Flyingoverseas 版 (精华区)
发信人: ljf (龙卷风), 信区: Flyingoverseas
标 题: gre填空详解97.10(3)
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Fri Mar 24 08:41:17 2000) WWW-POST
【解题分析】so simlar to her own 修辞a writing style,简化的理解就是批评自
【重点词条】incongruity 1: the quality or state of being incongruous 2: so
mething that is incongruous
compliment 1 a: an expression of esteem, respect, affection, or admiration
; esp: an admiring remark b: formal and respectful recognition: honor 2 pl:
best wishes: regards <accept my ~s> <~s of the season> 2com.pli.ment vt (173
5) 1: to pay a compliment to 2: to present with a token of esteem
【解题分析】transition from--to 这个短语也曾经考过,from--to 前后连接反义词
【重点词条】render 1 a: to melt down <~ suet>; also: to extract by melting
<~ lard> b: to treat so as to convert into industrial fats and oils or fert
ilizer 2 a: to transmit to another: deliver b: give up, yield c: to furnish
for consideration, approval, or information: as (1): to hand down (a legal j
udgment) (2): to agree on and report (a verdict) 3 a: to give in return or r
etribution b (1): give back, restore (2): reflect, echo c: to give in acknow
ledgment of dependence or obligation: pay d: to do (a service) for another 4
a (1): to cause to be or become: make <enough rainfall ... to ~ irrigation
unnecessary --P. E. James> <~ed him helpless> (2): impart b (1): to reproduc
e or represent by artistic or verbal means: depict (2): to give a performanc
e of (3): to produce a copy or version of <the documents are ~ed in the orig
inal French> (4): to execute the motions of <~ a salute> c: translate 5: to
direct the execution of: administer <~ justice> 6: to apply a coat of plaste
r or cement directly to ~ vi: to give recompense -- adj -- ren. n 2render n (1647): a return esp. in goods or services due from a feu
dal tenant to his lord
spiritual 1: of, relating to, consisting of, or affecting the spirit: inco
rporeal <man's ~ needs> 2 a: of or relating to sacred matters <~ songs> b: e
cclesiastical rather than lay or temporal <~ authority> <lords ~> 3: concern
ed with religious values 4: related or joined in spirit <our ~ home> <his ~
heir> 5 a: of or relating to supernatural beings or phenomena b: of, relatin
g to, or involving spiritualism: spiritualistic -- adv -- sp n 2spiritual n (1582) 1 pl: things of a spiritual, ecclesias
tical, or religious nature 2: a religious song usu. of a deeply emotional ch
aracter that was developed esp. among blacks in the southern U.S. 3 cap: any
of a party of 13th and 14th century Franciscans advocating strict observanc
e of a rule of poverty for their order
【解题分析】even前后对比,even 后为“在 动物身上检测过的效果,”even 前当然
填“在人身上检测过的效果”,即答案 d。
【重点词条】controlled 1: restrained 2: regulated by law with regard to po
ssession and use <~ drugs>
1con.trol vt con.trolled ; con.trol.ling [ME controllen, fr. MF contreroll
er, fr. contrerolle copy of an account, audit, fr. ML contrarotulus, fr. L c
ontra- + ML rotulus roll--more at roll] (15c) 1 a archaic: to check, test, o
r verify by evidence or experiments b: to incorporate suitable controls in <
a controlled experiment> 2 a: to exercise restraining or directing influence
over: regulate b: to have power over: rule c: to reduce the incidence or se
verity of esp. to innocuous levels <~ an insect population> <~ a disease> sy
n see conduct -- n -- adj -- con.trol.m
ent n 2control n, often attrib (1590) 1 a: an act or instance of controlling
; also: power or authority to guide or manage b: skill in the use of a tool,
instrument, technique, or artistic medium c: the regulation of economic act
ivity esp. by government directive--usu. used in pl. <price ~s> 2: restraint
, reserve 3: one that controls: as a (1): an experiment in which the subject
s are treated as in a parallel experiment except for omission of the procedu
re or agent under test and which is used as a standard of comparison in judg
ing experimental effects--called also control experiment (2): one (as an org
anism, culture, or group) that is part of a control b: a device or mechanism
used to regulate or guide the operation of a machine, apparatus, or system
c: an organization that directs a spaceflight <mission ~> d: a personality o
r spirit believed to actuate the utterances or performances of a spiritualis
t medium syn see power
【重点词条】indispensable 1: not subject to being set aside or neglected <
an ~ obligation> 2: absolutely necessary: essential <an ~ member of the staf
f> -- in.dis.pens.abil.i.ty n -- indispensable n -- n
-- in.dis.pens.ably adv
ubiquitous : existing or being everywhere at the same time: constantly enc
ountered: widespread -- adv -- ubiq.ui.tous.ness n
Power is nothing that without control.
※ 来源:·紫 丁 香·[FROM: biometrics.hit.]
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