Flyingoverseas 版 (精华区)
发信人: LandCruiser (血刃·射雕英雄传), 信区: Flyingoverseas
标 题: gre作文中常见逻辑错误总结(zz)
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2002年11月08日19:28:49 星期五), 站内信件
1它因other alternatives
2原因本身存在的真实性The reliability of the study is dubious
4因果关系(无,倒置)correlation for causality
5想当然的把两个现象联系在一起 A is not the same as B
Besides these, there are other kinds such as:
7 circular reasoning: unwarranted two things substantiate each other.
8 biased sample (representation)
9 sufficiency of sample
10 Ad hominen: attack one person rather than his/her view.
11 Ad populum: What the public say is true or the truth of a thing can be de
termined by putting it into a votes; the democracy is good but not absolutel
y right.
12 Either-or thinking: There is no room for a middle ground or a thing is ei
ther at one point or at the other extremity but not at a mid point (so-calle
d white-or-black fallacy)
13 The “all things are equal” fallacy: without considering the change of t
ime, space and other external conditions which may lead to the alteration of
evidence, thereby the results of the recommendation or prediction.
14 Non sequitor: the premise can’t certainly lead to the result or in other
words the consequence does not entail the premise.
15 Straw man: falsify rather than represent the opponent’s view
16 “After this, Therefore Because of this”: A happens before B so A must r
esult to B.
17 fallacy of equivocation: a word or phrase has been employed in different
meanings throughout the argument. So-called the “stolen” transference of a
concept in Chinese
18 Irrational appeals: accept ideas based on other bases, say authority, oth
er than reasonableness
19 mistake the number for the proportion.
20 without comparison with others.
21 lack of comparison with the overall scenario
22 hasty or sweeping conclusion without considering other factors
23 inconsistency of concepts (simple identify A with B)
说因为政治势力的变迁,美国大风暴, 天气环境的变化,xxx is unponderable
undisputable prediction does not exit at all
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香·[FROM:]
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