Flyingoverseas 版 (精华区)
发信人: bonjovi (bonjovi), 信区: Flyingoverseas
标 题: 陈圣元填空96年4月section 3
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2001年09月01日17:51:39 星期六), 站内信件
96年4月section 3
【解题分析】 这一句的基本含义在No.8第三套section 1的第三题就有过重复,在92年
果的真伪,原句中的be exposed显然是由cannot duplicate their findings所导致的。
fraudulent characterized by, based on, or done by fraud: deceitful -- fraud. adv -- fraud.u.lent.ness n
radical 1: of, relating to, or proceeding from a root: as a (1): of or growi
ng from the root of a plant <~ tubers> (2): growing from the base of a stem,
from a rootlike stem, or from a stem that does not rise above the ground <~
leaves> b: of, relating to, or constituting a linguistic root c: of or rela
ting to a mathematical root d: designed to remove the root of a disease or a
ll diseased tissue <~ surgery> 2: of or relating to the origin: fundamental
3 a: marked by a considerable departure from the usual or traditional: extre
me b: tending or disposed to make extreme changes in existing views, habits,
conditions, or institutions c: of, relating to, or constituting a political
group associated with views, practices, and policies of extreme change d: a
dvocating extreme measures to retain or restore a political state of affairs
<the ~ right> 4 slang: excellent, cool -- n 2radical n (1641
) 1 a: a root part b: a basic principle: foundation 2 a: root 6 b: a sound o
r letter belonging to a radical 3: one who is radical 4: free radical; also:
a group of atoms bonded together that is considered an entity in various ki
nds of reactions 5 a: a mathematical expression indicating a root by means o
f a radical sign b: radical sign
extravagant 1 a obs: strange, curious b archaic: wandering 2 a: exceeding th
e limits of reason or necessity <~ claims> b: lacking in moderation, balance
, and restraint <~ praise> c: extremely or excessively elaborate 3 a: spendi
ng much more than necessary b: profuse, lavish 4: unreasonably high in price
syn see excessive -- adv
【解题分析】 第二个空格处于and的小连接当中,and之后表示与别人共处,所以and前
shave 1 a: to remove a thin layer from b: to cut off in thin layers or shred
s: slice c: to cut off closely 2 a: to sever the hair from (the head or anot
her part of the body) close to the roots b: to cut off (hair or beard) close
to the skin 3 a: to discount (a note) at an exorbitant rate b: deduct, redu
ce 4: to come close to or touch lightly in passing ~ vi 1: to cut off hair o
r beard close to the skin 2: to proceed with difficulty: scrape 2shave n (be
f. 12c) 1: shaver 3 2: a thin slice: shaving 3: an act or process of shaving
embed 1 a: to enclose closely in or as if in a matrix <fossils embedded in s
tone> b: to make something an integral part of <the prejudices embedded in o
ur language> c: to prepare (a microscopy specimen) for sectioning by infiltr
ating with and enclosing in a supporting substance 2: to surround closely <a
sweet pulp ~s the plum seed> ~ vi: to become embedded -- em.bed.ment n
【解题分析】 前后对立面转折,所以下文的呼气应该不需要肌肉的活动,强调了不需要
substantial 1 a: consisting of or relating to substance b: not imaginary or
illusory: real, true c: important, essential 2: ample to satisfy and nourish
: full <a ~ meal> 3 a: possessed of means: well-to-do b: considerable in qua
ntity: significantly great <earned a ~ wage> 4: firmly constructed: sturdy 5
: being largely but not wholly that which is specified <a ~ lie> -- substant
ial n -- n -- adv -- sub.stan.tial.ness
【解题分析】 so…that…结构的结果是大学年龄的观众被激发出了怀旧的情绪,所以可
pitiful 1 archaic: full of pity: compassionate 2 a: deserving or arousing pi
ty or commiseration b: exciting pitying contempt (as by meanness or inadequa
cy) -- adv -- piti.ful.ness n
evocative evoking or tending to evoke an esp. emotional response <settings .
.. so ~ that they bring tears to the eyes --Eric Malpass> --
adv -- evoc.a.tive.ness n
clinical 1: of, relating to, or conducted in or as if in a clinic: as a: inv
olving direct observation of the patient b: diagnosable by or based on clini
cal observation 2: analytical or coolly dispassionate <a ~ attitude> -- clin adv
【解题分析】 前后转折,上句是对沙漠的熟悉,所以下句应该肯定他在纽约的居住,这
obfuscate 1 a: darken b: to make obscure 2: confuse -- n -- o adj
attest 1 a: to affirm to be true or genuine; specif: to authenticate by sign
ing as a witness b: to authenticate officially 2: to establish or verify the
usage of 3: to be proof of: manifest <her record ~s her integrity> 4: to pu
t on oath ~ vi: to bear witness: testify <~ to a belief> syn see certify --
at.tes.ta.tion n -- n
contend 1: to strive or vie in contest or rivalry or against difficulties: s
truggle 2: to strive in debate: argue ~ vt 1: maintain, assert <~ed that he
was right> 2: to struggle for: contest
【解题分析】 前后转折,后文应该否定disciplinary这个词。
encapsulate 1: to enclose in or as if in a capsule <a pilot encapsulated in
the cockpit> 2: epitomize, summarize <~ an era in an aphorism> ~ vi: to beco
me encapsulated -- n
designate 1: to indicate and set apart for a specific purpose, office, or du
ty <~ a group to prepare a plan> 2 a: to point out the location of <a marker
designating the battle> b: to distinguish as to class <the area we ~ as tha
t of spiritual values --J. B. Conant> c: specify, stipulate <to be sent by a
designated shipper> 3: denote <associate names with the people they ~> 4: t
o call by a distinctive title, term, or expression <a particle designated th
e neutron> -- adj -- n -- adj
【解题分析】 冒号后表示重复,冒号后表达出这些结果没有用,而第一个空格要求填上
baffling 1: to defeat or check (as a person) by confusing or puzzling: disco
ncert 2: to check or break the force or flow of by or as if by a baffle syn
see frustrate -- baf.fle.ment n -- baf.fler n -- adv 2baffle n
(ca. 1900): a device (as a plate, wall, or screen) to deflect, check, or reg
ulate flow (as of a fluid, light, or sound) -- baf.fled adj
envision to picture to oneself <~s a career dedicated to promoting peace> sy
n see think
accessible_ 1: providing access 2 a: capable of being reached <~ by rail>; a
lso: being within reach <fashions at ~ prices> b: easy to speak or deal with
<~ people> 3: capable of being influenced: open 4: capable of being used or
seen: available 5: capable of being understood or appreciated <the author's
most ~ stories> <an ~ film> -- n -- n
-- adv
96年4月Section 7
【重点词条】unremitting not remitting: constant, incessant --
.ly adv
identical 1: being the same: selfsame <the ~ place we stopped before> 2: hav
ing such close resemblance as to be essentially the same <~ hats>--often use
d with to or with 3 a: having the same cause or origin <~ infections> b: mon
ozygotic syn see same -- adv -- n
compelling 1: to drive or urge forcefully or irresistibly 2: to cause to do
or occur by overwhelming pressure 3 archaic: to drive together syn see force
-- adj
underplay 1: to act or present (as a role or a scene) with restraint: play d
own 2: to play a card lower than (a held high card)
downplay play down, de-emphasize
【重点词条】insular 1 a: of, relating to, or constituting an island b: dwell
ing or situated on an island <~ residents> 2: characteristic of an isolated
people; esp: being, having, or reflecting a narrow provincial viewpoint 3: o
f or relating to an island of cells or tissue -- n --
r.i.ty n -- adv
social 1: involving allies or confederates <the Social War between the Athen
ians and their allies> 2 a: marked by or passed in pleasant companionship wi
th one's friends or associates <leads a very full ~ life> b: sociable c: of,
relating to, or designed for sociability <a ~ club> 3: of or relating to hu
man society, the interaction of the individual and the group, or the welfare
of human beings as members of society <~ institutions> 4 a: tending to form
cooperative and interdependent relationships with others of one's kind: gre
garious b: living and breeding in more or less organized communities <~ inse
cts> c of a plant: tending to grow in groups or masses so as to form a pure
stand 5 a: of, relating to, or based on rank or status in a particular socie
ty <a member of our ~ set> b: of, relating to, or characteristic of the uppe
r classes c: formal 2social n (1870): sociable
【中文释义】 乔以完全相同的力度谈及肤浅琐碎和生死攸关的事件,好象对他而言严重
【解题分析】请注意这一句的比较结构。上句用to the same degree 来表示同级比较,
下句用mattered neither more or less than 来表示同级比较,所以就表现出了两套比
rious issues,第二个空格应填上文的superfluous。
【重点词条】 superficiality 1: the quality or state of being superficial 2:
something superficial
humdrum monotonous, dull -- humdrum n
组反义词,his own claims和other possible conclusions。 所以解题思路顿时就明快
了,while 之前是use了那些支持his own claims 的材料,那么while之后就应该不使用
那些支持other possible conclusions 的材料,所以第二个空格应与use反义,可得答
【重点词条】unscrupulous not scrupulous: unprincipled --
adv -- un.scru.pu.lous.ness n
deploy 1 a: to extend (a military unit) esp. in width b: to place in battle
formation or appropriate positions 2: to spread out, utilize, or arrange esp
. strategically ~ vi: to move in being deployed -- adj --
oy.ment n
【解题分析】主句的动词为replace A with B,显然A和B应该是反义词,故第二个空格
应与symbolic构成反义词,事实上two-dimensional space已经与actual space构成了一
【重点词条】render 1 a: to melt down <~ suet>; also: to extract by melting <
~ lard> b: to treat so as to convert into industrial fats and oils or fertil
izer 2 a: to transmit to another: deliver b: give up, yield c: to furnish fo
r consideration, approval, or information: as (1): to hand down (a legal jud
gment) (2): to agree on and report (a verdict) 3 a: to give in return or ret
ribution b (1): give back, restore (2): reflect, echo c: to give in acknowle
dgment of dependence or obligation: pay d: to do (a service) for another 4 a
(1): to cause to be or become: make <enough rainfall ... to ~ irrigation un
necessary --P. E. James> <~ed him helpless> (2): impart b (1): to reproduce
or represent by artistic or verbal means: depict (2): to give a performance
of (3): to produce a copy or version of <the documents are ~ed in the origin
al French> (4): to execute the motions of <~ a salute> c: translate 5: to di
rect the execution of: administer <~ justice> 6: to apply a coat of plaster
or cement directly to ~ vi: to give recompense -- adj -- n 2render n (1647): a return esp. in goods or services due from a feuda
l tenant to his lord
convention 1 a: agreement, contract b: an agreement between states for regul
ation of matters affecting all of them c: a compact between opposing command
ers esp. concerning prisoner exchange or armistice d: a general agreement ab
out basic principles or procedures; also: a principle or procedure accepted
as true or correct by convention 2 a: the summoning or convening of an assem
bly b: an assembly of persons met for a common purpose; esp: a meeting of th
e delegates of a political party for the purpose of formulating a platform a
nd selecting candidates for office c: the usu. state or national organizatio
n of a religious denomination 3 a: usage or custom esp. in social matters b:
a rule of conduct or behavior c: a practice in bidding or playing that conv
eys information between partners in a card game (as bridge) d: an establishe
d technique, practice, or device (as in literature or the theater)
adumbrate 1: to foreshadow vaguely: intimate 2 a: to give a sketchy represen
tation or outline of b: to suggest or disclose partially 3: overshadow, obsc
ure -- n -- adj -- adv
【解题分析】由but instead可以得出结论空格与gratitude 构成反义词;或者空格后的
【重点词条】border 1: an outer part or edge 2: an ornamental design at the e
dge of a fabric or rug 3: a narrow bed of planted ground along the edge of a
garden or walk <a ~ of tulips> 4: boundary <crossed the ~ into Italy> 5: a
plain or decorative margin around printed matter -- bor.dered adj 2border vb
bor.dered ; vt (14c) 1: to put a border on 2: to touch at the e
dge or boundary: bound <~s the city on the south> ~ vi 1: to lie on the bord
er <the U.S. ~s on Canada> 2: to approach the nature of a specified thing: v
erge <~s on the ridiculous> -- n
openness 1: having no enclosing or confining barrier: accessible on all or n
early all sides <cattle grazing on an ~ range> 2 a (1): being in a position
or adjustment to permit passage: not shut or locked <an ~ door> (2): having
a barrier (as a door) so adjusted as to allow passage <the house was ~> b: h
aving the lips parted <stood there with his mouth wide ~> c: not buttoned or
zipped <an ~ shirt> 3 a: completely free from concealment: exposed to gener
al view or knowledge <their hostilities eventually erupted with ~ war> b: ex
posed or vulnerable to attack or question: subject <~ to doubt> 4 a: not cov
ered with a top, roof, or lid <an ~ car> <her eyes were ~> b: having no prot
ective covering <~ wiring> <an ~ wound> 5: not restricted to a particular gr
oup or category of participants <~ to the public> <~ housing>: as a: enterab
le by both amateur and professional contestants <an ~ tournament> b: enterab
le by a registered voter regardless of political affiliation <an ~ primary>
6: fit to be traveled over: presenting no obstacle to passage or view <the ~
road> <~ country> 7: having the parts or surfaces laid out in an expanded p
osition: spread out: unfolded <an ~ book> 8 a (1): low 13 (2): formed with t
he tongue in a lower position <Italian has an ~ and a close e> b (1): having
clarity and resonance unimpaired by undue tension or constriction of the th
roat <an ~ vocal tone> (2) of a tone: produced by an open string or on a win
d instrument by the lip without the use of slides, valves, or keys 9 a: avai
lable to follow or make use of <the only course ~ to us> b: not taken up wit
h duties or engagements <keep an hour ~ on Friday> c: not finally decided: s
ubject to further consideration <the salary is ~> <an ~ question> d: availab
le for a qualified applicant: vacant <the job is still ~> e: remaining avail
able for use or filling until canceled <an ~ order for more items> f: availa
ble for future purchase <these items are in ~ stock> 10 a: characterized by
ready accessibility and usu. generous attitude: as (1): generous in giving (
2): willing to hear and consider or to accept and deal with: responsive (3):
free from reserve or pretense: frank b: accessible to the influx of new fac
tors (as foreign goods) <an ~ market> 11 a: having openings, interruptions,
or spaces: as (1): being porous and friable <~ soil> (2): sparsely distribut
ed: scattered <~ population> (3) of a compound: having components separated
by a space in writing or printing (as opaque pr adv -- adv -- open.n
ess n 2open vb opened ; vt (bef. 12c) 1 a: to move (as a door) from
a closed position b: to make available for entry or passage by turning back
(as a barrier) or removing (as a cover or an obstruction) 2 a: to make avai
lable for or active in a regular function <~ a new store> b: to make accessi
ble for a particular purpose <~ed new land for settlement> <~ the way for ch
anges> c: to initiate access to (a computer file) prior to use 3 a: to discl
ose or expose to view: reveal b: to make more discerning or responsive: enli
ghten <must ~ our minds to the problems> c: to bring into view or come in si
ght of by changing position 4 a: to make an opening in <~ed the boil> b: to
loosen and make less compact <~ the soil> 5: to spread out: unfold <~ed the
book> 6 a: to enter upon: begin <~ed the meeting> b: to commence action in a
card game by making (a first bid), putting a first bet in (the pot), or pla
ying (a card or suit) as first lead 7: to restore or recall (as an order) fr
om a finally determined state to a state in which the parties are free to pr
osecute or oppose ~ vi 1: to become open <the office ~ed early> 2 a: to spre
ad out: expand <the wound ~ed under the strain> b: to become disclosed <a be
autiful vista ~ed before us> 3: to become enlightened or responsive 4: to gi
ve access <the rooms ~ onto a hall> 5: speak out 2 <finally he ~ed freely on
the subject> 6 a: to begin a course or activity <the play ~s on Tuesday> b:
to make a bet, bid, or lead in commencing a round or hand of a card game --
open.abil.i.ty n -- adj 3open n (13c) 1: opening 2: open and unob
structed space: as a: open air b: open water 3: an open contest, competition
, or tournament 4: a public or unconcealed state or position
【解题分析】这位外交官的特征性格已经在her demonstrated patience and skill中充
分表现出来,对于一个有足够耐心的人而言sudden committen 当然是一个不好的做法,
所以第二空格可以选A、C、D,再根据because 的因果关系可得答案C。
【重点词条】decline 1 archaic: to turn from a straight course: stray 2 a: to
slope downward: descend b: to bend down: droop c: to stoop to what is unwor
thy 3 a of a celestial body: to sink toward setting b: to draw toward a clos
e: wane <the day declined> 4: to tend toward an inferior state or weaker con
dition <his health declined> 5: to withhold consent 6: to become less in amo
unt <prices declined> ~ vt 1: to give in prescribed order the grammatical fo
rms of (a noun, pronoun, or adjective) 2 obs a: avert b: avoid 3: to cause t
o bend or bow downward 4 a: to refuse to undertake, undergo, engage in, or c
omply with b: to refuse esp. courteously <~ an invitation> -- a
dj -- n
syn decline, refuse, reject, repudiate, spurn mean to turn away by not accep
ting, receiving, or considering. decline often implies courteous refusal esp
. of offers or invitations <declined his party's nomination>. refuse suggest
s more positiveness or ungraciousness and often implies the denial of someth
ing asked for <refused to lend them the money>. reject implies a peremptory
refusal by sending away or discarding <rejected the manuscript as unpublisha
ble>. repudiate implies a casting off or disowning as untrue, unauthorized,
or unworthy of acceptance <teenagers who repudiate the values of their paren
ts>. spurn stresses contempt or disdain in rejection or repudiation <spurned
his overtures of friendship>. 2decline n (14c) 1: the process of declining:
a: a gradual physical or mental sinking and wasting away b: a change to a l
ower state or level 2: the period during which something is deteriorating or
approaching its end 3: a downward slope: declivity 4: a wasting disease; es
p: pulmonary tuberculosis syn see deterioration
unconscionable 1: not guided or controlled by conscience: unscrupulous <an ~
villain> 2 a: excessive, unreasonable <found an ~ number of defects in the
car> b: shockingly unfair or unjust <~ sales practices> --
l.i.ty n -- n -- adv
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