Flyingoverseas 版 (精华区)
发信人: bonjovi (bonjovi), 信区: Flyingoverseas
标 题: 陈圣元填空题最新题详细解答
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2001年09月01日17:45:11 星期六), 站内信件
96年10月section 2
第二个空格后第三个单词and是个小连接,and后的go about their business是“旁若无
人, 我行我素 ”的意思,所以and前应为同样的含义,答案b为disregard human obse
rvers, 即为旁若无人之意。
am.biv.a.lence n 1: simultaneous and contradictory attitudes or feelings (as
attraction and
repulsion) toward an object, person, or action 2 a: continual fluctuation (a
s between one thing and its opposite) b: uncertainty as to which approach to
follow -- am.biv.a.lent adj -- adv vb. 1: to prohibit from doing something 2 a: to hold in check: res
train b: to discourage from free or spontaneous activity esp. through the op
eration of inner psychological impediments or of social controls ~ vi: to ca
use inhibition syn see forbid -- in.hib.i.tive adj -- adj
Ambitious 1 a: having or controlled by ambition b: having a desire to achiev
e a particular goal: aspiring 2: resulting from, characterized by, or showin
g ambition -- adv -- n
Futile 1: serving no useful purpose: completely ineffective <efforts to conv
ince him were ~> 2: occupied with trifles: frivolous -- adv -- fu
.tile.ness n
syn futile, vain, fruitless mean producing no result. futile may connote com
pleteness of failure or unwisdom of undertaking <resistance had proved so fu
tile that surrender was the only choice left>. vain usu. implies simple fail
ure to achieve a desired result <a vain attempt to get the car started>. fru
itless comes close to vain but often suggests long and arduous effort or sev
ere disappointment <fruitless efforts to obtain a lasting peace>.
Authentic 1 obs: authoritative 2 a: worthy of acceptance or belief as confor
ming to or based on fact <paints an ~ picture of our society> b: conforming
to an original so as to reproduce essential features <an ~ reproduction of a
colonial farmhouse> c: made or done the same way as an original <~ Mexican
fare> 3: not false or imitation: real, actual <based on ~ documents> <an ~ c
ockney accent> 4 a of a church mode: ranging upward from the keynote--compar
e plagal 1 b of a cadence: progressing from the dominant chord to the tonic-
-compare plagal 2 5: true to one's own personality, spirit, or character -- adv -- au.then.tic.i.ty n
syn authentic, genuine, bona fide mean being actually and exactly what is cl
aimed. authentic implies being fully trustworthy as according with fact <an
authentic account of the perilous journey>; it can also stress painstaking o
r faithful imitation of an original <an authentic reproduction> <authentic V
ietnamese cuisine>. genuine implies actual character not counterfeited, imit
ated, or adulterated <genuine piety> <genuine maple syrup>; it also connotes
definite origin from a source <a genuine Mark Twain autograph>. bona fide i
mplies good faith and sincerity of intention <a bona fide offer for the stoc
Remain 是主体词,该题是remain两种考法中的第二种,在remain前找一词填到其后即可
,在其前面的四个单词many, of, her, followers中当然选followers. 此处只不过需要
分号上半句中很明显判断词free and introspective 是主体词,所以下半句转折就应针
对free and introspective来进行。free的反义词为e的controlled. 解题时不必拘泥于
introspective : a reflective looking inward: an examination of one's own tho
ughts and feelings -- in.tro.spect vb -- adj -- in.tro.s
pec.tive adj -- adv -- in.tro.spec.tive.ness n
appealing 1: marked by earnest entreaty: imploring 2: having appeal
exuberant 1: extreme or excessive in degree, size, or extent 2 a: joyously u
nrestrained and enthusiastic b: unrestrained or elaborate esp. in style: fla
mboyant <~ architecture> 3: produced in extreme abundance: plentiful syn see
profuse -- adv
5. 【中文释义】
显然是一套比较结构的题目。比较双方应互相对比,with relatively 加空格这一段和
metabolic rates are more rapid对比。和rapid对比的是c的sluggish.
prolific 1: producing young or fruit esp. freely: fruitful 2 archaic: causin
g abundant growth, generation, or reproduction 3: marked by abundant inventi
veness or productivity <a ~ composer> syn see fertile -- n -
- adv -- pro.lif.ic.ness n
sedentary1: not migratory: settled <~ birds> 2: doing or requiring much sitt
ing 3: permanently attached <~ barnacles>
sluggish 1: averse to activity or exertion: indolent; also: torpid 2: slow t
o respond (as to stimulation or treatment) 3 a: markedly slow in movement, f
low, or growth b: economically inactive or slow -- sl adv -- slug
.gish.ness n
measured 1: marked by due proportion 2 a: marked by rhythm: regularly recurr
ent <a ~ gait> b: metrical 3: deliberate, calculated <a ~ response> -- mea.s adv
restive 1: stubbornly resisting control: balky 2: marked by impatience: fidg
ety syn see contrary -- adv -- res.tive.ness n
earlier reputation与后文的recently显然在提示时间对比。并且同时又是一个空对空
conciliatory 1: to gain (as goodwill) by pleasing acts 2: to make compatible
: reconcile 3: appease ~ vi: to become friendly or agreeable syn see pacify
-- con.cil.i.a.tion n -- con.cil.i.a.tive adj -- con.cil.i.a.tor n -- adj
impropriety 1: an improper or indecorous act or remark; esp: an unacceptable
use of a word or of language 2: the quality or state of being improper
7. 【中文释义】
冒号表示重复,该句的冒号后出现的words即重复前文的literature, 而pictorial ima
gines显然是重复visual arts. 所以冒号后肯定了words,对应的前文应肯定literatur
e, 那么由冒号后否定了pictorial images可以推断出前文应否定visual arts, 第二空
tradition 1: an inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, act
ion, or behavior (as a religious practice or a social custom) 2: the handing
down of information, beliefs, and customs by word of mouth or by example fr
om one generation to another without written instruction 3: cultural continu
ity in social attitudes, customs, and institutions 4: characteristic manner,
method, or style -- adj -- adv -- tra.di.t
ion.less adj
lively 1 obs: living 2: briskly alert and energetic: vigorous, animated <a ~
discussion> <~ children racing for home> 3: active, intense <takes a ~ inte
rest in politics> 4: brilliant, fresh <a ~ wit> 5: imparting spirit or vivac
ity: stimulating <many a peer of England brews livelier liquor than the Muse
--A. E. Housman> 6: quick to rebound: resilient 7: responding readily to th
e helm <a ~ boat> 8: full of life, movement, or incident <~ streets at carni
val time> -- adv -- n -- lively adv
comparable 1: capable of or suitable for comparison 2: similar, like <fabric
s of ~ quality> -- n -- adv
absent 1: not present or attending: missing 2: not existing: lacking <danger
in a situation where power is ~ --M. H. Trytten> 3: inattentive, preoccupie
d -- adv 2ab.sent vt (15c): to keep (oneself) away 3ab.sent prep
(1945): in the absence of: without
96年10月section 4
1. 【中文释义】
capitulate 1 archaic: parley, negotiate 2 a: to surrender often after negoti
ation of terms b: to cease resisting: acquiesce syn see yield
retaliate : to repay (as an injury) in kind ~ vi: to return like for like; e
sp: to get revenge. retaliate usu. implies a paying back of injury in exact
kind, often vengefully <the enemy retaliated by executing their prisoners> r
eciprocate implies a mutual or equivalent exchange or a paying back of what
one has received <reciprocated their hospitality by inviting them for a visi
2. 【中文释义】
很巧妙的比较结构,请注意短语a discernible difference between它表明的是差级比
较结果一定改变可以得出结论,上半句的比较结果应为没有difference, d的analogous
吻合。ETS越来越倾向于用隐含的比较结构(beyond, different, compared with)和同
级比较(to the same degree,, similar to, analogous)来出题, 请记住这几个
短语。参照:94年2月section2 7th , 94年4月section1 5th, 95年10月 section6 2nd
peripheral 1: of, relating to, involving, or forming a periphery or surface
part 2: of, relating to, or being part of the peripheral nervous system <~ n
erves> 3: of, relating to, or being the outer part of the field of vision <g
ood ~ vision> 4: auxiliary, supplementary <~ equipment>; also: of or relatin
g to computer peripherals -- adv 2peripheral n (1966): a de
vice connected to a computer to provide communication (as input and output)
or auxiliary functions (as additional storage)
contiguous 1: being in actual contact: touching along a boundary or at a poi
nt 2 of angles: adjacent 2 3: next or near in time or sequence 4: touching o
r connected throughout in an unbroken sequence <~ row houses> syn see adjace
nt -- adv -- con.tig.u.ous.ness n
analogous 1: showing an analogy or a likeness that permits one to draw an an
alogy 2: being or related to as an analogue syn see similar -- anal.o.gous.l
y adv -- anal.o.gous.ness n
inconsistent a: not compatible with another fact or claim <~ statements> b:
containing incompatible elements <an ~ argument> c: incoherent or illogical
in thought or actions: changeable d: not satisfiable by the same set of valu
es for the unknowns <~ equations> <~ inequalities> -- adv
3. 【中文释义】
No.8 section3 3rd), 出现在文学评论家身上(93年10月section5 7th), 现在又到了
文献目录学身上。我很同情ETS, 他已经很难玩出什么新花样了。本题中第二空格是伤害
imprecise not precise: inexact, vague -- adv -- im.pre.cise.n
ess n -- n
relevance 1 a: relation to the matter at hand b: practical and esp. social a
pplicability: pertinence <giving ~ to college courses> 2: the ability (as of
an information retrieval system) to retrieve material that satisfies the ne
eds of the user
timeliness adv (bef. 12c) 1 archaic: early, soon 2: in time: opport
unely <the question was not ... ~ raised in the state court --W. O. Douglas>
2timely adj ; -est (13c) 1: coming early or at the right time: o
pportune 2: appropriate or adapted to the times or the occasion <a ~ book> -
- n
meticulousness : marked by extreme or excessive care in the consideration or
treatment of details syn see careful -- me.tic.u.los.i.ty n -- me.tic.u.lou adv -- me.tic.u.lous.ness n
exhaustiveness : testing all possibilities or considering all elements: thor
ough <conducted an ~ investigation> -- adv --
ess n -- n
4. 【中文释义】
能大致构成转折的只有a 和b,如果知道contrive的词义的话,没有人会做错。而contr
spontaneous这两个词居然就是93年4月section3 3rd 的主考词。
spontaneous 1: proceeding from natural feeling or native tendency without ex
ternal constraint 2: arising from a momentary impulse 3: controlled and dire
cted internally: self-acting <~ movement characteristic of living things> 4:
produced without being planted or without human labor: indigenous 5: develo
ping without apparent external influence, force, cause, or treatment 6: not
apparently contrived or manipulated: natural -- adv -- spo n
syn spontaneous, impulsive, instinctive, automatic, mechanical mean acting o
r activated without deliberation. spontaneous implies lack of prompting and
connotes naturalness <a spontaneous burst of applause>. impulsive implies ac
ting under stress of emotion or spirit of the moment <impulsive acts of viol
ence>. instinctive stresses spontaneous action involving neither judgment no
r will <blinking is an instinctive reaction>. automatic implies action engag
ing neither the mind nor the emotions and connotes a predictable response <h
is denial was automatic>. mechanical stresses the lifeless, often perfunctor
y character of the response <a mechanical teaching method>.
contrive 1 a: devise, plan <~ ways of handling the situation> b: to form or
create in an artistic or ingenious manner <contrived household utensils from
stone> 2: to bring about by stratagem or with difficulty: manage ~ vi: to m
ake schemes -- n
decline 1 archaic: to turn from a straight course: stray 2 a: to slope downw
ard: descend b: to bend down: droop c: to stoop to what is unworthy 3 a of a
celestial body: to sink toward setting b: to draw toward a close: wane <the
day declined> 4: to tend toward an inferior state or weaker condition <his
health declined> 5: to withhold consent 6: to become less in amount <prices
declined> ~ vt 1: to give in prescribed order the grammatical forms of (a no
un, pronoun, or adjective) 2 obs a: avert b: avoid 3: to cause to bend or bo
w downward 4 a: to refuse to undertake, undergo, engage in, or comply with b
: to refuse esp. courteously <~ an invitation> -- adj -- de.cli n
syn decline, refuse, reject, repudiate, spurn mean to turn away by not accep
ting, receiving, or considering. decline often implies courteous refusal esp
. of offers or invitations <declined his party's nomination>. refuse suggest
s more positiveness or ungraciousness and often implies the denial of someth
ing asked for <refused to lend them the money>. reject implies a peremptory
refusal by sending away or discarding <rejected the manuscript as unpublisha
ble>. repudiate implies a casting off or disowning as untrue, unauthorized,
or unworthy of acceptance <teenagers who repudiate the values of their paren
ts>. spurn stresses contempt or disdain in rejection or repudiation <spurned
his overtures of friendship>. 2decline n (14c) 1: the process of declining:
a: a gradual physical or mental sinking and wasting away b: a change to a l
ower state or level 2: the period during which something is deteriorating or
approaching its end 3: a downward slope: declivity 4: a wasting disease; es
p: pulmonary tuberculosis syn see deterioration
5. 【中文释义】
逻辑关系最直接,可由此逻辑直接推理得minutely. d正确。
minutely 1: into very small pieces 2: in a minute manner or degree 2min.ute.
ly adj
versed :to familiarize by close association, study, or experience <well vers
ed in the theater>
knowledgeable :having or exhibiting knowledge or intelligence: keen -- knowl
.edge.abil.i.ty n -- n -- knowl.edge.ably adv
congenial 1: having the same nature, disposition, or tastes: kindred 2 a: ex
isting or associated
together harmoniously b: pleasant; esp: agreeably suited to one's nature, ta
stes, or outlook c: sociable,
genial -- n -- adv
astute : having or showing shrewdness and perspicacity <an ~ observer> <~ re
marks>; also: crafty,
wily syn see shrewd -- adv -- as.tute.ness n
6. 【中文释义】
有continue to 这个短语时应该寻找过去的动作或状态,而上文又有一明显的提示rece
ntly, 故过去
的状态应和conciliatory相反,则应为拒绝妥协和解,这时第二空格可选c和e, c的两个
eschew : to avoid habitually esp. on moral or practical grounds: shun syn se
e escape -- n
share 1 a: a portion belonging to, due to, or contributed by an individual o
r group b: one's full or fair portion 2 a: the part allotted or belonging to
one of a number owning together property or interest b: any of the equal po
rtions into which property or invested capital is divided; specif: any of th
e equal interests or rights into which the entire capital stock of a corpora
tion is divided and ownership of which is regularly evidenced by one or more
certificates c pl, chiefly Brit: stock 7c(1) 3share vb shared ; vt
(1590) 1: to divide and distribute in shares: apportion--usu. used with out
or with 2 a: to partake of, use, experience, occupy, or enjoy with others b
: to have in common 3: to grant or give a share in ~ vi 1: to have a share--
used with in 2: to apportion and take shares of something -- n
syn share, participate, partake mean to have, get, or use in common with ano
ther or others. share implies that one as the original holder grants to anot
her the partial use, enjoyment, or possession of a thing though it may merel
y imply a mutual use or possession <shared my toys with the others>. partici
pate implies a having or taking part in an undertaking, activity, or discuss
ion <participated in sports>. partake implies accepting or acquiring a share
esp. of food or drink <partook freely of the refreshments>.
divisive : creating disunity or dissension -- adv --
e.ness n
publish vi 1: to put out an edition 2: to have one's work accepted for publi
cation -- adj
seductive : tending to seduce: having alluring or tempting qualities <a ~, s
ometimes disingenuous man -
-Thatcher Freund> <a ~ spring morning> -- adv -- se.duc.tive.
ness n
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