Exam 版 (精华区)
发信人: popstar (卖女孩的小火柴*将考研进行到底*), 信区: Exam
标 题: 第十五讲 考研首轮复习总结和水平自测
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第十五讲 考研首轮复习总结和水平自测
中国考试网 2002-06-24 把它E-mail给我 阅读次数:1295
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Listening Comprehension(略)
Section Ⅱ
Use of English
Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s)for each numbered
blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1(10points)
While you were staying with us during the summer, I remember you asked me
a lot of questions about law in this country. I'm __21__ I wasn't able to help
you much. We read in our papers about trials in the __22__ courts, but few la
wabiding citizens are experts on the __23__You asked me to tell you how crim
inal trials in England __24__ from criminal trials in Europe, and I couldn't _
_25__ you much — except, I remember, that I said that in England a person acc
used __26__ crime must always be supposed innocent until he has been __27__ gu
ilty. Newspapers mustn't describe the accused as “the murderer”; he's “the
__28__” or “the prisoner”. Last month I served as a member of the jury at a
n important criminal trial so I learnt quite a lot. I thought you'd be interes
ted, and that's __29__ I'm writing. I'm giving you only some general impressio
ns. The newspaper reports I'm sending __30__ give a fairly complete account of
the trial.The prisoner was accused of robbing a bank and of __31__ the nigh
t watchman who tried to __32__ him. He pleaded “Not Guilty”, so the trial wa
s a __33__ one. We had to listen to some long speeches and a lot of __34__.I
am over fifty and this was my first experience of __35__ as a juryman. We're
liable for jury service between 21 and 60, __36__ you see I might have been __
37__ many years ago. Of the twelve members of the jury, three were women. Two
of the men were small shopkeepers, __38__ was a motor mechanic, another was a
school teacher. I didn' find out __39__ the others were, but you can see we we
re a __40__ lot.
21.[A]sure [B]interested [C]informed [D]afraid
22.[A]justice [B]town [C]law [D]judgement
23.[A]dynamics [B]court [C]math [D]subject
24.[A]range [B]differ [C]result [D]suffer
25.[A]tell [B]announce [C]pronounce [D]declare
26.[A]of [B]about [C]over [D]from
27.[A]confirming [B]proved [C]charged [D]shown
28.[A]innocent [B]accused [C]suspecting [D]invalid
29.[A]how [B]whatever [C]why [D]for which
30.[A]individually [B]detailedly [C]reasonably [D]separate
31.[A]robbing [B]accusing [C]catching [D]wounding
32.[A]defend [B]examine [C]stop [D]interfere
33.[A]short [B]just [C]appropriate [D]long
34.[A]trials [B]evidence [C]description [D]information
35.[A]serving [B]regarding [C]assuming [D]blaming
36.[A]so [B]yet [C]nevertheless [D]then
37.[A]employed as [B]called on [C]inquired out [D]promoted
38.[A]the other [B]there [C]one [D]who
39.[A]whatever [B]that [C]what [D]None
40.[A]mixed [B]proper [C]quite [D]bit
Section Ⅲ
Reading ComprehensionPart A
Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each tex
t by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.(40 points)
Text 1
The long years of food shortage in this country have suddenly given way to
apparent abundance. Stores and shops are choked with food. Rationing is virtu
ally suspended, and overseas suppliers have been asked to hold back deliveries
. Yet, instead of joy, there is widespread uneasiness and confusion. Why do fo
od prices keep on rising, when there seems to be so much more food about? Is t
he abundance only temporary, or has it come to stay? Does it mean that we need
to think less now about producing more food at home? No one knows what to exp
The recent growth of export surpluses on the world food market has certain
ly been unexpectedly great, partly because a strange sequence of two successfu
l grain harvests in North American is now being followed by a third. Most of B
ritain's overseas suppliers of meat, too, are offering more this year and home
production has also risen.But the effect of all this on the food situation
in this country has been made worse by simultaneous rise in food prices, due c
hiefly to the gradual cutting down of government support for food. The shops a
re overstocked with food not only because there is more food available but als
o because people, frightened by high prices, are buying less of it.Moreover,
the rise in domestic prices has come at a time when world prices have begun t
o fall, with the result that imported food, with the exception of grain, is of
ten cheaper than the homeproduced variety. And now grain prices, too, are fa
lling. Consumers are beginning to ask why they should not be enabled to benefi
t from this trend.
The significance of these developments is not lost on farmers. The older g
eneration have seen it all happen before. Despite the present price and market
guarantees, farmers fear they are about to be squeezed between cheap food imp
orts and a shrinking home market. Present production is running at 51 percent
above prewar levels, and the government has called for an expansion to 60 perc
ent by 1956; but repeated. Ministerial advice is carrying little weight and th
e expansion program is not working very well.
41.The main purpose of the first paragraph is______ .
[A]to show the reason of food shortage
[B]to explain the conflict between surplus of food supply and rising price
[C]the deteriorating living conditions of farmers
[D]the market demand for food supply
42. The main reason for this rise in food prices is that______.
[A]domestic food production has decreased
[B]the government is providing less support for agriculture
[C]imported food is driving prices higher
[D]people are buying less food
43. The decrease in world food prices was a result of______.
[A]a sharp fall in the purchasing power of the consumers
[B]a sharp fall in the cost of food production
[C]the overproduction of food in the foodimporting countries
[D]the overproduction on the part of the main foodexporting countries
44. Why didn't the government's expansion program work very well?
[A]Because the farmers were uncertain about the benefits of expanding produc
[B]Because the farmers were uncertain about the financial support the govern
ment guaranteed.
[C]Because the farmers were uncertain whether foreign markets could be found
for their product.[D]Because the older generation of farmers were strongl
y against the program.
45.What did the future look like for Britain's food production at the time thi
s article?
[A]The fall in world food prices would benefit British food producers.
[B]An expansion of food production was at hand.
[C]British food producers would receive more government financial support.
[D]It looks depressing despite government guarantees.
Text 2
At was just three when I sighted a small, black dot moving ahead of me on
the pack ice. For some time the sledge tracks had been winding amongst black p
ools of halffrozen bits of ice towards a small iceberg caught in the pack, a
nd it was against the sheer green slope of this iceberg that figure of Bland s
howed like a small dot dancing in the white void. It was painful to try and ke
ep my eyes on it, and dangerous because it tended to make me lose my balance.
After I'd had one fall through no watching my skis and had got up again with g
reat difficulty, I ceased to worry about the mark ahead and concentrated on sk
iing as fast as possible.When I looked again the berg was much nearer, but the
re was no sing of Bland. Presumably he'd passed behind it. Or had he seen me?
Was he lying in wait? I lefthis tracks and circled away to the north of the be
rg. I soon caught sight of him then, not half a mile away and moving along the
flank of the berg, which was anyone. Between us the snow lay flat, like a she
et of white. I drove my sticks into it, thrusting forward on a line that would
converge with Bland.He had almost reached the end of the berg when he saw m
e. He stopped and then his voice reached me on the cold wind. He was shouting
me and waving his sticks. Just as his companions had done, he thought I was pa
rt of a rescue party.
I unslung my rifle then, cocked it and slithered forward with the ski stic
ks looked over one wrist.Something in the way I moved towards him must have
warned him, for he suddenly stopped shouting and stood quite still, staring at
me as I advanced on him. I wasgetting close now, and though the snowglare m
ade it difficult for me to see, he was outlined against the final shoulder of
the berg and a good target. But I was taking no chanced. I closed on him stead
ily, just as I would have done an enemy ship.“Who are you?” His hail came
to me quite clearly and I realized I was getting into the shelter of the berg.
46. When the writer saw Bland the latter was______.
[A]standing near an iceberg
[B]leaning against an iceberg
[C]moving on the ice
[D]climbing the slope of an iceberg
47. It can be inferred from the text that Bland______.
[A]stopped skiing in the middle of the route
[B]was hurt by the berg
[C]arrived earlier than I
[D]waited in a secret place
48. Bland shouted to the writer______.
[A]because he thought the writer had come to save him
[B]because his companions were shouting
[C]to show that he was in danger
[D]to tell the writer he was near the end of the iceberg
49. Bland stopped shouting because______.
[A]he had started staring at the writer
[B]he became suspicious of the writer
[C]the writer had warned him not to do so
[D]he saw something strange in the writer's behavior
50.The writer didn't shoot at the Bland as he advanced towards him because he
[A]didn't want to shoot at an unarmed person
[B]didn't get the opportunity to do so
[C]wanted to make sure of the hit
[D]had warned Bland first, as Bland was standing still
Text 3
In 1967, in response to widespread public concern aroused by medical repor
ts of asbestosrelated deaths, the National Medical Research Council organize
d committee of inquiry to investigate the health threats associated with the u
se of asbestos in the building industry.After examining evidences provided b
y medical researchers and building workers and management, the Council publish
ed a report which included advice for dealing with asbestos. The report confir
med the findings of similar research in the United States and Canada. Exposure
to relatively small quantities of asbestos fibres,they concluded, was directl
y responsible for the development of cancers, asbestosis and related diseases.
Taking into account evidence provided by economists and building industry man
agement, however, the report assumed that despite the availability of other ma
terials, asbestos would continue to play a major role in the British building
industry ofr many years to come because of its availability and low cost.As a
result, the council gave a series of recommendations which were intended to re
duce the risks to those who might be exposed to asbestos in working environmen
ts. They recommended that, where possible, asbestosfree materials should be
employed. In cases where asbestos was employed, it was recommended that it sho
uld be used in such a way that loose fibres were less likely to enter the air.
The report recommended that special care should be taken during work in envir
onments which contain asbestos. Workers should wear protective equipment and t
ake special care to remove dust from the environment and clothing with the use
of vacuum cleaner.The report identified five factors which determine the le
vel of risk involved. The state and type of asbestos is critical to determinin
g the risk factors. In addition, dust formation was found to be limited where
the asbestos was used when wet rather than dry.The choice of tools was also
found to affect the quantities of asbestos particles that enter the air. machi
ne tools produce greater quantities of dust than hand tools and, where possibl
e, the use of the latter was recommended.A critical factor takes place in ri
sk reduction is the adequate ventilation of the working environment. When work
takes place in an enclosed space, more asbestosles circulate and it was there
fore recommended that natural or machine ventilation should be used. By closel
y following these advices, it was claimed that exposure can be reduced to a re
asonably practical minimum.
51. Exposure to asbestos fibres can cause cancer______.
[A]only when asbestos is used in building industry
[B]only when it is used in large quantities
[C]even if it is used in small quantities
[D]if they are used when wet rather than dry
52. Exposure to asbestos fibres is harmful to people's health______.
[A]so the use of asbestos is limited
[B]but asbestos will continue to be used for a long time to come
[C]so other new kinds of materials are under development
[D]but they will not be so when ventilation devices are used
53. It can be inferred from the text that the real danger comes from______.
[A]the asbestos dust that people take in
[B]the contact of the worker's skin with asbestos particles
[C]the inferior quality of the asbestos itself
[D]the excessive use of manmade asbestos material
54.The government has taken the following measures to reduce the risks, except
[A]prevention of entry of loose fibres
[B]special equipment against asbestos
[C]removal dust from work sites
[D]limitation of asbestos in construction
55. Evidence from the economists and the building industries shows that______.
[A]exposure to asbestos fibres is cancercausing
[B]asbestos is in extensive use in building industry
[C]use of asbestos is being reduced gradually
[D]exposure to asbestos fibres can be reduced significantly
Text 4
Stars may be spheres, but not every celestial object is spherical. Objects
in the universe show a variety of shapes: round planets(some with rings), tai
led comets, wispy cosmic gas and dust clouds, ringed nebulae pinwheelshaped
spiral galxies, and so on. But none of the shapes on this list describes the l
argest single entities in the universe. These are the double radio sources, ga
laxies with huge clouds of radio emission that dwarf the visible galaxies, som
etimes by a factor of a hundred or more. Stretching over distances greater tha
n a million light years, these radioemitting regions resemble twin turbulent
gas clouds, typically orming dumbbelllike, shapes with the visible galaxy(w
hen it is visible) in the center.
These double radio sources present astronomers with a puzzle. Their radio
emission arises from the synchrotron process, in which electrons accelerated t
o nearly the speed of light move through magnetic fields. However, in view of
the rate at which the radio sources emit energy, they should disappear in a fe
w million years as their electrons slow down and cease producing radiation. So
mehow new electrons must be continually accelerated to nearly the speed of lig
ht; otherwise, by now almost none of the double radio sources would be observe
d.With the advent of highresolution radio interferometers during the late
1970's, part of the answer became clear; the electrons are produced in jets th
at are shot out in opposite directions from the center of a galaxy. Remarkably
narrow and ghly directional, the jets move outward at speeds close to the spe
ed of light. When the jets strike the highly rarefied gas that permeates inter
galactic space, the fastmoving electrons lose their highly directional motio
n and form vast clouds of radio emititng gas.Cosmic jets have ranked among t
he hottest topics of astronomical research in recent years as astronomers stri
ve to understand where they come from. Why should a galaxy eject matter at suc
h tremendous speeds in two narrow jets? And why are such jets not seen in the
Milky Way?
56. The text lists a variety of celestial objects to ______.
[A]raise the topic of double radio sources
[B]suggest they are smaller substances
[C]compare them with the sun
[D]suggest the various shapes
57. The author suggests that astronomers consider the study of cosmic jets to
[A]an obsolete scientific field
[B]an unprofitable venture
[C]an intriguing challenge
[D]a subjective debate
58.According to the text,scientists do not fully understand why double radio s
[A]have not eventually disappeared
[B]cannot be observed with a telesco be
[C]are beginning to slow down
[D]are not as big as some planets and star
59. According to the text, what happens when electrons and gas collide in spac
[A]The gas becomes more condensed.
[B]The gas becomes less radiated.
[C]The electrons disperse.
[D]The electrons become negatively charged.
60. The paragraph following the text most likely discusses______.
[A]specific double radio sources
[B]an explanation of the synchrotron process
[C]possible reasons for the presence of cosmic jets
[D]the discovery of the first double radio source
Part BDirections:
Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments
into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (
10 points)
It used to be said that English people take their pleasures sadly (61)No d
oubt this would still be true if they had any pleasures to take, but the price
of lcohol and tobacco in my country has provided sufficient external causes f
ormel ancholy. (62)I have sometimes thought that the habit of taking pleasures
sadly has crossed the Atlantic, and I have wondered what it is that makes so
many Englishspeaking people somber in their outlook in spite of good healt
h and a good income.In the course of my travels in America I have been impre
ssed by a kind of fundamental malaise which seems to me extremely common and w
hich poses difficult problems for the social reformer. (63)Most social reforme
rs have held the opinion that, if poverty were abolished and there were no mor
e economic insecurity, the millennium would have arrived. But when I look at t
he faces of people in opulent cars, whether in your country or in mine, I do n
ot see that look of radiant happiness which the aforesaid social reformers had
led me to expect. In nine cases out of ten, I see instead a look of boredom a
nd discontent and an almost frantic longing for something that might tickle th
e jaded palate. (64)When I try to understand what it is that prevents so man
y Americans from being as happy as one might expect, it seems to me that there
are two causes, of which one goes much deeper than the other. The one that go
es least deep is the necessity for subservience in some large organization.(
65)If you are an energetic man with which you are concerned, you find yourself
invariably under the orders of some big man at the top who is elderly, weary
and cynical. Whenever you have a bright idea, the boss puts a stopper on it. T
he more Energetic you are and the more vision you have, the more you will suff
er from the impossibility of doing any of the things that you feel ought to be
done. When you go home and moan to your wife, she tells you that you are a si
lly fellow and that if you became the proper sort of yestman your income wou
ld soon be doubled. If you try divorce and remarriage it is very unlikely that
there will be any change in this respect. And so you are condemned to gastric
ulcers and premature old age.
Section Ⅳ
WritingDirections:[A]Time limit: 40 minutes[B]word limit: 200 words
It is said that China is one of the countries where pirated products flourish.
Write an essay on this topic in no less than 200 words. (20 points)On Pirat
ingOutline:(1) Present Situation(2) The negative effects of pirating
(3) Suggestions
Section Ⅰ(略)
Section Ⅱ
21.答案选[D]。 [A] sure“肯定的”,interested“感兴趣的”,后应加in, inf
ormed“通知,告诉”,常跟of, about, 应选[D] afraid“恐怕,担忧”。
22.答案选[C]。 应选 [C]law“法律”,law court “法院,法庭”,不加law
也行;justice “正义”,“town城镇”,judgement “判断,裁定”。
23.答案选[D]。 但很少守法的公民精于此道。故选[D] subject“主题”,此处
指上面已提到的法律和庭审。[A] dynamics“动力学,[B]court“法院,法庭”,[
C] math“数学”,均词义不当,故不选。
24.答案选[B]。 英国刑事审判不同开欧洲,故应选[B] differ“不同”。[A]
range其后只有 from,而无 to,不可取; [C]result“由于”, [D] suffer“遭受”
26.答案选[A]。 accuse of 为一固定搭配,意思是“指控”,故选[A] of. 其余
28.答案选[B]。innocent“清白的”,suspecting“嫌疑的” invalid“无效的”
29.答案选[C]。[A]how“如何”,[B] whatever“不管什么”,[D] for wh
ich.在文中无修饰的对象,均不合要求。应选[C] why “为什么”。
30.答案选[D]。send separately “分开寄”,故选[D]。 [A]individually“
个人地”,[B] in detail “详细地”,[C] reasonable“合乎道理地”。
31.答案选[D]。[A]robbing很难想像守夜人成为抢劫对象。用[B] accusing似
无根据,而[C]tching可能性很小。故选[D] wounding“伤害”。
32.答案选[C]。stop a thief“捉贼”,故选[C] stop.而defend“防卫”,exa
妥;just “正好,公正的”,appropriate“合适的”。
34.答案选[B]。宜选[B]evidence“证据”。[A] trials“审判”,[C]desc
ription“叙述”,[D] information“信息”。
35.答案选[A]。五十多岁的房东,生平第一次当陪审员。故选[A] serving“服务
”regarding“认为”,[B] assuming“假定”,[D] blaming“责备”。
36.答案选[A]。应选[A]so “因此”,符合实际;yet“但是”,nevertheless“
37.答案选[B]。 employed“雇佣”,inquired out “查出”,promoted“提升”
,词义欠妥。故应选[B] called on “请求、乞求”最合文意。
38.答案选[C]。 据上下文,another 必与one 对应,故选[C]。其余皆不适用。
39.答案选[C]。[A]whatever“不管什么”,此处无强调的必要,[B] that结构
40.答案选[A]。陪审员身份不同,故选[A]mixed“混合的”,而proper 是“适合
Section Ⅲ
42.答案选[B]。见第三段的due chiefly to the gradual cutting down of gover
nment support for food,粮食价格上涨,主要是政府逐渐削减了粮食补贴所致。
46.答案选[C]。见本文第一段第1句 It was just three when I sighted a small
, black dot moving ahead of me on the pack ice。
48.答案选[A]。参见本文第三段最后两句He was shouting me and waving his st
icks. Just as his companions had done, he thought I was part of a rescue party
49.答案选[B]。由文章倒数第二段的第1句Something in the way I moved toward
s him must have warned him, for he suddenly stopped shouting and stood quite s
till, staring at me as I advanced on him 可知,Bland 应该是对我产生怀疑。
50.答案选[C]。参见倒数第二段最后两句But I was taking no chanced. I close
d on him steadily, just as I would have done an enemy ship, “我”虽瞄得准,但
量的石棉绒(asbestos fibres) 也会导致癌症、石棉沉着病或其他相关病症。[D]不正确
也不对,其他材料业已存在(见本题题解上文),而不是正在研制(under development)。
,因此,又被称作“石棉肺”。在使用石棉的过程中,石棉碎绒(loose fibres)进入空气
56.答案选[A]。文章列举众星星是为了引起double radio sources这个主题,可由
59.答案选[C]。文章第三段后半部分when the jets...emitting gas回答了这一问
Section Ⅳ
On Pirating
Pirated videos, tapes, and software are commonly seen and even displayed o
n the shelves of stores. Actually, they are so common that most people seldom
regard pirating as illegal behavior that violates the copyright of the produce
rs. Attracted by the surprisingly low price, buyers are inclined to buy pirate
d products rather than the official ones. However, the prevalence of the pirac
ies in the market has negative effects on the development of the industry invo
lved.Firstly, pirating is despicable behavior totally against morality becau
se it is a theft of the product of other's labor. Production is creative and t
alented work. However, for the sake of great profits, those shameless thieves
steal the harvest of others by duplicating the original products without payin
g copyright royalties. Secondly, many industries have been seriously threatene
d by the sales of piracies. Most of the duplicated products without the permis
sion of the copyright owner are mainly digital products, as the process of dup
lication is relatively easier. Sold at a lower price, piracies are more compet
itive in the market and therefore disturb the normal sales order. Many industr
ies shrink as a result. Thirdly, the problem of the piracies can even cause co
nflicts between countries, especially between developed countries and developi
ng ones. In the negotiations between America and China concerning China's entr
y into WTO, America criticized China for the ineffective control over piracies
. In this way, it becomes an obstacle to China's successful entry. In a wor
d, piracies can be a plague of modern society. As a result, the government sho
uld enact appropriate laws to handle the problem. In addition, we lawabiding
citizens should not purchase piracies protect the healthy development of indu
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