Flyingoverseas 版 (精华区)
发信人: us (祝大家美梦成真), 信区: Flyingoverseas
标 题: caleb点评自己的PS
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Sat Apr 29 16:23:38 2000), 转信
Statement of Purpose
My birthplace determined the core of myself./*第一句是很关键的。
Born in Liaohe Oil field/*辽河油田,我的家乡*/,an area that has long
been so savage and desolate that rarely did people reside there, I
was able to witness how my parents and other workers fought with
relentless determination and how they strove to explore the great
uncertainty for treasure-crude oil./*为下文埋下伏笔*/ Apart from the
bravery, another great benefit I obtained was learning to be
unfettered when dealing with problems.Since most problems they
encountered everyday were fresh to them, my parents and their peers
had to throw off the trammel of traditional ways and seek alternatives.
Thus, innovation was ingrained in my character even before I received
any formal education./*米国人欣赏INNOVATION,也正好是自己的真实写照,
Thanks to the austerity of my birthplace, I was endowed with
many dominant characteristics, which influenced both my private
life as well as academic life in my future. /*现在想想的确如此,
Combining them with my own diligence and intelligence, I was
able to distinguish myself to enter "Chicago" No. 2 Senior High
School. The reason why I chose it was not only for its reputation
of "the cradle of future college students," but also because of its
unique didactics-leaving great room for self-improvement. This seemed
radical compared to other schools then,but fortunately it suited my
innovative nature very much. Instead of being ossified by lectures
or textbooks, we were encouraged to learn by ourselves, communicate,
and cooperate with others (for instance, we always formed into groups
to discuss specific topics like the theme of an essay or a historic
figure) and participate in extracurricular activities./*高中是
一所重点高中。 2中的特点就是崇尚自由发展,课堂时间短,自习时间长,
活动时间长。 想想当时2中的生活真的给自己养成了好的思维习惯。同样,
Everything went on smoothly until I met the biggest challenge
of my life - I failed to enter Tsinghua University, maybe the best
university in China, on the National College Entrance Test (NCET,
similar to SAT). I was unable to face the fact for a long while
although I was admitted to "University of Minnesota", another
prestigious higher education institute of China. However, my brave
nature dominated and made me stand again to confront the
unsuccessfulness. Up to now, I still feel proud of my choice
and the very effort I made to fulfill my goal then. Despite
the failure, I did succeed in gaining self-assurance under any
unfavorable circumstances. /* 高考时真的没考上情话,现在回头看看
真是遗憾, 那时太小, 根本不懂一个好大学对自己有什么影响。要是当时
During four years' college study, I was chosen into the
Talented Student Program after an extremely stiff competition -
screening nearly 1,700 freshmen for the best 35./*就是所谓的尖子班,
好象很多学校都有,情话我一个同学就是*/ We had a much harder burden
but enjoyed an eclectic syllabus as you can see from my transcripts.
/* 本科的课程很杂,当时也很辛苦,不过很值得。现在看可解决大问题了。
这绝对是自己申请中的一个优势。*/We were able to hear lectures given
by almost all prominent professors of the university, from mathematical
analysis to strategy management./*说这两门课是因为数学很重要,而且我的
I was completely enchanted by the academic world, from abstract theory
of mathematics to practical principles of economics. Academics was so
intriguing to me that it was during this period of time that I made
up my mind to take academics as my career goal, specifically, be a
professor in a university. I chose management as major because management
had long been ignored in China and few people had ever made great efforts
to explore this "savage and desolate" area, just like my birthplace -
Liaohe Oil Field./*这一小段可以说是我自己感觉最精彩的一部分,照应了前面的
想的,说心里话当然很容易了。*/Thus it will be challenging but deserving
if I devote myself to the study of this area. /*这段是回答问什么选择本专
My first exploration was my undergraduate work paper---"Research
on Industrial Organization of Fodder Industry of "Minnesota Province".
It was a totally new subject to me, to most of my classmates and even
some professors because the theory was introduced to China very
recently. I did the research mainly by quantitative analysis on
historical data. A simple mathematical model/*其实就是一元线形回归分析*/
was established to interpret and predict the status of industrial
organization of "Minnesota" fodder industry. Through about 4 months
research, I understood what is a researcher's work: from the very
beginning, identifying the problem, seeking related data and documents,
making himself familiar with various views on the problem, analyzing
and organizing them from his own to synthesize the result of the
academic activity: a report, a paper, or a thesis./*的确当时写论文
是大姑娘上矫---头一遭, 所以特别用心。虽然数据有”伪造“嫌疑,
但是现在回头看看, 觉得风格还是满正式的。 */
While exposed to various academic fields to broaden my
horizon during college study, I narrowed my efforts on basic
research skills and did research mainly by myself during graduate
study. I firmly believe that by doing so, I would make my academic
future more grounded and better prepared. I drilled myself on
computer programming for a specific academic aim (i.e. seeking the
best solutions of optimistic problems) instead of just for fun. By
searching indexes or Internet for specific materials for my own
research, I began to be accustomed to taking advantage of these
basic academic skills. From 2nd year of graduate study I
participated in the research sponsored by the Science & Tech
Commission of "Chicago" municipal government. The research is quite
comprehensive but mainly involves investigating the organizational
transformation of "Chicago" Science & Tech research institutes from
public to profitable sectors and how to improve their effectiveness
from strategic perspective. /*到了这一段,我自己感觉我PS开写走下坡路
了。 很简单,因为我的研究生生活过的远不象本科乃至高中时那么爽。 本科
的精英教育让我一到研究生阶段非常的不适应, 感觉老师怎么一个比一个差啊?
到这里开始出彩了。 可是我却偏偏一笔带过。没什么,不是没向导, 实在是不
中国讨论的很凶,米国鬼子根本就不防在眼里。所以也不敢展开。 这一点实在是
To fulfill my career goal, I intend to pursue my Ph.D. and
further my study in a program best fit for me. Your honored
program falls into my scope not only because of the great prestige
of University of Michigan and the program, but also because 3 points
so fascinating to me:
* Rarely does any other program stress on academic innovation like
yours. Needless to say, rarely does any other program fit my
innovative nature like yours either.
* The research-oriented program will allow me to take best advantage
of my diverse skills developed during undergraduate and
graduate study.
* The small size of the program will provide me with more opportunity
to share views with world-class faculty and learn from them.
/* 这一段是我冥思苦想出来的,因为要写为什么选择该笑,当时觉得太头疼了。
为什么, 就是要你的名和利吗。不过那么写太赤裸裸了。而要写的行云流水
又不现实,所以我创造出来了个”列表“法, 把一些优点罗列出来。换一个学校就
换几点。 比较公式化。不过好象效果不太好。自己去判断吧。*/
If I were fortunate enough to be admitted, I would like to
concentrate my Ph.D. study on:
* Organizational transformation, esp. research that investigates such
behavior under transitional circumstances.
* Strategic adaptation, esp. research that inquires how organizations
design and implement new strategy dynamically.
* Management of technology, esp. analysis of governmental and
organizational effect on technology development.
/* 这段写要学什么方向去, 我TMD其实学什么都成。 只要给钱,
钱, 是我当时唯一要得到的东东。当然现在有了OFFER就装清高了,
也得考虑考虑什么气候了, 地点了等等。。。 但是不写还不太好。结果又是,
我感觉自己不了解的东西一写是准窜帮。不专业,不地道。 */
Your kind suggestion on this matter will be appreciated.
At last, I am confident that under your seasoned guidance, I will
fully develop my intellectual potential in academic research. It will
come as no surprise that one-day, I become one of the foremost authorities
on Chinese management after I graduate from your program.
/*最后一段是最差的了。 新东方的老师看了肯定会笑的前仰后合,因为就是
造抄新东方的书信选。 我当时的PS自己感觉越写月走下坡路, 到最后竟然实在
没有可写的了。 只好。。。”窃书不算偷书“了。 各位看官莫笑。*/
这篇PS的套路很简单, 就是个人成长型。本来想用更新奇的写法, 但
想来想去,觉得自己功力不逮,还是作罢。 当时正是GRE刚考完, 所以PS
里出现了很多大家很熟悉的词汇。 有点卖弄了。不过还是有点效果。
全文可能就是一些用词还算可圈可点。还有LIAOHE OIL FIELD的前后呼应是个
亮点。别的其实也就平平。如果打分的话, 我给自己打7分/10分满。
当时写PS时曾给国内的2个朋友看,结果被很很批了一顿。 TRACY MM说
我花太多笔墨在大学之前了。 浙大的网友说我没写出研究的东东。当时给我打击
太大了。 花了这么长时间的酝酿就得到这么一个评论?
后来让我的网妹---CLAUDIA(她在TEXAS)给我看。 并且我对她说一定要给
我找个”老”教授看看。并且开始不要对他说是谁写的,和她什么关系。 就是
肯定的是,我PS能打动一些鬼子。 这就足够了。
严格说, 我PS肯定会被很多牛人所耻笑。如我前面所说,我有些避实就虚了。
大牛, 一夜之间就能高定BEKELEY的OFFER,凭的就是他的文章。 但是他 PS写的,,
去不成了。 牛人就是这么样的牛---我的PS甚至都有错字,照别人抄的连性别都
是有一点点区别的。 前者可能就是大家印象中的那种中归中局的PS, 而后者则走的
是个人路线, 强调个人的性格和潜力,而不强调经验和成绩。 这种风格国外的PS
中常用。 我觉得自己就是受他们的影响很深。 当然最重要的是自己的确没什么
可夸的。 如果非名笑的朋友门觉得自己没什么太多的成绩,不妨也试试走这种细腻
还有。 我说了, 我的PS前半段写的感觉比后面精彩, 那是因为我有感而发,
写的自然流畅一些。可是后面的就差多了。 希望您自己写的时候也试试? 多写
最后提醒各位, 请领会精神, 抄袭是没有前途的。后果自负。
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☆ 来源:.哈工大紫丁香[FROM:]
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