WOW 版 (精华区)
发信人: aixinangel (挥挥手不带走一片云彩), 信区: D2Tech
标 题: 刚才有人问为什么kb没imm armor(转技术帖mf guide)
发信站: BBS 大话西游站 (Thu Dec 20 11:37:47 2001)
What Can't Bosses Drop?
This is the most frequently asked question, since we said that there were th
ings Pindleskin could drop but Baal couldn't, but didn't provide a list. Eve
ryone knows that Baal can drop some things Meph can't, but few know exactly
First, an explanation of how items are selected to drop:
All items in Diablo II are grouped into "Treasure Classes", which have aroun
d 6 or 8 items in each. When the game rolls for item drops it first picks a
TC, then picks an item from in it, then checks if that item will drop as a U
nique, Set, Rare, Magical, or Normal item, in that order. So if a monster ca
n't drop a certain TC, then it can't drop any of the item types in that TC,
and of course can't drop any Set or Unique items of that type.
These are the highest Treasure Classes each of the following commonly-hunted
monsters can drop. See a listing of the items in each TC further down this
page. TC's go by 3's, and 90 is the highest. All stats courtesy of oneko's M
onster Drop calculator. Check the calculator to see the actual odds of all o
f these items dropping from the given monsters.
All monsters can drop everything up to the listed TC's. For example Hephasto
can drop Armor and Weapon 3, 6, 9, 12... up to 78, 81, and 84. But he tops
out there, he can't drop any items in 87 or 90.
Super Uniques
Hephasto: Can't drop Armor or Weapon 87 or 90.
Eldritch: Can't drop Armor or Weapon 84, 87, or 90.
Shenk: Can't drop Armor or Weapon 87 or 90.
Bonesaw Breaker: Can't drop Armor or Weapon 87 or 90. (Glacial Trail)
Nihlathak: Can't drop Armor or Weapon 90.
Pindleskin: Can drop everything.
Snapchip Shatter: Can drop everything. (Icy Cellar)
Thresh Socket: Can drop everything. (Frigid Highlands)
Colenzo the Annihilator: Can drop everything. (Baal's Minion #1)
Achmel the Cursed: Can drop everything. (Baal's Minion #2)
Bartuc the Bloody: Can drop everything. (Baal's Minion #3)
Ventar the Unholy: Can drop everything. (Baal's Minion #4)
Lister the Tormentor: Can drop everything. (Baal's Minion #5)
Act Bosses
Mephisto: Can't drop Armor or Weapon 81, 84, 87, or 90. Or Zod.
Diablo: Can't drop Armor or Weapon 87 or 90.
Baal: Can't drop Armor or Weapon 90.
Treasure Classes. These are of use to compare to what each monster can't dro
p. You can see how these work in the D2X economy by noting how much scarcer
and more expensive everything above what Meph can drop is, since so many peo
ple do Meph runs to gather up their equipment. Many of the best Uniques and
Sets are of the following item types. Remember, Meph can't drop any of these
Armor 81: Aegis, Conqueror Crown, Kraken Shell (M'avina's Embrace), Mirrored
Boots, Spired Helm (Veil of Steel and Ondal's Almighty), Succubae Skull.
Armor 84: Archon Plate, Bone Visage (Trang's Helm), Lacquered Plate (Tal Ras
ha's Armor), Sky Spirit, Troll Belt (Trang's Belt), Ward (Heaven's Taeback),
Zakarum Shield.
Armor 87: Bloodlord Skull, Diadem (M'avina's True Sight), Guardian Crown, My
rmidon Greaves, Ogre Gauntlets, Shadow Plate (Aldur's Deception).
Armor 90: Colossus Girdle, Corona (Griswold's Honor), Dream Spirit, Sacred A
rmor (Immortal King's Soul Cage), Vortex Shield (Griswold's Honor).
Weapon 81: Colossal Sword, Cryptic Axe, Ghost Glaive, Matriarchal Pike, Runi
c Talons, War Spike, Ward Bow, Winged Axe.
Weapon 84: Champion Axe (Messerschmidt's Reaver), Cryptic Sword (Sazabi's Sw
ord), Demon Crossbow, Fanged Knife, Ghost Spear, Great Poleaxe, Legendary Ma
llet (Schaefer's Hammer), Shillelagh, Vortex Orb.
Weapon 87: Berserker Axe, Colossus Blade (Bul Kathos Sacred Charge and Grand
father), Hydra Bow (Windforce), Scissors Suwayyah (Natalya's Mark), Thunder
Maul (Cranium Basher), Unearthed Wand, Winged Harpoon.
Weapon 90: Giant Thresher (Stormspire), Glorious Axe, Legend Spike, Mythical
Sword (Bul Kathos Tribal Guardian), War Pike, Archon Staff, Caduceus (Grisw
old's Redemption), Dimensional Shard.
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