Flyingoverseas 版 (精华区)
发信人: ningfl (沙子), 信区: Flyingoverseas
标 题: My phoneinterview,two u,BYU&MSU
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年03月10日17:08:59 星期一), 站内信件
Below is my experience of phone interview,it
is about physics major,so I don't know whether it is
useful for our engineering major friends,if it is little helpful,
I will be happy,because it is for our classmates in jilin u,maybe
some are not very clear,good luck to all flying friends
hello ,is that Ning fanlong 's speaking?
-----yeah,this is ning---'s speaking,is that professor---?
yeah,good evening
----good morning!
Ok,let us begin
1,how do you know the BYU?
----My former advisor professor li liping told me the byu is one of the most f
amous university in the us.and from the internete,---------
2,how do you learn your speaking english?
----I learn english since i am a middle school student,at the jilin university
,I have to finish the required courses,for example intensive reading,extensive
reading ---,and do lots of excercise on speaking ,reading,writing,and listeni
3,what is your master's thesis?about what?could you ------
--------My master's thesis is about the Properties of Perovskite Oxide under h
igh pressure and temperature--------
4,what is the properties of the ABO3 oxide-----
这个问题我没有答好,提前准备的不充分,所以我said,let me think ,I see ,I see,bu
t I can't express it in English,I could give you some examples about my experi
ments,for example--------
5,from your experiments,what intereting skill do you learn?
------I learned the basic experimental skills,I can continue my experiment by
myself alone
Ok,do you have any questions?
下面就是我提前准备几个不关痛痒的问了一下,最后和老美Good BYE了,整个过程大约20
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香·[FROM:]
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