Flyingoverseas 版 (精华区)
发信人: lyfe (表白), 信区: Flyingoverseas
标 题: Additional GRE General Verbal Words (转贴)
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Mon Feb 4 13:45:20 2002) , 转信
Adoes (云游中), 信区: GRE
标 题
Additional GRE General Verbal Words (转贴)
BBS 寄托天下站 (2000-10-6 0:50:59)
发信人: booy (掐死你的温柔 ), 信区: EnglishWorld
标 题: Additional GRE General Verbal Words
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Thu Oct 5 23:58:54 2000)
Since October 1998 I have been receiving a lot of GRE words from the
visitors of my site. "Additional words" are the most frequent words
I've got and which are not presented in the GRE General Word List.
abet help/encourage smb (in doing wrong)
affable polite and friendly
agog eager/excited
alcove recess/partially enclosed place
anguish severe suffering
aseptic surgically clean
attune bring into harmony
babble talk in a way that is difficult to understand
belabor beat hard
belie fail to justify
boor ill-mannered person
cajole use flattery or deceit to persuade
calf young of the domestic cow
cant insincere talk/jargon
cantankerous bad-tempered/quarrelsome
chicanery legal trickery/false argument
clientele customers
clinch come to grips/settle conclusively
coagulation change to a thick and solid state
coda passage that completes a piece of music
commodious having plenty of space for what is needed
constrain compel
consummate perfect/make perfect/complete
cornucopia abundant supply
coy shy/modest (esp of a girl)
crass very great (es. stupidity)
cravat piece of linen worn as a necktie
dainty pretty/delicate(food)/difficult to please
delusion false belief
desiccate dry out all the moisture
din loud noise that continues
discreet careful/prudent
discrete individually distinct
disproof proof to the contrary
distend swell out
drawl slow way of speaking
droll jesting
edible fit to be eaten/not poisonous
ensign flag/badge
enthral please greatly/enslave (fig)
entice tempt or persuade
enunciate pronounce (words)/express a theory
eschew avoid
evasive tending to evade
extempore without previous thought or preparation
extinguish end the existence of/wipe or put out
falter waver/move in an uncertain manner
fetid stinking
flak criticism/anti-aircraft guns
flop fail/move/fall clumsily
fluke lucky stroke
foolproof incapable of failure or error
forage food for horses and cattle
fracas noisy quarrel
garble make unfair selection from facts
glimmer weak/unsteady light
gorge eat greedily/narrow opening with a stream
grandiloquent using pompous words
graze touch or scrape lightly in passing
gush burst out suddenly/talk ardently
halcyon calm and peaceful
heed attention/give notice to
highbrow (person) with superior tastes
homiletics act of preaching
hush make or become silent
inadvertent done thoughtlessly
incipient beginning
ineptitude quality of being unskillful
inferno hell
invincible too strong to be defeated
levee formal reception/embankment
levity lack of seriousness
lionize treat as a famous person
lope move along with long strides
lumber move in a clumsy/noisy way
lurk be out of view ready to attack
macerate make or become soft by soaking in water
maul hurt by rough handling
maverick unorthodox person
muffler cloth worn round the neck/silencer
nice scrupulous/hard to please/bad(ironic)
nugatory trifling/worthless
obtuse blunt/stupid
ominous threatening
opaqueness dullness/not allowing light to pass through
pan flat/zoom
penurious poor/stingy
pine waste away through sorrow or illness
poncho large piece of cloth
preen tidy/show self-satisfaction
presumption arrogance
profligacy shameless immorality
to be continued:
part 1 of 2 / [1] [2]
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※ 来源:.哈工大紫丁香 [FROM:]
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