Flyingoverseas 版 (精华区)

发信人: zhiheng (好好学习,天天向上,争做四有新人), 信区: Flyingoverseas
标  题: HIT2006 AD\Offer 榜(updated:07/14)
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Tue Feb 28 15:59:30 2006), 转信

HIT2006 AD\Offer 榜

Updated: 2006\05\19

日期    专业         学校              ID
02/01    EE         Clemson            zhiheng
02/17    MSE        JHU                douglas
02/17    AE         UT Austin          toyoto
02/18    Env Eng    NCSU               hrx
02/21    Env Eng    Cornell            hrx
02/26    EE         TUDelft
03/04    Materials  Manchester U       cooboo
03/16    Env Eng    ASU                hrx
03/20    ME         drexel             zhiheng
03/21    CS         WPI                stingray
03/21    CS         SUNY-Binghamton    stingray
03/21    CS         Umass              stingray
03/22    EE         IIT                lllllll
03/23    电子通讯   亚琛工大           tonywong       
03/23    MSE        UNL                jcyw
03/24    EE         Polytechnic        tonywong
03/28    CS         U boston           maja
03/28    ECE        NCSU               tonywong
04/05    EECE       UNM                IntoTheWest
04/06    EE         NorthEastern U     Tonywong
04/06    MSE        drexel             jcyw
04/10    ME         Stanford           jcyw
04/11    ME         U Colorado-Boulder likewalk
04/21    Elec Power CTU                frankwong
04/21    EE         HUT/TKK            frankwong
04/28    EE         Imperial College   porcupine
05/04    Elec Power KTH                frankwong
05/04    Elec Power RWTH Aachen        frankwong
05/06    EE         KTH                tonywong
05/09    MBIT       AU                 sth
05/10    ME         LUT(拉普拉塔工业)  aceg
05/10    ME         HJ(延学平大学)     aceg
05/10    ME         DU(达拉纳大学)     aceg
05/10    HydroPower UU(乌普撒拉大学)   aceg
05/10    ME         BTH(布京理工)      aceg
05/10    HydroPower LTU(吕勒奥工业)    aceg
05/10    CAM        国王学院           aceg
05/10    TPFE       曼彻斯特大学       aceg
05/10    Aero       谢非尔德           aceg
05/10    ACMA       帝国理工           aceg
05/19    ECE        Clarkson(NY)       rock
05/19    ECE        polytechnic U      rock
05/26    EE         TU Delft           yzysun
05/26    EE         U Twente           yzysun
05/26    EE         Karlstad(Sweden)   yzysun
05/29    EE         KTH                yzysun
05/29    EE         Tampere(Finland)   yzysun
05/29    EE         MTU                yzysun
05/29    EE         Auburn             yzysun
01/?     EE         Melbourne,Australia supertalent
01/?     EE         Monash, Australia   supertalent
?/?      EE         Kaiserslautern 凯泽斯劳滕(德) tonywong  
?/?      EE         TU Munich      慕尼黑工大(德) tonywong

日期     专业       学校               ID
02/12     EE         U Kentucky        leekoei
02/19     ME         IIT               zhiheng
02/21     BME        UT Austin         ammy
02/23     Physics    Uconn             Mashaozhen
02/24     AA         UMN               Kongzhaodan
02/24     Physics    Rutgers           jgcheng
02/25     Physics    CWRU              pauldirac
02/28     EE         ND                chiefmate
02/28     MSE        UTA               jgcheng
03/01     ME         delaware          chiefmate
03/03     Physics    U Iowa            Mashaozhen
03/04     EE         Tufts             iamvictor
03/04     ME         Loughborough U    cooboo 
03/04     ME         利物浦大学        XueXue
03/08     BME        SUNY SB           zhiheng
03/08     Optics     U-New Mexico      Mashaozhen
03/09     AA         Utoronto          Kongzhaodan
03/15     Env Eng    Duke              hrx
03/16     Math       UMN               dreamlinda  
03/23     MSE        Rochester         douglas
03/23     EE         UM-clumbia        iamvictor
03/24     MSE        UNC               douglas
03/24     MSE        U Kentukey        douglas
03/24     EE         U Kentukey        douglas
03/25     MSE        Lehigh            pauldirac
03/25     phys       Rochester         pauldirac
03/31     MSE        ASU               douglas
03/31     MSE        NUS               douglas
04/04     EE         CityU             cooboo
04/05     EECS       CWRU              IntoTheWest
04/11     EM         UNL               jcyw
04/11     CS         HKUST             ElemenType
04/14     ECE        NCSU              Augustine
04/14     ME         UMCP              likewalk
04/14     ME         HKU               toyoto
04/15     Arch Eng   UNL               xukevin
04/20     Phys       NTU               bingdan
04/21     Rehab      U of Pitt         zhiheng
04/21     Math       UMBC              Lunartt
04/21     统计精算   HKU            
04/21     材料工程   Leeds             cooboo
04/25     CS         Umass             stingray
04/25     CS         SNUY Binghamton   stingray
05/05     EE         Hawaii U          ggnew
05/05     EE         ISU               ggnew
05/11     AA         UIUC              kongzhaodan
05/17     CS         SUNY Buffalo      ctt
05/19     CS         UIC               maja
05/19     ECE        Stevens Inst of T rock
05/26     EE         TU/e              yzysun
05/26     EE         Polytechnic U     yzysun
05/?      CS       Postech,South Korea  supertalent
05/?      EE       Postech,South Korea  RFbiginner  
?/?       ME       TAMU                 Martine
05/13     CS       The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology   xfyu
?/?       ME       Rice                 limanlu
              追求卓越          超越极限

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