WOW 版 (精华区)
发信人: uu (顽强的活着), 信区: BattleNet
标 题: D2英文对白--ACT 2
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2002年11月19日07:54:45 星期二), 站内信件
发信人: needspeed (天外飞仙), 信区: Pcgame
标 题: D2英文对白--ACT 2
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Sat Jul 22 19:40:01 2000), 转信
发信人: onlyer (心魔.搏斗中), 信区: Game
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Sat Jul 22 04:14:54 2000)
We traveled East。Over the mountains and into the vast deserts of
Broken Lands
As the days passed my companion told me of himself
that he had once been a great warrior……
and that a dark and secret burden,now weighed heavily upon him
We traveled for an etemity across that arid wasteland
How long?I couldn't say……
And always,a dark cloud seemed to follow us,just over the horizon
Finally,the journey ended,we climbed the last ridge
There below us lay our destination:the shining jewel,Lut Gholein
with the great Sea beyound
We Made camp the last night。Perhaps it was the warm desert wind
or the sound of the ocean,but for the first time in many weeks,
I slept,
However,the dreams returned,but these were clearly not my own
I beheld a vision of a great man,the Mage,Tal Rasha
You were there too,Tyrael,I remember seeing you in my dream
His brethren had cornered a great demon:Baal,Lord of Destruction
who had been set loose upon the world
They attempted to imprison the demon within a sacred stone……
Yet,when their attempts failed
Tal Rasha selflessly volunteered to contain the demon within
himself,completing the prison
he instructed his Brethren to bind him within a tomb,buried under
the sand
there to wrestle with to demon for all eternity
D:Now you know what I seek,Marius
D:This is my brother
D:Sleep now。We set out with the dawn
The next morning,we walked over the hill,toward Lut Gholein……
I had no idea then of the horrors that were in store for me there
☆ 来源:.哈工大紫丁香[FROM:]
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