Flyingoverseas 版 (精华区)
发信人: checcy (老巴夺), 信区: Flyingoverseas
标 题: 清华→ UCLA系秘书回答偶有关I-20的询问实录
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Sat May 23 04:23:57 1998), 转信
发信人: Pentagon (五角大楼:为中华之崛起而上网), 信区: AdvancedEdu
标 题: UCLA系秘书回答偶有关I-20的询问实录
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Thu May 21 14:21:52 1998)
Pentagon: In item 6, the Grad Division marked the choice " The student
is not proficient, English instructions will be given at the
school". I wonder what it really means My TOEFL isn*t low though.
Secretary: Unless you have completed at least two years of full-time study
at a college or university in an English speaking country and
where English is the medium of instruction, UCLA cannot certify
English proficiency on the I-20. You must sit for the English
as a Second Language Placement Examination which I believe will
be held on September 22nd.
Pentagon: In item 7, it says the support of $***** covers an academic
term of "9" months, instead of "12" months. I wonder what'll
be a reasonable answer to the visa issuing officer when he/she
asks me who'll support me financially during the remaining
3 months of the year.
Secretary: The I-20 is written for the 9 months that school is in session.
Virtually all I-20's written for new graduate students at UCLA
are written for 9 months. If the consul should ask how you
will support yourself during the summer, you should have an
answer, and documentation, prepared. (This usually is not a
problem, but forethought should help you just in case.) I
believe you will be covered in the summer by your advisor.
and we can provide documentation if requested.
Pentagon: On the top of page 4, the current form leaves blank instead
that it should be typed with my full name, birthdate, and
the school name. I wonder if it does not need that at all.
Secretary: Page 4 of the I-20 can be used for re-entry to the United States,
or for later entry of a spouse or children. I'm not quite
sure what you're looking at, but I assure you, that a new
I-20 does not need page 4 filled
Pentagon: Many thanks for your timely help.
Secretary: You'll welcome.
预祝大家签证顺利。Good luck!
※ 来源:·BBS 水木清华站·[FROM: center2.swjtu.e]
☆ 来源:.哈工大紫丁香[FROM: 老巴夺转信机器人程序]
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