Warcraft 版 (精华区)
发信人: xiaonan (nannan), 信区: Warcraft
标 题: Dawn Tavern黎明旅店--獸王
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Wed Nov 8 23:14:49 2006), 转信
Sentinel - Strength 瑞克薩
力量型近戰 Strength 23 + 2.2
Agility 18 + 1.6
Intelligence 16 + 1.9
Attack Range 100(melee)
Move speed 310
Hero Introduction 英雄介紹
A wandering vagrant of the Mok'nathal, the fabled half orc-half ogres of
legend, Rexxar and his mighty blades have joined the cause of the Sentinel
to better protect the natural world around him. Afriend of beasts, Rexxar
flails and tears at his enemies with unsettling savagery, even going as
far as hurling his axes in the manner of boomerangs at his enemies to better
his chances at victory. Truly a warrior of the living planet that thrives
around him, the Beastmaster is an ally to be counted on when he is need
the most.
by [PTT] fallengunman
Key Skills (技能說明)
W Wild Axes
Rexxar hurls his two axes outward, which then intersect and return to him
Each axe can only damage a unit once.
Level 1/2/3/4 deals 90/120/150/180 damage.
Mana cost: 120. Cooldown: 13 seconds
Level 1/2/3/4 造成 90/120/150/180 傷害
花費 120 Mana, CD 13 秒
D Call of the Wild
Rexxar calls upon wild beasts to aid him. The duration, strength and number
of beasts increases per level. Previous summons are removed upon casting.
Level 1/2/3/4 Summons a Scout Hawk/Scout Hawk and Quilbeast/
Greater Hawk and Quilbeast/Greater Hawk and a Greater Quilbeast.
Mana cost: 25. Cooldown: 45 seconds
Level 1/2/3/4 召喚一隻 老鷹/老鷹跟豪豬/強壯的老鷹跟豪豬/強壯的老鷹跟強壯
的豪豬,持續時間 60/70/80/90秒
老鷹: 300 HP
豪豬: 400 HP,攻擊距離550, 緩毒術20%持續3秒
強壯的老鷹: 875 HP,永久隱形
強壯的豪豬: 700 HP,攻擊距離 550,緩毒術35%持續3秒
花費 25 Mana, CD 45 秒
N/A Beast Rage
When Rexxar engages an opponent, his animalistic nature grants him even greater
proficiency in single combat. With each continuous blow on the same target
, Rexxar gains understanding of the prey's defenses, and guides each strike
with greater ease than the last. Maximum of 100% increased attack speed.
If Rexxar changes targets, his attack speed returns to 50% of increased
Level 1/2/3/4 Every continuous attacks gives Rexxar 5/10/15/20% bonus attack
改變攻擊目標後,他的 增加的攻速會保留一半。
Level 1/2/3/4 每下攻擊會使瑞克薩攻速增加 5/10/15/20 %
R Primal Roar
The Beastmaster looses a deafening roar which deals damage and stuns its
target. Enemy units near the roar wave take minor damage and have their movement
speed and attack rate reduced. Due to the force of the roar, all units between
the Beastmaster and his prey are shoved aside, creating an open path.
Level 1/2/3 200/250/300 primary damage. 2/2.75/3.5 second stun. 100/200/300
side damage. 2/3/4 second slow.
Mana cost: 150/175/200. Cooldown: 60 seconds
間的人衝散,形成一條通道 ,施法距離600。
Level 1/2/3 對目標造成 200/250/300 傷害,震暈 3/3.5/4 秒,四周的人受到 100
/200/300 傷害,緩慢 2/3/4 秒
花費 150/175/200 Mana, CD 60 秒
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香 bbs.hit.edu.cn·[FROM:]
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