Flyingoverseas 版 (精华区)
发信人: magic (独行狂夫), 信区: Flyingoverseas
标 题: 加拿大的GPA算法
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Tue Jul 28 15:35:38 1998), 转信
发信人: MapleBridge (枫桥公司), 信区: AdvancedEdu
标 题: Re: 怎末算GPA?
日 期: Sat Oct 5 07:13:43 1996
==> ltong (张无忌) 提到:
> 如题
If you are applying Canadian universities, I can give you some advice.
Generally, Canadian universities accept the grading system in China.
That means, you don't need to convert your grades.
The requirement in good univerisities is 85/10, while some universities
only require 80/100.
If you do want to convert your grades, or the university you applied has
such a requirement, then you should use the following table:
90or above --> A+ 4.3
85-89 --> A 4.0
80-84 --> A- 3.7
75-79 --> B+ 3.3
70-74 --> B 3.0
65-69 --> B- 2.7
60-64 --> C+ 2.3
Most of the universities in Canada use the above table, but some univers
do have their own grading system. Some have a 4.0 base grading system.
And some others rate 85 or above as A+. And sometimes the grading system
is different from department to department.
You should convert every course to 4.3 based grade and then calculate
the average. At last you write the GPA as *.*/4.3
Some Chinese universities write their converting table in the transcripts.
In that case, I think you will have to follow your university.
Any further questio about the Canadian universities, just post to the board.
I'll be glad to answer the netters questions. Thanks for reading.
| Daming Li |
| Maple Bridge Visa & Immigration Services (枫桥留学移民服务公司) |
| Tel: +1 (604) 662-8766 FAX: +1 (604) 662-8750 |
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| Current Address: Suite 2503, Conference Plaza / 438 Seymour Street |
| Vancouver, British Columbia / Canada, V6B 6H4 |
| Mailing Address: P.O. Box 72009 / Vancouver, BC / Canada, V6R 4P2 |
※ 来源:.紫 丁 香[FROM:]
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