Flyingoverseas 版 (精华区)
发信人: ljf (龙卷风), 信区: Flyingoverseas
标 题: gre填空详解99.4 (2)
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Fri Mar 24 08:51:46 2000) WWW-POST
【解题分析】只要分清主干reconcile a defense attorney's ( ) with the attorn
ey's mandate即可知空格应填mandate的反义词。
【重点词条】mandate 1: an authoritative command; esp: a formal order from
a superior court or official to an inferior one 2: an authorization to act g
iven to a representative <accepted the ~ of the people> 3 a: an order or com
mission granted by the League of Nations to a member nation for the establis
hment of a responsible government over a former German colony or other conqu
ered territory b: a mandated territory 2mandate vt man.dat.ed ;
(1919) 1: to administer or assign (as a territory) under a mandate 2: to mak
e mandatory: order; also: direct, require
mount 1: a high hill: mountain--used esp. before an identifying name <Moun
t Everest> 2 archaic: a protective earthwork 3: mound 2a(1) 2mount vb [ME, f
r. MF monter, fr. (assumed) VL montare, fr. L mont-, mons] vi (14c) 1: rise,
ascend 2: to increase in amount or extent <expenses began to ~> 3: to get u
p on something above the level of the ground; esp: to seat oneself (as on a
horse) for riding ~ vt 1 a: to go up: climb b (1): to seat or place oneself
on (2): cover 6a 2 a: to lift up: raise b (1): to put or have (as artillery)
in position (2): to have as equipment c (1): to organize and equip (an atta
cking force) <~ an army> (2): to launch and carry out (as an assault or a ca
mpaign) 3: to set on something that elevates 4 a: to cause to get on a means
of conveyance b: to furnish with animals for riding 5: to post or set up fo
r defense or observation <~ed some guards> 6 a: to attach to a support b: to
arrange or assemble for use or display 7 a: to prepare (as a specimen) for
examination or display b: to prepare and supply with the materials necessary
for performance or execution: produce <~ an opera> -- adj -- mou n 3mount n (15c) 1: an act or instance of mounting; specif: an opportu
nity to ride a horse in a race 2: frame, support: as a: the material (as car
dboard) on which a picture is mounted b: a jewelry setting c (1): an underca
rriage or part on which a device (as a motor or an artillery piece) rests in
service (2): an attachment for an accessory d: a hinge, card, or acetate en
velope for mounting a stamp e: a glass slide with its accessories on which o
bjects are placed for examination with a microscope 3: a means of conveyance
; esp: saddle horse
【解题分析】由be used broadly可推断"modern"的含义现在变得“不确定”
【重点词条】pejorative a pejorative word or phrase 2pejorative adj [LL pej
oratus, pp. of pejorare to make or become worse, fr. L pejor worse; akin to
Skt padyate he falls, L ped-, pes foot--more at foot] (ca. 1888): having neg
ative connotations; esp: tending to disparage or belittle: depreciatory -- p adv
\ amorphous 1 a: having no definite form: shapeless <an ~ cloud mass> b: b
eing without definite character or nature: unclassifiable <an ~ segment of s
ociety> c: lacking organization or unity <an ~ style> 2: having no real or a
pparent crystalline form: uncrystallized <an ~ mineral> -- adv
-- amor.phous.ness n
【重点词条】fathom 1: a unit of length equal to six feet (1.83 meters) use
d esp. for measuring the depth of water 2: comprehension 2fathom vi (1607) 1
: probe 2: to take soundings ~ vt 1: to measure by a sounding line 2: to pen
etrate and come to understand <couldn't ~ the problem> -- adj
【重点词条】appeal 1: a legal proceeding by which a case is brought before
a higher court for review of the decision of a lower court 2: a criminal ac
cusation 3 a: an application (as to a recognized authority) for corroboratio
n, vindication, or decision b: an earnest plea: entreaty 4: the power of aro
using a sympathetic response: attraction <movies had a great ~ for him> 2app
eal vb [ME appelen to accuse, appeal, fr. MF apeler, fr. L appellare, fr. ap
pellere to drive to, fr. ad- + pellere to drive--more at felt] vt (14c) 1: t
o charge with a crime: accuse 2: to take proceedings to have (a lower court'
s decision) reviewed in a higher court ~ vi 1: to take a lower court's decis
ion to a higher court for review 2: to call upon another for corroboration,
vindication, or decision 3: to make an earnest request 4: to arouse a sympat
hetic response -- ap.peal.abil.i.ty n -- adj -- n
outlandish 1: of or relating to another country: foreign 2 a: strikingly o
ut of the ordinary: bizarre <an ~ costume> b: exceeding proper or reasonable
limits or standards 3: remote from civilization syn see strange -- adv -- n
shoddy 1 a: a reclaimed wool from materials that are not felted that is of
better quality and longer staple than mungo b: a fabric often of inferior q
uality manufactured wholly or partly from reclaimed wool 2 a: inferior, imit
ative, or pretentious articles or matter b: pretentious vulgarity 2shoddy ad
j ; -est (1847) 1: made wholly or partly of shoddy 2 a: cheaply i
mitative: vulgarly pretentious b: hastily or poorly done: inferior c: shabby
-- adv -- shod.di.ness n
欢欣鼓舞的;随之而来的是这个国家的 竟却 量并没有减少。
【解题分析】由given 因果关系可得b,d,再由consequently可得b。
【重点词条】 replenish 1 a: to fill with persons or animals: stock b archa
ic: to supply fully: perfect c: to fill with inspiration or power: nourish 2
a: to fill or build up again <~ed his glass> b: to make good: replace ~ vi:
to become full: fill up again -- adj -- n -
- re.plen.ish.ment n
Power is nothing that without control.
※ 来源:·紫 丁 香·[FROM: biometrics.hit.]
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