Flyingoverseas 版 (精华区)
发信人: magic (独行狂夫), 信区: Flyingoverseas
标 题: How to select universities?(转贴)
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Fri Jul 24 15:45:47 1998), 转信
发信人: yu (大灰狼), 信区: AdvancedEdu
标 题: How to select universities?(转贴)
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Sat Apr 19 09:42:57 1997)
发信人: (小海), 信区: goabroad
标 题: a professor in USA talk about how to select university.
发信站: 中国科大BBS站 (Sat Apr 19 09:33:48 1997)
转信站: sjtubbs!sjtunews!ustcnews!ustcbbs
School rankings are some times quite deceptive. MIT ranks first in general
in a lot of areas, but in chemical engineering, for example, U. of
Wisconsin ranks first. It is more important to choose a good program and a
good advisor than to choose a school which has high rankings. I believe our
economics department ranks above Iowa State, that does not say much because
there are so many good programs in economics, unless you go to Harvard or
MIT or Standford or Berkeley, your future as an Economics PhD is somewhat
uncertain (I know of many economics PhDs who cannot find jobs after
graduation). But those good economics programs are extremely difficult to
get in because they try to get more local students rahter than foreign ones
these days. Besides, I always think your background fits EE better than
※ 来源:·BBS 水木清华站·[FROM:]
※ 来源:.紫 丁 香[FROM:]
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