Flyingoverseas 版 (精华区)
发信人: bartonchen (闲云野鹤.等到那一天), 信区: Flyingoverseas
标 题: something about UCSD
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2002年04月11日22:07:25 星期四), 站内信件
Major Rankings:
UCSD ranks 6th in the nation in federal funding for research, in the most re
cent comparative study (1998). The top ten are: Johns Hopkins; U of Washing
ton; Stanford; U of Michigan; U of Pennsylvania; UCSD; UCLA; MIT; Harvard, a
nd UC San Francisco. UCSD’s research funding for the 2000-2001 fiscal year
was $509.6 million.
UCSD ranks 6th in the nation in federal R & D expeditures in the most recent
national comparison (1998). The top ten are: Johns Hopkins; Stanford; U of
Washington; U of Michigan; MIT; UCSD; Harvard; U of Pennsylvania; U of Wisco
nsin, Madison; and UCLA.
Nature Magazine's Yearbook of Science and Technology 2001 chose MIT, UCSD an
d Columbia to exemplify the strength of US research universities. The descri
ption cites UCSD as “one of the ten most powerful research universities in
the United States.
Change Magazine ranks UCSD 7th in the nation in knowledge creation, based on
faculty research cited in prestgious journals.
ScienceWatch 2000 ranks UCSD 5th in the world in terms of the most cited mol
ecular biology and genetic research papers published in prestigious journals
. UCSD pharmacology professor Michael Karin ranked 1st worldwide.
Guardian Newspaper (United Kingdom) 2001 ranking of UK, US, German and Canad
ian universities, according to the impact of the publications of their rese
archers, places UCSD biological sciences 5th, and medical sciences 8th.
UCSD ranks 7th in the nation in the number of faculty elected to the Nationa
l Academy of Sciences. Within the academic community, NAS membership is the
universally accepted gauge of leadership in research and scholarship. The t
op ten, in rank order, are: Harvard, UC Berkeley, Stanford, MIT, Yale, CalTe
ch, UCSD, Princeton, Chicago and Cornell.
The National Research Council ranks UCSD 10th in the nation in the quality o
f its faculty and graduate programs. The NRC ranking is the most respected
guide to academic excellence. UCSD is the only institution founded in this c
entury to receive a top-ten ranking, and one of only two public universities
in the top ten. The top ten, in rank order, are: UC Berkeley, MIT, Harvard
, Princeton, Stanford, CalTech, Yale, Chicago, Cornell and UCSD. Additional
ly, the NRC ranks UCSD oceanography and neurosciences graduate programs 1st
in the nation.
Institutional Reputation:
U.S.News and World Report's 2000 survey ranks UCSD 7th best public universit
y in the nation. (The top 10 publics, in rank order, are: UC Berkeley; U of
Virginia; UCLA; U of Michigan, Ann Arbor; U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill;
College of William & Mary; UCSD; Georgia Tech; U of Wisconsin, Madison; and
UC Davis.) Among the nation’s national universities, both public and priva
te, UCSD ranks 31st.
U.S. News and World Report's graduate education survey 2001ranks these UCSD
programs in the nation's top ten: Theatre and Dance (3rd); Bioengineering (3
rd); Cellular and Developmental Biology (8th); Biochemistry (9th); Molecular
Biology (9th); political science (10th), and neurosciences (10th). The sur
vey also ranks the Jacobs School of Engineering 15th, and the School of Medi
cine 23rd in the nation.
Kiplinger's Report 2000 ranks UCSD 10th among the 100 Best Buys in public co
lleges and universities.
Wall Street Journal 2001 ranks UCSD (the only public university) among “sel
ective, first-tier schools” just below the Ivy League schools. The alphabet
ical list of universities that have achieved this ranking is Boston College;
Colgate; Emory; Fordham; George Washington; Hamilton; Harvey Mudd; Tulane;
UCSD; U of Southern California; and Washington U.
Other Notable Facts:
· UCSD received over 38,000 applications for Fall 2001admissions, t
he second highest in the UC system and possibly in the nation. The average G
PA of the current freshmen is 3.99.
· UCSD's annual revenues are $1.6 billion. (28% of this total is fr
om medical revenues; 24% is from the federal government; 21% is from the Sta
te of California; 6% is from private donations, and 21% is from a variety of
sources such as auxiliary enterprises, tuition and fees, educational activi
ties etc..) Thus, for every dollar the State invests in UCSD, the universi
ty generates five more, and reinvests them in the regional economy.
· As San Diego County's third largest employer (after the federal g
overnment and the State of California), UCSD ’s monthly payroll exceeds $55
million. In addition, UCSD annually purchases approximately $870 million in
goods and services.
· UCSD faculty, staff, students and alums have spun off over 150 lo
cal companies.
Major Faculty Honors:
Nobel Prize Ten UCSD faculty have been awarded the Nobel Prize; the followin
g are current faculty members:
Francis Crick: won the 1962 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine for his co
llaboration with James Watson in describing the double helix structure of DN
Paul Crutzen: won the 1995 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for work in atmospheric
chemistry, particularly the formation and decomposition of ozone.
Renato Dulbecco, won the 1975 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine for his
work on tumor viruses.
Harry Markowitz: won the 1990 Nobel Prize in Economics for pioneering work i
n the theory of financial economics
George Palade: won the 1974 Nobel Prize in physiology/medicine; Dr. Palade
is widely regarded as a founder of modern cell biology.
Fields Medal: (considered the Nobel Prize for mathematics) was won in 1986 b
y Michael H. Freedman, the Charles Lee Powell Professor of Mathematics.
Balzan Prize: (considered the Nobel Prize for natural sciences) has been awa
rded to Roger Revelle, the late director emeritus of SIO (1986); Freeman Gil
bert, SIO professor of geophysics (1990) ; Wolfgang Berger, SIO professor of
oceanography (1993); and Harman Craig, SIO professor of oceanography and ge
ochemistry (1998).
National Medal of Science the nation’s highest scientific and engineering
honor, awarded by the President of the United States, has been awarded to as
tronomer Margaret Burbidge, and oceanographer Walter Munk (1985); Michael Fr
eedman, Charles Lee Powell Professor of Mathematics (1987); Roger Revelle, t
he late director emeritus of Scripps Institution of Oceanography (1991); nuc
lear physicist Marshall N. Rosenbluth (1998); and Yuan-Chen Fung, professor
emeritus of bioengineering (2000).
National Humanities Prize: In 1998 the President of the United States awarde
d the Medal to Ramon Eduardo Ruiz, UCSD professor emeritus of Latin American
Pulitzer Prize: Music Professor Roger Reynolds won the 1989 Pulitzer Prize f
or Music. (In 1984, UCSD music professor Bernard Rands also won a Pulitzer;
he is no longer on the UCSD faculty).
Kyoto Prize: Walter Munk, professor of geophysics, who holds a Secretary of
the Navy/Chief of Naval Operations Oceanography Chair at Scripps Institution
of Oceanography, won this internationally prestigious Prize in 1999.
Enrico Fermi Award: This is the government’s oldest science and te stature
for their lifetime of exceptional achievement in the field of energy. Nucle
ar physicist and founding chancellor Herbert F. York chnology award; it reco
gnizes scientists of internationalreceived the award in 2000 for his contrib
utions in nuclear deterrence and arms control.
MacArthur Foundation Awards: Ten UCSD faculty have received MacArthur Awards
(commonly referred to as "Genius Awards"). current faculty awardees are Eli
zabeth Bates, cognitive science; Patricia Churchland, philosophy; Michael Fr
eedman, mathematics; Ramon Gutierrez, history and ethnic studies; Edwin Hutc
hins, cognitive science; and Michael Schudson, communications.
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※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香·[FROM:]
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