Flyingoverseas 版 (精华区)
GRE will change significantly from 1997:
* The new Mathematical Reasoning Test will measure the ability
of examinees to reason using the techniques of calculus and
other college-level mathematics. The test will be appropriate
for individuals planning graduate study in the physical sciences,
mathematics, engineering, and other heavily quantitative fields.
* The new Writing Test will measure examinees' general writing
ability, specifically their ability to effectively present and
sustain a coherent discussion of their views about a complex
issue or argument.
* The revised Verbal Reasoning Test will reflect an increased
emphasis on testing verbal skills and abilities that are closely
related to skills required for success in graduate school.
Specifically, this will involve the addition of context for word-
level verbal reasoning tesks, as well as the introduction of
multiple passage reading comprehension questions.
* The revised Quantitative Reasoning Test will reflect an increased
emphasis on data interpreation skills and will be appropriate for
students intending study at the graduate level in fields such as
social sciences, education, and humanities.
* The revised Analytical Reasoning Test will place a greater emphasis
on informal reasoning tasks that require examinees to analyze and
` evaluate arguments, identify central issues and hypotheses, draw
sound inferences, and identify plausible causal explanations.
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