Warcraft 版 (精华区)
发信人: xiaonan (nannan), 信区: Warcraft
标 题: Twilight Tavern暮色旅店--戰斧手
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Sun Nov 12 00:58:35 2006), 转信
Mogul Kahn
Scourge - Strength 蒙哥.卡恩
力量型 Strength 19 + 2.5
Agility 22 + 2.2
Intelligence 14 + 1.6
Attack Range 100(melee)
Move speed 290
Hero Introduction英雄介紹
In the war of Humans and Orcs that occurred long ago many Orcish warriors were corrupted by demonic influence and became tools of blackest darkness. One such warrior is the leader of Half-Tribe of the Bloodied Axe Clan: Mogul Kahn. Mogul was slain by human Paladins but mysteriously was seen fighting alongside the Scourge around the time that Mannaroth started to command the Orcs in the war against Archimonde. The Axe has been revived by demons and uses his reflexes and powerful blows to hunt down and seek out the Sentinels' agile warriors and cut them down to size, even projecting his lust for war onto them.
在很久以前爆發的人類與半獸人之戰中,有很多半獸人戰士受到了惡魔之力的影響而腐化,成為了最黑暗的邪惡的利用工具。這些戰士的其中一個就是血斧部族的半族之首蒙 哥.卡恩。蒙哥曾被人類的聖武士們所殺,但在對抗阿奇蒙德的戰役中,曼諾洛斯開始指揮半獸人的時候,他卻不可思議地被人目擊到他為天譴軍作戰。這名戰斧手為惡魔所復活,並利用他的迅捷反應與強大的打擊能力來獵殺、搜捕鐵衛軍的靈巧戰士,將他們劈成數塊,他甚至能把自己的戰鬥慾望投射給他們。Key Skills (技能說明)
E Berserker's Call
calls all nearby enemies to attack Axe. They cannot stop attacking.
Level 1/2/3/4 affects a 275 AoE area and gains 5/10/15/20 bonus armor, last 1.5/2/2.5/3 seconds.
Mana cost: 80/90/100/110. Cooldown: 15 seconds
Level 1/2/3/4 275 範圍,戰斧手得到 5/10/15/20 額外裝甲,持續 1.5/2/2.5/3 秒。
花費 80/90/100/110 Mana, CD 15 秒
R Battle Hunger
Causes a target to take damage over time, but it will stop taking damage if it can kill a unit.
Level 1/2/3/4 deals 15/20/25/25 damage a second for 15/15/20/25 seconds (or until a unit is killed)
Mana cost: 105/115/125/135. Cooldown: 25 seconds
Level 1/2/3/4 每秒 15/15/20/25 傷害, 持續 10/15/20/25 秒
花費 105/115/125/135 Mana, CD 25 秒
N/A Counter Helix
When attacked gives a chance to counter in a 250 area around Axe.
Level 1/2/3/4 has 15% chance to deal 100/125/150/175 damage. Cooldown 0.6 Second
Level 1/2/3/4 15%機率發動反擊,造成 100/125/150/175 傷害,0.6秒CD。
C Culling Blade
Deals 150/250/300 damage to a target, but will kill it outright if it is below 300/450/625 life. Short (150) casting range.
Mana cost: 120/160/200. Cooldown: 75/65/55 seconds
Level 1/2/3 造成 150/250/300 傷害, 一擊斬殺體力低於 300/450/625 的目標
花費 120/160/200 Mana, CD 75/65/55 秒
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香 bbs.hit.edu.cn·[FROM:]
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