
devmap Loads the specified map without needing to setup/start a server.
dir Display a directory listing.
This command will display the files and directories of any directory on the
hard disk. It is necessary to specify the location of the directory to be di
splayed using a relative path format. In a relative path the character . mea
ns current path, .. means parent path, and / or \ separates directories. It
is also necessary to specify a filename mask which will determine what files
are displayed. In a filemask the character ? substitutes for any single cha
racter, * substitutes for any number of characters. If the command is execut
ed without parameters it will display the contents of the quake2/baseq2/ dir
Example: dir dir *.cfg dir ../*.* dir ..\*.*
disconnect Disconnet the client from the server
dumpuser Display user information. This command will display all variables
flagged with the U (user) flag, and their values
echo Display text to the console.
error Quit the game with an error message
Example: error "The Foo Overflowed"
Execute a console script file. This is a very helpful command because it al
lows for the execution of multiple commands which are stored in text files a
nd are used to setup the client or a server. The default extension for a con
sole script is .cfg, but an extension of .rc is also in common use especiall
y for player configuration scripts. The .rc extension was derived from Unix
shell scripts which also share the same extension.
-forward When active the player is **NOT** moving forwards.
freeze Freezes the game for <n> seconds.
Ex. freeze 4 will freeze the game for 4 seconds.
Thanks to indian18 for the command explanation.
g_gravity Defines how heavy you are; the higher the number, the heavier you
feel; this results in less high jumps, etc.
Thanks to Vithar for this command.
gfxinfo Displays info on the current graphics settings.
Thanks to The Bind for this command.
globalservers Refers to the servers in the browsable Internet list.
heartbeat Sends a manual heartbeat to the master servers.
hunk_stats Dropped in the Final Release.
imagelist Display a list of all loaded images, their types, dimensions, and
color pallets. Also display the total texel count.
There are five columns of information. The first column identifies the image
type, consult the list below for all possible types. The second column show
s the x-axis size of the image. The third column shows the y-axis size of th
e image. The fourth column shows the image's dependency on the pallet, eithe
r the red-green-blue pallet, or the internal game pallet. The fifth column s
hows the image's path and filename.
M - Model texture used for models shown in the map.
P - Player images, shown on the player's view screen.
S - Sprite picture.
W - Wall texture used for the map.
RGB - The image uses the standard RGB pallet.
PAL - The images uses the internal game pallet.
in_restart restarts all the input drivers, dinput, joystick, etc (same as v
id_restart, snd_restart)
Thanks to nothing for the command explanation.
kick Remove a client from the server. You can remove clients from the serve
r by their (userid) or by their (username).
-left When active the player is turning left.
localservers Refers to the servers on the LAN to which the client computer
is connected.
-lookdown When active the player is **NOT** looking down.
-lookup When active the player is **NOT** looking up.
map Load maps, demos, or images. This is an all purpose loading command. Th
is command can load maps to play, play demos, and also show images on the sc
reen. This seems to be a compilation of the gamemap and demomap commands. By
default, this command will try to load a map when a filename is specified w
ithout an extension.
map_restart Restarts the current map resetting all timers, scorelists, and
current game rankings.
meminfo The meminfo command issued at the console returns all pertinent mem
ory information on your computer in the console. The display for my machine
looks like this:
58720256 bytes total hunk
10485760 bytes total zone
10548032 low mark
20398944 low permanent
20858120 low tempHighwater
6281184 high mark
17851584 high permanent
21768444 high tempHighwater
38250528 total hunk in use
4376036 unused highwater
3083792 bytes in 3799 zone blocks
1348016 bytes in dynamic botlib
0 bytes in dynamic renderer
1735776 bytes in dynamic other
I'm sure this will be useful to all the developer types out there. =)
messagemode Prompt for a message to send. This command prompts for a messag
e to send to everybody on the server. It is used for casual talking on the s
messagemode2 Prompt for a message to send to team members. This command pro
mpts for a message to send to your team players on the server. This is used
for team talk when relaying strategy information, attack plans, or pleads fo
r help.
messagemode3 Prompt for a message to send to your target. It is used for ta
unting and teasing the lamer until you destroy him.
messagemode4 Prompt for a message to send to your attacker. Presumably this
is used to beg for mercy, however there are no reports of it actually doing
any good.
midiinfo Obtains information on the midi sound hardware installed in the sy
-mlook Turns off mouselook (or freelook).
this shows all the available video modes
Thanks to nothing for the command explanation.
modellist Display information on all loaded models, maps, and sprites. This
command will display information about models, maps, and sprites which are
loaded into the memory in a list format. The first column in the list shows
the size of the model, map, or sprite. The second column in the list shows t
he path and file location. The last line of the output shows the total size
of all models, maps, and sprites currently present in the memory
-movedown When Active, the player is **NOT** moving down in liquids or on a
-moveleft When active, the player is **NOT** strafe moving, sidestepping to
the left
-moveright When active, the player is **NOT** strafe moving, sidestepping t
o the right
-moveup When active the player is **NOT** moving up in liquids, on a ladder
, or jumping.
music Specifies a wav file to loop as the background music track.
Special thanks to Zoid for this command.
net_restart Terminates & restarts entire TCP session including termination
& initialization of a net socket. Handy if your connect is what's hosed, no
t the server.
path Display the path and link information. All the information about what
path locations the game is using is displayed here. Also, all the .pak files
which are being used by the game are displayed. This is a very helpful comm
and in investigating in the game has access to all the necessary information
ping Initiates a ping from the client to the specified IP address.
play Play a sound file. This command adds a sound/ prefix directory when ex
ecuted, just keep this in mind when playing your own sound files.
quit Quit the game. This command will disconnect from the server and shutdo
wn the client program
rcon Remotely control a server This command is used to control a server fro
m a client. This is very useful if the server is running at a remote locatio
n, and the server administrator does not have physical access to the server.
There are two different syntax versions to this command. If the variable rc
on_password is set the second syntax may be used since the password field wi
ll be filled automatically by the client. Also, be aware that it is possible
to send commands to a server to which the client is not connected. This is
accomplished with the setting of the rcon_address variable to the server's I
P address. Using the command, a server administrator is able to control a se
rver as if at the server's console.
reconnect Variable used to reconnect to a server from which you've been dis
connected. I've looked back over the versions & apparently it's always been
there, although, it hasn't listed itself in cmdlist before.
record Record a demo. The player has to be in a map to start recording a de
mo. Also, to stop the recording of a demo use the stop command.
reset Resets a variable to it's default value.
restart This command restarts a server.
Thanks to The Bind for this command
-right When active the player is **NOT** turning right.
s_disable_a3d Disables A3D in the game. Used for disabling 3d audio if you
're taking a performance hit by having it enabled.
s_enable_a3d Conversely, enables A3D. 3-D audio is quite a rip if you've g
ot surround sound & the horsepower to handle it.
say Send a message to all the players on the server.
This command is not necessary when typing directly on the console since the
player can just type a message and send it like it was a command. This comma
nd is mostly useful when creating aliases which broadcast frequently used me
ssages or player taunts.
say I am the master Foo!
say Thanks man!
say Good bye everybody...
say Hello all, The Foo Master has arrived to kick butt!
scanservers Removed in commercial Release
screenshot Take a screenshot of the current view. This command will take a
screen shot of the current frame buffer. When a screen shot is taken while u
sing software mode, the screen shot will be in the PCX format. When the scre
en shot is taken while using the OpenGL mode, the screen shot will be in TGA
format to save allow the saving of high-color video mode information. This
command is most useful when saving score information at the end of a match,
or when taking screen shots of weird things in the game.
sectorlist Displays a list of all the sectors and what occupies them.
Thanks to indian18 for the command explanation.
serverinfo Report server information. This command will look for all the va
riables marked with the S (server) flag and report those variables and their
settings. It is quite possible to create your own server variables using th
e set command and make them show up with this command and display them to al
l those server browser programs such as QView and GameSpy. It is advisable t
o create server variables with the names admin to report the name of the adm
inistrator, email to report the email address of the admin, location to tell
the physical location of the server, and site to report the address of the
web site associated with this server.
serverrecord Removed in commercial Release
serverstop Removed in commercial Release
set Set or create a variable.
This command is used mostly to create new variables or change the state flag
s for current variables. If a variable already exists it is not necessary to
use the set command to change the value of that variable, it is just possib
le to use the simple syntax "variable (value)". It is also very helpful to s
erver administrators which want to setup dedicated variables to hold informa
tion about the server such as the email of the administrator, the location o
f the server, or the message-of-the-day. Another thing, variables which have
no value will not show up when the commands serverinfo or userinfo are exec
Flags: s - Server flag. If this flag is set the variable and it's value will
show up when the command serverinfo is executed. u - User flag. If this fla
g is set the variable and it's value will show up when the command userinfo
is executed.
Example: set foo "The Master Foo" set foospeed 800 set admin MasterFoo s set
email masterfoo@foo.org s set clan "Clan Foo Masters" u
seta seta, sets, setu all work like the set command, except they add a flag
to the cvar that you're setting these are useful if you wish to, for exampl
e, set a cvar that you want to be permanently written to a config file, ie.
seta var1 "some stupid thing i want written to a file"
Thanks to nothing for the command explanation.
setenv Set external environment variables from inside the game This command
can be used to pass settings from inside the game to the operating system w
ith the use of environment variables. This command is the most useful for pa
ssing variables directly to the video driver libraries. Typing the command a
nd the environment variable without being followed by a value will display t
he assigned value
seta, sets, setu all work like the set command, except they add a flag to t
he cvar that you're setting these are useful if you wish to, for example, se
t a cvar that you want to be permanently written to a config file, ie. seta
var1 "some stupid thing i want written to a file"
Thanks to nothing for the command explanation.
setu seta, sets, setu all work like the set command, except they add a flag
to the cvar that you're setting these are useful if you wish to, for exampl
e, set a cvar that you want to be permanently written to a config file, ie.
seta var1 "some stupid thing i want written to a file"
Thanks to nothing for the command explanation.
shaderlist Diplays a list of 'shaders'. Many of these are certain effects o
f the game that can be found in /baseq3/scripts/gfx.shader.
Thanks to The Bind for this command.
skinlist This command will display the names of all the players on the serv
er and the skins that they are wearing. This command will also reinitialize
the skins and reload them.
snd_restart Restart the sound system. This command will shutdown the sound
system, reinitialize all the sound settings, restart the sound system, and t
hen reload all the sound files. This command is necessary when making change
s to the sound parameters for the sound system which require reinitializatio
n, such as changing the sound samples which used a different sampling rate.
soundinfo Displays information about the sound system. This command will di
splay information such as the directory where sound files are stored, if the
sound system is in stereo mode, the sampling rate for the sound system, the
speed in hertz that the sound system is initialized in, and the memory loca
tion of the DMA buffer.
soundlist Displays a list of all loaded sound files. This command will list
all the loaded sound files along with information about each sound file. Th
ere are four columns in the display. The first column has two possible value
s, no value, or a value of L (loop) which signifies that the sound is loopin
g. The second column describes the sound as either (8b) 8-bit, or (16b) 16-b
it sampling. The third column displays the size of the sound file. The fourt
h column displays the path and filename of the sound file.
spdevmap Appears to perform like "devmap" does, but is also on the way to J
ohnC for some explanation.
-speed When the active player is **NOT** running.
spmap Also from the "devmap" and "spdevmap" family with no apparent differe
nces. Answers on the way.
status Display server status. The status output displays the name of the ma
p currently running. There is also a list of all clients currently connected
to the server. The first column named num displays the client's userid numb
er. The second column named score displays the frag count. The third column
named address displays the IP address of the client. The fourth column named
name displays the game name of the player. The fifth column named ping disp
lays the current ping/latency of the client to the server at the point in ti
me when the command was executed.
stoprecord Stops the recording of a demo.
stopsound Stop any sounds which are currently playing. This command is usefu
l if any sounds do not correctly finish up and end up looping themselves for
no reason.
-strafe When active the +left and +right functions are **NOT** changed to +
moveleft and +moveright.
systeminfo Displays information about the current system settings.
testfog Removed in commercial Release
testshader Removed in commercial Release
toggle Allows you to "toggle" a specific cvar on & off with a single press
of a key.
Ex. bind x "toggle cg_drawFPS"
when you press "x" the fps display will turn on and off
Thanks to monkey for the command explanation.
toggleconsole Bring down the console to allow the player to type in console
commands. This command performs the same identical action as the togglechat
touchFile The only purpose of this function is to allow game script files t
o copy arbitrary files during an "fs_copyfiles 1" run.
Thanks to zoid for this command.
unbind Remove a binding from a key.
This command will remove any commands which are bound to key, in effect maki
ng this key functionless. Please consult the bind command for a list of all
possible key names. Also, consult the bindlist command to receive a listing
of all currently bound keys. This command is useful if a key has been bound
by accident and it's function is no longer needed.
unbindall Remove the bindings from all keys. This command will remove bindi
ngs from all the keys except for the escape and ~ (tilde) keys. Be very care
ful about using this command, since you will lose all bindings and functions
outside of the console. Also, this command should be used by people who wri
te scripts to remove any unwanted bindings before setting up personal bindin
userinfo Currently renames the player to "UnnamedPlayer" and gives no partic
ular information on the client. I have submitted this to JohnC for some exp
lanation. I'm sure it has some use, but it's beyond me at this point.
vid_restart Restart the Video System. This command is used if there is a pr
oblem with the video system or video settings have been changed and need the
video system to be restarted. This command is also used when switching betw
een different video system .dll files.
vmprofile Presumably this variable would display a profile of the current Q
3 virtual machine. Currently, however, this command crashes the server hard
and exits to a desktop.
vstr vstr exectutes the text within a variable (ie. something assigned with
so the commands:
set var1 "+jump;wait;-jump"
vstr var1
would make you jump (theoretically)
Thanks to nothing for the command explanation.
wait Wait one game tic.
This command is mostly used when creating complex sets of commands and alias
es. Some commands cannot be executed in the same game tic, so this command a
llows a space in time between executing different commands. Be warned though
, the time of the command varies from system to system based on the CPU spee
d. It is a very bad idea to use the command to time things using human time,
and using more than one command in alias is quite unwise. Remember, the tim
e of the command is different for each system.
writeconfig Writes the current active profile to a config file of the speci
fied name. e.g. writeconfig questy3.cfg
Removed in commercial Release
Portions of this document Copyleft 1997 by JakFrost (jakfrost@planetquake.co
m). Other works of similar nature for various first person shooters may be
obtained at http://www.planetquake.com/console
※ 来源:.紫 丁 香 bbs.hit.edu.cn.[FROM: dns.mtlab.hit.ed]
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