Flyingoverseas 版 (精华区)
发信人: bonjovi (bonjovi), 信区: Flyingoverseas
标 题: 托福词汇研究 Unit 9-10
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2001年02月26日12:35:07 星期一), 站内信件
Unit 9
coterminous a.毗连的;有共同边界的 [也写作contermious, con+term边界,结束;term
couch n.床;睡椅;麦牙糖 [var of QUITCH =quitch grass 茅草]
counterfeit a.n.v.假冒的;伪作;骗子 [E<OF countrefet, -fait, pp. of contrefai
countermand v.撤回;取消 [ME<OF contremander<medL contramandare(CONTRA-, mand
are order)]
counterpart n.相对物;极相似之物 [counterpane(装饰用的)床罩,床单 counterpisto
n 逆活塞]
coupling n.联结;联合体
covenant n.契约;盟约 [ME<OF, pres part of co(n)venir, formed as CONVENE召集;
covert a.暗地的;隐藏的 [ME<OF covert pp. of covrir COVER]
covetous a.贪婪的 [ME<OF coveitous<Gallo-Roman be ~ of another person's prop
erty 贪图他人财产]
cower v.畏缩;退缩 [ME<MLG kuren lie in wait COW 恐吓;威胁]
coxcomb n.纨裤子弟;花花公子
[鸡冠花(cockscomb)= cock's comb(see COCK), orig(a cap worn by)a jester(尤指中
世纪王侯、贵族所豢 养的)小丑,弄臣
coy a.害羞的 [ME<OF coi, quei<L quietus QUIET]
cozen v.欺骗 [16th-c perh rel to COUSIN 堂兄弟(姊妹) cozen a person of (out
of) something=~ something of (out of) a] [person 骗取某人的某物 cozenage 欺骗
cozy a.温暖而舒适的 [同COSY a ~ little restaurant 舒适雅致的小餐厅 cozy up t
o a person(美口语)博取<某人>的欢心, 好]<[某人>]
crabbed a.乖戾的;暴躁的 [ME<CRAB, assoc with CRAB 蟹]
cracker n.爆竹,摔爆;一种装有糖果
cram v.填塞;仓促用功 [OE crammian<Gmc cramming adj]
cranky a.胡思乱想的;发疯的 [perh<obs crank rogue feigning sickness CRANK 曲柄
crass a.粗鲁的;愚蠢的 [L crassus solid, thick]
craven a.懦弱的 [<L crepare burst;assim to -EN]
crease n.v.皱痕;(使)起皱痕
credence n.相信 [<medL credentia<credere believe]
credo n.信条 [ME<L, = I believe]
credulity n.轻信;易信 [L credulus<credere believe]
creed n.教义;信条 [OE creda<L CREDO]
creek n.小湾;小溪 [<MDu kreke(or<crike by lengthening)]
crepuscular a.在晨曦时刻活动的 [L crepusculum twilight(日出前的)微明,晓光;曙
crestfallen a.垂头丧气的 [CREST鸡冠+FALLEN]
crevice n.裂缝;破口 [ME<OF crevace<crever burst<L crepare]
cringe n.v.畏缩;奉承 [ME crenge, crenche, OE cringan, crincan: CRANK脾气暴躁
的 cringing 谄媚的;奉承的]
cripple n.跛子;残废的 [OE crypel, rel to CREEP 爬行,匍匐]
crisp a.脆的;活泼的 [OE<L crispus curled卷曲]
criterion n.标准;定规 [Gk kriterion means of judging(cf CRITIC)]
crooked a.有钩的;弯曲的;秘密造的 [ME<CROOK, prob after ON kr*k*ttr crook屈曲
cross a.不高兴的 [OE cros<ON kross<OIr cros<L crux cruc-]
crotchety a.思想奇怪的;怪僻的 [CROTCHET奇想;反复无常+-Y]
crude a.未提炼的;生的;粗野 [ME<L crudus raw, rough crudity 未成熟;生硬;粗杂;
粗糙粗野的行为 (言辞)]
crumble v.粉碎;崩溃;灭亡 [ME<OE, formed as CRUMB;The old wall is crumbling a
way at the edges 那道古墙的边缘逐渐崩塌]
crunch v.嘎扎嘎扎的咬嚼;压碎
[同scrunch earlier cranch, assim to munch用力嚼 A dog was ~ing on a bone 一只
狗在咯吱咯吱地 啃 着骨头
crusade n.十字军;圣战;改革运动
[earlier croisade(F<croix cross)or crusado(Sp<cruz cross)crusader 十字军战士
改革运动者 crusado(铸有 十字架之)葡萄牙古金币或银币
crux n.紧要关头;要点 [L, = cross(<L."十字形")the ~ of a problem 问题的核心 c
ruzeiro 巴西的货币单位(相当于美金 5.4 cents] [(1965))]
cryogenic a.低温的;低温学的
[cryogen (化学)致冷剂;冷冻剂 cryo- (用于复合字中) 表"冰冷,严寒"之义,如: cryo
meter低温计 (内装 酒精,而非水银)
cryptic a.神秘的;隐藏的 [LL crypticus<Gk kruptikos(CRYPTO-)]
cryptogram n.密码 [cryptogrammic 亦作cryptogammatic 密码的;暗号的;似密码或暗
号的 crypto (复合用词)表示"隐的,秘密的"]
cuddle v.抚爱地怀抱;贴着身睡 [16th c: perh<dial couth snug舒适的]
cuisine n.烹调;烹饪法 [F<L coquina<coquere to cook]
culinary a.厨房的;烹调的 [L culinarius<culina kitchen]
cull v.拣选;剔除 [ME<OF coillier etc ult<L colligere COLLECT]
culmination n.顶点;最高潮
[the ~ of one's ambition 某人雄心 (抱负) 的极致 2(天文)通过子午线,中天 culmi
nate 到达最高点 ( 极点,绝顶) ;达到最高潮 (极盛)
culpable a.该受谴责的 [<L culpabilis<culpare<culpa blame]
cultivate v.耕种 [medL cultivare<cultiva(terra)arable(land)(CULT)]
cultivating n.力求与人交往
cupidity n.贪婪 [ME<OF cupidite or L cupiditas<cupidus desirous]
curb n.马勒;控制 [ME<OF courber<L curvare bend, CURVE曲线;弯曲]
curmudgeon n.守财奴 [curly 鬈发的;卷曲的;卷缩的 curr(鸽、猫等)发咕咕声;发呜呜
声 currant 小粒的无子葡萄干]
curry v.制革;曲意逢迎 [ME<OF correier ult<Gmc]
cursive a.草体的 [medL(scriptura)cursiva<L currere curs- run]
cursory a.匆促的;粗略的 [L cursorius of a runner(CURSOR计算尺游标)]
curtail v.缩短;缩减 [<F courtault<court short<L curtus: assim to tail]
cushion n.垫子;后腿肉;缓解 [<L mattress, 拉丁"腰,臀"a ~ against inflation 缓
解通货膨胀的政策 The grass ~ed his fall 草坪缓和了他坠落时的撞积 pincushion(
custody n.监护;保管 [L custodia<custos -odis guardian custodian管理人;看守人
, after guardian]
cute a.聪明的;可爱的 [shortening of ACUTE敏锐的]
cyclopean a.巨大的 [独眼巨人 Cyclops(似)的;cyclopia(医)独眼畸形]
cynic n.愤世嫉俗;不信人间真情 [L cynicus<Gk kunikos<kuon kunos dog, nickname
for a Cynic CYNICAL不相信人间有真情的 cynicism] [愤世嫉俗,讥嘲的习癖]
cynosure n.众人注目之的
[<Gk kunosoura dog's tail, Ursa Minor<kuon kunos dog+oura tail cynosural 引人
注意的 cynocephalous 似狗头的;似犬面的
cytology n.细胞学 [cyto-, cyt- 表"细胞"之义 cytologist 细胞学家 cytokinesis
(细胞分裂时之) 细胞浆移动;原浆移动] [cytochrome 细胞色素 cytogenous 细胞合成
dabble v.涉足;浅赏 [16th c:<Du dabbelen or DAB (用)轻敲,轻抚,轻按,轻敷,轻扑(
with)(又作 dab hand)(英口语)好手;高手],[ 专家(at)
dainty a.优美的;讲究的;好吃的 [AF dainte, OF daintie, deintie<L dignitas -ta
tis<dignus worthy]
dais n.讲台 [ME<OF deis<L discus disc, dish, in medL = table]
dally v.嬉戏;玩弄 [ME<OF dalier chat dalliance戏弄;荒唐度日]
dampen v.弄湿;使消沉;挫锐气
dandy n.好时髦的人;好打扮的 [18th c: perh orig = Andrew
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