Flyingoverseas 版 (精华区)
发信人: magic (独行狂人), 信区: Flyingoverseas
标 题: How to be a good TA(3)
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Sat Jan 9 09:31:49 1999), 转信
2 Entering the Yale teaching community: you, your students,
your instructor
From the moment you accept your first TA position at Yale yo
become part of a teaching community consisting of you, your fellow
TAs, the students you teach, and the professors for whom you
work. Whether you taught in a secondary school for ten years, or
only recently arrived in the US, you may feel better remembering
that you are only at the beginning of your career working as a
university teacher, and learning to teach is something you share with
many other TAs. We hope that Becoming Teachers, and the WAT
program, will ease your entrance not only into the Yale teaching
community, but also into teaching itself, by allowing you to share the
insights and strategies gathered by experienced TAs, and to develop
your own.
This section of WAT is designed to assist in that process by
providing information and ideas about certain aspects of our
community that others have found helpful.
2.1 You
Students' reactions to you will vary. You will be better prepared for
their response if you spend some time thinking about such things as
your personal limits, how comfortable you are speaking in front of a
group, and your role as an authority figure.
The role of the TA
Many TAs begin teaching their first sections with questions about
their own function outstanding. What exactly should your role in the
classroom be? How much authority and autonomy will your lecturer
grant you? Will your students consider you a peer or an authority
figure? The answers to these questions will in large part be
determined by you and by the roles you feel most comfortable
adopting. However, at the most basic level, you will be the
intermediary between the instructor of the class and the students
who are taking it. Part of your work during the semester will be to
balance your role as the leader of the students in section with your
role as the instructor's assistant (see section 2.3). WAT
recommends that you communicate clearly with both students and
instructor about the roles you intend to fulfill, so as to avoid later
Enthusiasm and expertise
Our students look upon us as important figures, for we help facilitate
their most interactive exploration of the course material. Often in
lecture students simply listen; in labs and sections they are urged to
participate actively. As a TA, you are responsible both for covering
the assigned material and for uncovering this material, presenting it in
a manner that both facilitates your students' understanding of it and
provokes further analysis of the subject. While it is important to
familiarize yourself with the subject matter at hand each week,
expertise without enthusiasm makes for an unexciting class. Your
eagerness to discuss particular issues, your interest in certain topics,
ircumstances you can reach them and they can reach
you. Your lecturers are your first line of defense when problems
arise, so it is essential to know how to reach them.
※ 来源:.紫 丁 香[FROM:]
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