WOW 版 (精华区)
发信人: albert (美西的商人), 信区: D2Tech
标 题: Re: 请问!在各种charm中
发信站: BBS 大话西游站 (Mon Jan 21 18:48:03 2002)
sc: pd with 20life or good mods good for bowzon (1.08 383pd sc also good)
5% fhr wiht 17mana good for wfzon
3max/ar/20 life good for ssbar and dexzon
3max/ar/2str(dex) good for valor ssbar
7% mf with 5% all res to all good for mfzon
super ld sc (2~99) good for zon too
20life with all 5% res too all good for all chars
lc: 6max/ar/35 life good for ssbar
6max/ar/5str(dex) good for valor bar
175 pd with 35 life good for bowzon
383 pd lc is good in 1.09
gc: 14max/ar good for ssbar
10max/ar/45+life good for ssbar
10max/ar/6str(dex) good for valor ssbar
1 useful skill with 45+ life good for all chars
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