Flyingoverseas 版 (精华区)
发信人: unname (日洒清水三百滴,不辞长做丁香人), 信区: Flyingoverseas
标 题: 课程英文翻译一览表(本科)
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Wed Dec 15 15:45:12 1999), 转信
//good luck everyone
智能仪器与CAD intelligence instrument and CAD
精密机械工艺学 precision mechanism technology
机电仪器原理 theory of machinery and electronic instrument
电子精密机械原理 principle of electronic precision machinery
精密检测技术 precision technique of check and measurement
专业英语阅读 specialized English reading
电子精密机械实验 experiment of electronic precision machinery
互换性与测量技术基础 interchangebility and base of measuring technology
仪表结构设计基础 design fundamentals of instrument structures
精密机械零件 parts of precision mechanisms
仪表元件及测试基础 instrumentation components and measurement fundamentals
生物医学测量 biomedical measurements
闹钟的结构原理及装配 structure principle of clock and assemble of clock
误差理论与测试数据处理 error theory and test data processing
精密测试技术 precision measuring technique
可靠性工程基础 base of reliability engineering
标准化基础 base of standardization
误差理论和数据处理 error theory and data treatment
几何量测量 metrology of geometric quantities
精密仪器设计 design of precision instrument
传感器 sensors
精密仪器电路 precision instrument circuits
机械量测量 measuring technology of mechanical quantities
实验计量学 experimental metrology
齿轮测量技术 measurement of gears
三维测试技术 three-dimensional measuring technique
计量光栅技术 measuring grating technique
三坐标测量机 three coordinate measuring machine
圆度和形状测量仪 roundness and form measuring instruments
智能量仪 intelligence instruments
精密检测自动化技术 precision inspect automation technique
图形测量技术 image measuring technique
单片机原理及应用 principle and application of single-chip microcomputer
激光在测量中的应用 laser in the measuring technology
动态测试技术 dynamical measuring technology
机器人传感器 robot sensors
计量光学技术 optics in metrology
常用电子仪器与使用 application of common electrument
金属切削原理 principle of metal cutting
实验技术 techniques of experiment
仪器制造工艺学 technology of instrumental manufacturing
精密机床设计 design of precision machine tool
精密仪器制造工艺过程自动化 process automation of precision instrument
特种加工工艺学 untraditional machining
成组技术 group technology
工业机器人 industrial robot
仪器零件计算机辅助工艺过程设计 computer aided process planning for parts
of instruments
测试技术 test technology
金属加工的表面完整性 surface perfection of metal work
光电技术基础 photoelectronic technique basis
光电变换技术与实验 photoelhitronic transformation and experiment
光学加工与测量 optical processing and testing
光学仪器设计 design of optical instruments
光电系统设计 photoelectronic system design
应用光学 applied optics
应用光学课程设计 practice design of applied optics
付立叶光学 Fourier's optics
薄膜光学技术 optics and technique of thin films
摄像机原理 principles of CCD camera
自动检测技术 auto measuring techniques
自动显示技术及装置 technique and instrument for automatic display
过程控制装置 process controller
过程控制系统 process control system
自动元件 automatic elements
数字信号处理 digital signal processing
辐射测温学 radiation thermometry
特种测量 special measurement
BASIC语言 BASIC language
激光原理及应用 laser principles and applications
激光技术 laser technique
原子物理学 atomic physics
激光原理 principles of lasers
激光实验课 laser experiments
近代激光器 recent lasers
激光应用 lasers applications
传热学 heater transfer
工程热力学 engineering thermodynamics
工程热力学与传热学 engineering thermodynamics and heat transfer
动力装置 power plant
热力系统 power cycles for steam power plants
燃烧理论与设备 theory and application of combustion
锅炉原理 principle of boiler design
锅炉水动力学及锅炉内设备(炉内过程) fluid dynamics and steam
separation for boilers
压力容器强度 stress analysis and structural design of
pressurized vessel
锅炉动态特性及自动调节 boiler dynamics and automatic control
热能工程数值计算(计算和应用) application of computer in thermoengineering
热工实验技术 measurements and instrumentation in thermoengineering
锅炉制造工艺与检测 manufacture and examine of boiler
锅炉水处理 boiler water treatment
透平机械原理 theory of turbomachines
自动控制原理 principle of automatic control
透平机械自动调节 automatic control of turbomachines
蒸汽轮机装置 theory of steam turbine plant
液体与气体动力学 liquid and gas dynamics
透平压力机与通风机 compressor and ventilator
燃气轮机装置 theory of gas turbine plant
透平机械测试技术 measuring technique of turbine mechanism
液体气体动力学 hydro-aero dynamics
工程流体力学 engineering fluid mechanics
液压流体力学 hydro-fluid mechanics
工程流体力学 engineering fluid mechanics
液力传动 hydrodynamic power transmission
液压测试技术及数据处理 hydraulic measurement and data processing
液压元件 hydraulic components
液压传动系统 hydraulic transmission system
气压传动 pneumatics
自动控制原理 principle of automatic control
液压控制系统 hydraulic control systems
液压系统的计算机仿真 computer simulation for hydraulic systems
液压元件制造工艺学 hydraulic component technology
数据库系统基础 an introduction to database systems
编译原理 principles of compilers
数据结构 data structures
集合论与图论 sets theory and graph theory
人工智能语言 the language of AI
程序设计方法学 the methodology of programming
形式语言 formal languages
算法设计与算法分析 the design and analysis of computer algorithms
排队论 queuing theory
人工智能 Artificial intelligence
程序设计语言Fortran77 programming language fortran77
Fortran语言 Fortran programming language
程序设计 programming
操作系统 operating system
数理逻辑 mathematical logic
近世代数 modern algebra
Pascal语言程序设计 programming in Pascal
软件工程 software engineering
组合数学 combinatorial mathematics
形式语义学 formal semantics
计算机图形学 computer graphics
计算机系统结构 computer architecture
计算机网络 computer networks
计算机容错与诊断技术 computer fault-tolerance and diagnosis
操作系统 operating system
计算机原理 computer principle
计算机组成原理 computer organization principle
微机接口 microcomputer interfacing
数字逻辑 digital logic
数字图像处理 digital image processing
计算机控制 computer control
模式识别 pattern recognition
计算机辅助设计 computer aided design
计算机原理 principles of digital computer
程序设计 programming
自动控制原理 theory of automatic control
自动控制原理 principle of automatic control
自动控制元件及线路 element and circuit of automatic control
现代控制理论 modern control theory
自动控制原理实验 experiment of automatic control
系统工程 system engineering
自动控制系统设计 control system design
数字控制 digital control
控制系统动力学 control system dynamics
飞行控制 flight control
制导 guidance
陀螺仪原理及应用 gyroscope theory and applications
惯性导航原理 principle of inertial navigation
随即控制 stochastic control
分散递阶控制 decentralized and hierarchical control
系统辨识与自适应控制 system identification and adaptive control
控制系统数字仿真与计算机辅助设计 digital simulation and computer-aided
design of control systems
控制系统设计实践 practice of control system
机器人工程导论 introduction to robot engineering
模糊控制与智能控制 fuzzy control and intelligent control
微机在控制中的应用 microcomputer application in the control systems
智能控制 intelligent control
智能化设计 design for intelligent components of control system
航天飞行器控制 control of space-vehicles
过程控制系统 process control system
非线性控制工程 nonlinear control engineering
鲁棒控制系统 robust control system
系统工程 system engineering
专业理论力学 special theoretical mechanics
热力学与统计物理 thermodynamics and statistical physics
量子力学 quantum mechanics
固体物理 solid state physics
半导体物理学 semiconductor physics
半导体化学 semiconductor chemistry
半导体器件工艺原理 the principle of the semiconductor device technology
半导体材料 semiconductor material
半导体器件 semiconductor devices
晶体管设计 transistor design
双极性数字集成电路 bipolar digital integrated circuit
MOS集成电路 MOS integrated circuit
模拟集成电路 analog integrated circuit
MOS集成电路设计 MOS integrated circuit design
半导体实验 experiment for semiconductor
晶体管生产实习 laboratory practice of transistors
集成电路生产实习 laboratory practice of integrated circuit
半导体工艺及器件模拟 semiconductor process and device simulation
半导体器件可靠性基础 introduction of semiconductor device reliability
离子注入物理 ION implantation physics
化合物半导体 compound semiconductors
半导体器件表面钝化技术 pasivation methods of semiconductor device
太阳能电池 solar cells
半导体测量与分析 semiconductor measurements and analysis
信号与系统 signals and systems
微型计算机接口技术 microcomputer interface technique
数字信号处理中的正交变换 orthogonal transforms for digital
signal processing
高速脉冲技术 high-speed pulse technique
脉冲与数字电路 pulse and digital circuits
微波技术 microwave technique
微波电子线路 microwave electronic circuits
电磁场理论 theory of electromagnetic fields
天线与电波 antennas and fundamentals of radio wave
低频电子线路 low-frequency electronic circuits
集成运算放大器的原理与应用 operational amplifier principle and applications
遥测遥控原理 telemetry and remote control principles
高频电子线路 high frequency electronic circuits
集成锁相环原理与应用 principle and applications of integrated circuit
phase locked loops
电子线路的计算机辅助设计 computed aided design of electronic circuits
电视原理 television theory
滤波器导论 introduction to filters
通信原理 communication principle
遥测遥控系统 telemetry and remote control system
卫星通信 satellite communication
电波与天线 radio wave and antenna
计算机通信 computer communication
数字信号处理 digital signal processing
移动通讯系统 mobile communication system
锁相环原理与应用 phase locked loop principle
伪噪声编码技术 PN technology
短波通信 high-frequency communication
光通信技术 optical communication technique
数字信号处理 digital signal processing
微机应用 microcomputer amplification
现代控制理论 modern control theory
数字图像处理 digital image processing
通信系统导论 introduction to communication systems
雷达原理 principle of radar
随机信号分析 random signal analysis
电子测量原理 principle of electronic measurements
电子仪器设计基础 basis of electronic instrument design
自动测试接口技术 automatic test interface techniques
取样仪器理论 theory of sample instruments
电子工艺学 electronic technology
非电量电测技术 measurements on a quantity of non-electricity
锁相技术 phase lock techniques
模拟集成电路原理及其应用 principle and applications of analog
integrated circuits
光纤与测量 optical fiber and measurement
电路 electrical circuit
电磁场 electromagnetic fields
电工技术 electrical engineering
电子技术 electronics
电工技术与电子技术 electrical engineering and electronics
模拟电子技术基础 basics of analogue electronic techniques
数字电子技术基础 basics of digital electronic techniques
实验电子学 experimental electronics
电机学 electrical machine
伺服电机及其控制 servomotors and control systems
测角微电机 micro electrical machine for angular measurement
电机设计 electrical machine design
微电机结构工艺学 micro-motor structure and technology
微电机测试 micro-motor test
微电机课程设计 design course for micromotors
电机计算辅助设计 CAD of electrical machine
控制电机 control motors
电机学 fundamentals of electrical machine
电机微机控制理论概论 introduction to microprocessor-controlled
electrical machine
步进电机的驱动与控制 driving power and control step motor
电机优化设计 optimization design of electrical machine
电测测量基础 fundamentals of electromagnetic measurement
精密电气测量 precision electrical measurement
数字化测量技术 digital measurement technology
微机化测量仪器 microcomputer-based measuring instrumentation
非电量电测量 electrical measurement for non-electrical quantities
测量信号的分析与处理 measurements signal analysis and procession
特殊电量的测量 measurements for special electrical parameters
数字传感器 digital transducers
实用计量学 applied metrology
近代磁测量 modern magnetic measurements
自动测试系统 automatic measurements systems
电测电子线路(运算放大器在仪器中的应用) application of operational
amplifiers instrumentation
单片计算机原理 principle of single-chip microcomputer
电气测量技术 electrical measurement techniques
微计算机原理 microcomputer principle
汇编语言程序设计 assembly language program design
计算机控制系统 computer control system
模式识别 pattern recognition
数字图像处理 digital image processing
计算机软件基础 basics of computer software
离散数学 discrete mathematics
人工智能 Artificial intelligence
语音信号处理 speech signal processing
汉字信息处理 Chinese character information processing
pascal语言程序设计 Pascal programming
C 语言程序设计基础 basis of C programming
高电压技术基础 introduction of high voltage techniques
发电厂电气部分 electrical section of power plants
电力系统分析 power system analysis
电力系统继电保护 relay protection of power systems
电力系统自动装置 automatic devices of power systems
电力系统调度自动化 dispatch automation in power system
最优化原理及其在电力系统中的应用 principles of optimization and
applications in power systems
电力系统远动装置与系统 tele-control device and system of power system
电力系统仿真 power system simulation
电力系统暂态过程 transient in electrical power systems
电力拖动 electrical drive systems
控制理论 control theory
半导体变流技术 semiconductor conversion technique
自动控制系统 automatic drive systems
计算机控制 computer control systems
控制原理实验 experiments of control theory
连续系统实验 experiments of continuous systems
数字系统实验 experiments of digital-systems
交流调速 AC speed adjustable system
系统仿真 control system simulation
最优控制 optimization control
机器人控制 control of robotics
机床电气控制系统 electrical control system for lathes
逻辑控制系统 logical control systems
电力工程与工厂供电 power engineering and power supply of factories
高电压技术基础 basic of high voltage technology
电子及固体电器 electronic and solid-state appliances
汽车电器基础 basic of car electronic appliances
电器学 electrical appliance
信息变换技术 technology of information conversion
高压电器 high voltage appliance
家用电器基础 basic of family electrical appliance
低压电器与继电器 low voltage appliance and relay
视听家用电器 video and audio family electric equipment
高雅电器(专题) special course of high voltage appliance
电器可靠性技术 reliability technology of electrical appliance
电子及智能电器 electronic and intelligent appliance
汽车行驶系统的电子电器 electronic appliance of car navigate system
汽车用豪华型电子电器 luxury electron electrical of car
电器制造工艺学 manufacturing technology of electrical appliance
电工材料 electrical materials
电器数值分析 numerical analyze of electrical appliance
电热制冷及其它家用电器 electrothermal refrigeration and relevant appliance
普通化学 general chemistry
金属腐蚀及保护 metal corrosion and protecting
无机化学 inorganic chemistry
分析化学 analytical chemistry
仪器分析 analytical instrument
络合物化学 complex compound chemistry
有机化学 organic chemistry
化工原理 chemical engineering principle
化工工艺 chemical process technology
物理化学 physical chemistry
高分子化学 polymer chemistry
高分子物理 polymer physics
热塑性塑料及其成型工艺 thermoplastic polymer and technology
聚合物基复合材料及成型工艺 polymer composites and processing engineering
胶粘剂及密封材料 adhesive and polymer sealant
高分子及其复合材料 polymer and composite material
高分子材料 polymer material
化学电源工艺学 technology of electrochemical power source
理论电化学 theoretical electrochemistry
电镀工艺学 electroplating technology
电化学测量 electrochemistry measurement
电化学综合实验 electrochemical syntheses experiment
电镀车间设计 design of electroplating plant
化学电源工程设计 design of electrochemical cells
现代电化学讲座 modern electrochemistry
现代电化学测量 modern electrochemical measurements
电化学分析 electrochemistry analysis
国内电化学现代成就 modern achievement in domestic electrochemistry
环境生态学 environmental ecology
环境微生物 environmental microbiology
结构化学 structural chemistry
环境监测与分析 environmental monitor and analysis
环境化学 environmental chemistry
废水治理工程 waste water treatment engineering
大气污染控制工程 air pollution control engineering
固体废弃物的处理与利用 solid wastes treatment and application
污染物治理综合实验 the general experiment of controlling contamination
环境质量评价 environmental quality assessment
环境学概论 introduction to environmental science
仪器分析 instrumental analysis
环境系统工程概论 environmental system engineering
环境管理 environmental management
专业英语 a course of specialty English
生态学基础 fundamental of ecology
机械原理 theory of machine and mechanisms
机械原理课程设计 project of mechanisms design
机械原理与零件 mechanism and machine elements
机械原理 mechanical theory
机械设计 machine design
机械零件与建筑机械 machine element and building machine
机械设计课程设计 course design of machine design
金属金属工艺学 technology of metals
微型计算机原理及应用 the principle and application of micro-computer
流体力学及液压传动 fluid mechanics and hydrostatic transmission
生产机械概论 introduction to production machinery
生产机械设计 design of production machinery
机床课程设计 course design of machine tools
金属切削机床概论 introduction to machine tools
金属切削机床设计 machine tool design
现代机器设计方法 the modern design of machinery
机床动力学 dynamics of machine tool
机床结构的模态分析与参数识别 model analysis and identification
of machine tool structure
精密机械设计 precision machine design
液压伺服系统基础 basis of hydraulic servomechanism
数控机床 numerical control of machine tool
机床结构计算中的有限元法 the finite element method in the calculation
of the machine tool structure
汽车结构计算的有限元法 finite element methods for automobile structures
机械制造工艺学 manufacturing technology
机械工程测试技术 measuring and testing technology in
mechanical engineering
工艺过程自动控制 automatic control of manufacturing process
特种加工 non-traditional machining
机械工艺课程设计 course design of manufacturing process
金属切削原理 principles of metal cutting
金属切削刀具 metal cutting tools
齿轮刀具 gear cutting tools
金属切削实验技术 experimental technique of metal cutting
磨削原理 principles of grinding
金属切削刀具的计算机辅助设计 CAD of metal cutting tools
精密和超精密加工技术 technique of precision and ultra precision machining
计算机在机械设计和制造中的应用 CAD/CAM
柔性加工系统 flexible manufacture systems
科学方法与技术创新 methods of investigation and technique development
金属切削刀具课程设计 design of metal cutting tools
金属切削原理及刀具 principles of metal cutting and cutting tools
金属学与热处理 metallography and heat treatment
机械工程材料 engineering materials
金属学原理 metallography
金属及合金的物理特性 physical properties of metals and alloys
金属力学性能 mechanical properties of metals
X 射线金属学 X-ray analysis of metals
金属电子显微分析 electron microscopy of metals
金属热处理原理及工艺 heat treatment of metals
金属表面处理 surface treatment of metals
金属材料学 metallic materials
热处理车间设备及设计 equipment and design of heat-treating shops
测温技术 measurement and control of temperatures
失效分析 failure analysis
粉末冶金 powder metallurgy
功能材料 functional materials
高等材料学 advanced materials
金属加工技术 thermal processing of metals
金属力学性能 mechanical properties of metals
X 光与电镜金属学 x-ray analysis and electron microscopy of metals
铸造材料化学 chemistry of molding materials
铸造合金融化原理 fundament of cast alloy melting
铸件形成理论基础 fundament of casting formation
铸造工艺学 foundry technology
铸造合金 cast alloys
铸造生产机械化 mechanization of casting production
铸造测试技术 measuring techniques in foundry
铸造生产自动化 automation of casting production
特种铸造 special casting
铸造车间设计原理 principle of foundry workshop design
液态合金处理 liquid alloy treatment
微机接口及其在铸造上的应用 I/O connection of microcomputer
and its application in foundry
铸造新技术概论 introduction to new technology on foundry
抗磨铸铁 wear-resistant cast iron
铸造型(模)具设计 design of metal mold for casting
铸造流变学概论 introduction of foundry rheology
铸造金属及复合材料概论 introduction to cast metal matrix
composite materials
冶金与提纯 metallurgy and purification
塑料模具 model of plastics forming
金属塑性变形机理 mechanism of plastic deformation of metals
金属塑性变形力学 mechanics of plastic deformation of metals
锻压工艺学 forging technology
冲压工艺学 press technology
锻造加热炉 forging furnace
锻锤 forging hammers
曲柄压力挤 mechanical presser
锻压车间设计 design of forging and pressing workshops
in machinery plant
液压传动及液压机 hydraulic power transmission and hydraulic presses
锻件组织性能控制 control of forging structures and properties
锻压测试技术 forging measurement technique
塑料成型工艺 plastics forming technology
塑料成型机械 plastic molding press
锻压生产机械自动化 mechanization an atomization of forging and
stamping production
锻压生产减振和降噪 noise and vibration control in forging
塑性变形中的摩擦和润滑 friction and lubrication of plastic deformation
锻压新技术讲座 new technology of forging and stamping
无屑工艺 scrapless technology
焊接冶金学 welding metallurgy
金属焊接性 metal weldability
焊接方法及设备 arc welding technology and equipment
弧焊电源 arc welding power source
焊接结构 welded structures
压力焊 pressure welding
钎焊 brazing and soldering
高能束焊接 high energy density welding processes
焊接检验 inspection of weldments
精密焊接 microwelding
焊接生产 welding production
焊接传热学 heat transfer in welding
表面工程 surface engineering
弧焊过程自动化 automation of arc welding processes
焊接性试验 weldability test
微型计算机原理及其应用 principle and application of microcomputer
经营管理学 operational management
经营管理学概论 an introduction to operational management
市场学 marketing
公共关系学 public relations
公共关系学概论 an introduction to public relations
价格学 pricing
企业经营与市场 operational management and marketing of enterprises
财政与信贷 finance and credit
货币与银行 currency and bank
工业经济学 industrial economics
国民经济计划 national economic plan
西方经济学概论 an introduction to capitalistic economics
经济地理 economic geography
经济理论专题 topics of economic theory
中国对外贸易概论 an introduction to foreign trade
国际贸易地理 geography of international trade
系统工程概论 an introduction to system engineering
系统动态学 system dynamics
控制论基础 fundamentals of cybernetics
运筹学 operations research
运筹学概论 an introduction to operations research
试验设计 the design of experiment
经济法 economic law
法制课 the course of law
国际贸易法 international trade law
知识产权法 intellectual property law
国际商法 international commercial law
能源技术经济学 energy technology economics
能源规划与管理 energy planning and modeling
企业能源管理 energy management in enterprises
能源工程学 energy engineering
新能源利用 utilization of new energy
能源管理与节能技术 energy management and energy-saving technique
热力设备与热力发电 thermal equipment and power plant
工厂供电 power supply in factory
生产管理学 production management
劳动定额 motion and time study
质量管理 quality control
管理心理学 managerial psychology
人机工程学 human-machine engineering
工厂设计 design of factory
工业企业管理学 management and organization in industrial enterprises
工程技术管理 engineering and technical management
生产组织学课程设计 production management lesson project
涉外工业企业管理 management concerning foreign enterprises
机械电子工程基础 the foundation of mechanical and electronical
技术经济学 engineering economics
价值工程 value engineering
标准化概论 an introduction to standardization
技术经济预测 tech-economic forecasting
可行性研究 feasibility study
国际投资可行性分析 feasibility analysis of international investment
会计管理基础 fundamentals of accounting management
会计管理概论 an introduction to accounting management
工业会计学 industrial accounting
应用统计 practical statistics
管理会计学 management accounting
审计学 audit
国家税收 national tax revenue
中外合资经营企业计会 accounting in sino-foreign join venture enterprises
西方财务会计 financial accounting in capitalistic enterprises
基建会计 accounting of capital construction
珠算 calculation with abacus
工业企业经济活动分析 economic activity analysis to industrial enterprises
电子计算机在会计中的应用 application of computer in accounting
财务管理 financial management
对外贸易会计 accounting of foreign trade
会计理论专题 topics of accounting theory
统计原理与外贸统计 theory of statistics and foreign trade
计算机软件 computer software
数据库及应用 data-base system and its application
数据结构 data structure
电子数据处理 technology of data processing
管理系统模拟 management system simulation
管理信息系统 management information system
管理信息系统导论 an introduction to management information system
管理信息系统及语言 management information system and
programming language
计算机网络 computer network
专家系统 expert systems
basic语言 basic
电子计算机导论 an introduction to computer
世界经济 world economy
进出口业务 import and export business
国际贸易原理 principle of international trade
国际市场行情 quotation of international marketing
中苏贸易概论 an introduction to sino-soviet trade
国际政治经济关系 international political and economic relations
苏东经济专题讲座 topics of soviet and east Europe economy
贸易洽谈讲座 topics with trade talks
外贸英语口语和听力 oral and listening course of foreign trade
国际营销管理 international marketing management
国际技术贸易 international technical trade
国际金融 international finance
外贸外语阅读及写作 foreign trade English reading and writing
大学物理 college physics
数理方法 methods of mathematical physics
理论力学 theoretical mechanics
热力学及统计物理 thermodynamics and statistical physics
电动力学 electrodynamics
量子力学 quantum mechanics
原子核物理 nuclear physics
广义相对论 the general theory of relativity
大学物理实验 college physical experiment
中级物理实验 middle physics experiment
计算物理 computation physics
光电技术 phytoelectric technique
光电技术实验 photoelectric technique experiment
现代光学 contemporary optics
现代光学实验 modern optical experiment
固体物理 solid state physics
光电子学 optical electronics
物理学综述 generalization of physics
专业英语 special English of applied physics
固体材料基础 solid state material basis
真空技术 vacuum technique
固体光学 solid state optics
纤维光学与集成光学 fiber optics and integrated optics
全息学及其应用 holography and its applications
红外物理 infrared physics
非线性光学 nonlinear optics
高等数学 advanced mathematics
常微分方程 ordinary differential equations
计算方法 computational methods
非线性方程数值解 numerical solution of nonlinear equations
刚性微分方程数值解 numerical solution of stiff-ordinary differential
数值代数 numerical algebra
数据结构 data structure
程序设计原理 principle of program design
算法语言及计算实习 algorithm language and computation practice
数值分析 numerical analysis
数值逼近 numerical approximation
微分几何 differential geometry
微分方程数值解 numerical solutions of differential equations
几何模型 geometry model
微分几何及其在机械工程中的应用 differential geometry and its
application in mechanics engineering
解析几何及其应用 analytic geometry and application
数学分析 mathematical analysis
线性代数 linear algebra
高等代数 advanced algebra
实变函数与泛函分析概要 elements of real variable function and
functional analysis
解析几何 analytic geometry
离散数学 discrete mathematics
一般拓扑学 general topology
数学物理方程与特殊函数 equations of mathematical physics and special function
模糊集论 fuzzy set theory
近世代数 modern algebra
积分方程 integral equation
复变函数 complex functions
积分变换 integral transformation
概率论 probability theory
数理统计 mathematical statistics
图论 graph theory
最优化原理与方法 principle and method of optimization
数学模型 mathematical model
变分法与最有控制 variation and optimal control
理论力学 theoretical mechanics
弹性力学变分原理及有限元模型 variational principles in elasticity
and the finite element model
材料力学 mechanics of materials
弹性理论 the theory of elasticity
塑性力学 the theory of plasticity
结构可靠性 structure reliability
复合材料力学 mechanics of composite materials
振动理论 vibration theory
断裂力学 fracture mechanics
有限元方法 finite element method
板壳理论 theory of plates and shells
分析力学 analytical mechanics
飞行器结构力学 structural mechanics of aircraft
实验力学 experimental mechanics
塑性力学 plasticity
随机振动 random vibration
画法几何及机械制图 descriptive geometry and mechanical drawing
画法几何及工程制图 descriptive geometry and engineering drawing
工程制图基础 foundation of engineering drawing
机械制图 technical drawing
计算机绘图 computer graphics
工业造型设计 industrial molding design
建筑制图 descriptive geometry and engineering drawing
测量学 engineering measure
结构力学 structural mechanics
建筑材料 building-material
房屋建筑学 architecture
钢筋混凝土及砌体结构 reinforced concrete and masonry structures
建筑施工 building construct
土力学及地基基础 soil mechanics and foundation
钢筋及木结构 steel and wood structures
建筑设备 building installation
建筑工程经济与企业管理 constructional engineering economy and
enterprise management
特殊施工及深基础 special construction and deep base
特种建筑结构 special structure
高层建筑防火 fireproofing in high-rise
公共建筑设计原理 public architecture design
================= 外语系 =============================
公共英语 English
英语基础课 English
英美概况 an introduction to America and Britain
英美文化 American and British culture
作品欣赏 appreciation of English and American literature
现代汉语语法与写作 modern Chinese
英语教学法 methodology of English teaching
英语词汇学 English lexicology
英语语音学概论 English phonetics
英语视听说 listening comprehension
英语精读 intensive reading
英语写作 English composition
泛读 extensive reading
科技英语写作 technical English writing
科技英语汉译 translation from scientific English into Chinese
科技汉语英译 translation from scientific Chinese into English
中国革命史 the history of Chinese revolution
中国社会主义建设 socialism construction of china
马克思主义基本原理 the fundamental tents of Marxism
科技社会学 the sociology of science and technology
社会心理学 the social-psychology
社会学概论 sociology
思维科学导论 thinking of science
形式与政策 situation and policy
大学生思想修养 mental accomplishment of college student
人生哲学 life philosophy
伦理学 ethics
社会关系学 public relations
弗洛伊德心理学 Freud psychology
中国古代文学 ancient literature of China
中国古代文学欣赏 ancient literature of China
工程师经济学 economics of engineers
工业社会学 industrial sociology
未来学 futurology
技术美学 industrial design
社会调查方法 methods of social investigation
============== 军事体育部 ================================
体育 physical education
健身课 health and physical education
气功"内劲-指禅" qigong
武术 wushu
军事理论 militarize theory
============== 空间科学与技术系 ============================
航天技术概论 introduction to space technology
空间力学环境工程 mechanical environment engineering in space
空间环境试验方法与技术 the experiment methodology of environment in space
空间环境工程 the environment engineering in space
结构模态分析 the structural model analysis
航天低温技术 low temperature engineering in space
空间模拟器设计 design of space simulators
空间环境学 the environment science in space
航天真空技术 the vacuum technology in space
空间飞行器结构设计 design of space-craft
天体力学 introduction to celestial mechanics
卫星数据通信 satellite data communication
应用卫星工程 man-made satellite engineering
微波遥感 microwave remote sensing
航天概论 introduction to space technology
======== 汽车工程学院 =======================
汽车理论 automobile principle
汽车构造 structure of automobile
汽车设计 design of automobile
汽车试验学 automobile test
汽车的CAD及CAM CAD/CAM of automobile
汽车车身设计 body design of automobile
汽车振动及测试 automobile vibration and measurement
汽车制造工艺学 automobile production
内燃机原理 principle of the internal combustion engine
内燃机设计 design of the internal combustion engine
内燃机实验技术 experimental technique of the internal
combustion engine
内燃机燃烧理论 combustion theory of the internal
combustion engine
传热学 heat transfer
BASIC语言 the language of BASIC
热力分析试验 thermal analysis
金属材料学 foundation of metal material
实验力学 experimental mechanics
定量金相学 quantitative metallography
X光及电镀金属学 X-ray and electron microscopy in metals
近代微观理论及结构分析 modern physical metallurgy
傅里叶变换红外光谱 Fourier transform infrared spectrum
智能量仪及实验 intelligence instruments and experiments
科技文献检索 information retrieval
实验美术初步 an introduction to practical fine arts
※ 来源:.紫 丁 香[FROM:]
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