Flyingoverseas 版 (精华区)
发信人: bonjovi (bonjovi), 信区: Flyingoverseas
标 题: 托福词汇研究 Unit 23-24
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2001年02月26日12:42:52 星期一), 站内信件
Unit 23
premise v.立前提 [<medL praemissa(propositio)(proposition)set in front<L pra
emittere praemiss-(PRAE-, mittere send)]
premium n.额外费用;额外价格 [L praemium booty, reward(PRAE-, emere buy, take
premonition n.预告;前兆 [F premonition or LL praemonitio<L praemonere praemo
nit-(PRAE-, monere warn)]
preoccupied a.被先占的;一心一意的
preponderance n.优势;优越
preposterous a.反常的;荒谬的 [L praeposterus reversed, absurd(PRAE-, posteru
s coming after)(反)credible;rational]
prerogative n.特权 [ME<OF prerogative or L praerogativa privilege(orig to vo
te first)<praerogativus asked first(PRAE-, rogare] [ask)]
presage v.预示;成为前兆 [ME<F presage, presager<L praesagium<praesagire fore
bode(PRAE-, sagire perceive keenly)]
presentiment n.预感;预觉 [obs F presentiment(PRE-, SENTIMENT感情;意见)]
preserve v.保存;保持;装罐 [ME<OF preserver<LL praeservare(PRAE-, servare kee
prestige n.威望;声望 [<L., 本义是"魔术师的工夫", 后来变成]
presumption n.无礼;傲慢 [ME<OF presumpcion<L praesumptio -onis(PRESUME 推测,
pretence n.虚伪;借口 [ME<AF pretense ult<medL pretensus pretended(PRETEND)]
pretension n.自负;骄傲;主张;要求 [edL praetensio, -tio(PRETEND)pretentious 矫
饰的;自负的 I do not feel that your limited resources will] [permit you to c
arry out such a ~ program]
pretext n.借口;托辞 [L praetextus outward display<praetexere praetext-(PRAE-
, texere weave编织)]
prevail v.优胜;达到目地;奏效 [ME<L praevalere(PRAE-, valere have power), inf
l by AVAIL有用;有利]
prevaricate v.搪塞;支吾其词 [L praevaricari walk crookedly, practise collusi
on, in ecclL transgress(PRAE-, varicari straddle<varus bent,] [knock-kneed)]
prevarication n.支吾;推诿;搪塞 [(<L."弯曲脚走")]
prey n.饵食;捕食;战利品 [ME<OF preie<L praeda booty]
prickle n.v.动植物皮上的刺;刺痛 [PRICK 刺;责备,踢(马);挑选 For the blood tes
t, the doctor made a tiny ~ in my finger with a needle prickl]y[多刺的;针刺般
prim a.拘泥形式的;一本正经的 [17th c: prob orig cant<OF prin prime excellent
<L primus first]
primitive a.原始的;旧式的;自学的 [ME<OF primitif -ive or L primitivus first
of its kind<primitus in the first place<primus first]
primogeniture n.长子之身分 [medL primogenitura<L primo first+genitura<gigner
e genit- beget]
princely a.像王子的 [prince n.亲王;王子;公爵;性情温和的人物 ME <OF <L prince
ps principis first, chief, sovereign <primus] [first + capere take]
pristine a.原始的;原有的 [L pristinus former]
privy a.私用的;隐密的 [ME<OF prive<L privatus PRIVATE]
probation n.实验;试用;缓刑 [ME<OF probation or L probatio(PROVE)]
probe v.探测 [LL proba proof, in medL = examination,<L probare test]
probity n.刚直;廉洁 [F probite or L probitas<probus good]
procession n.游行;祈祷游行圣歌 [E<OF<L processio -onis(PROCEED)]
proclivity n.癖性;倾向 [L proclivitas<proclivis inclined(PRO-, clivus slope)
procrastinate v.拖延;迟滞 [L procrastinare procrastinat-(PRO-, crastinus of
tomorrow<cras tomorrow)]
prodigal a.浪费的;奢侈的 [medL prodigalis<L prodigus lavish]
prodigious a.奇异的;巨大的 [L prodigiosus(PRODIGY非凡的人;天才 不可思议之物;
prodigy n.惊异;非凡;怪物 [L prodigium portent]
profane v.玷污 [ME prophane<OF prophane or medL prophanus<L profanus before(
ie outside)the temple, not sacred(PRO-,] [fanum temple)]
profile n.侧面像;轮廓 [obs It profilo, profilare(PRO-, filare spin<L filare<
filum thread)]
profiteer n.得不正当利益者;奸商 [PROFIT profitless无益的]
profligate a.行为不检的;浪费的 [L profligatus dissolute, pp. of profligare o
verthrow, ruin(PRO-, fligere strike down)]
profound a.深奥的;意味深长的 [ME<AF & OF profund, profond<L profundus deep(P
RO-, fundus bottom)profundity 深,深度;奥妙 I] [wouldn't claim to have fully
grasped the ~ of it]
profusion n.挥霍;丰富 [profuse 不吝惜的;豪爽的;奢侈的(PRO-向前, fundere fus-
pour)My ~ apologies if I have offended you in any] [way]
progenitor n.祖先;起源 [ME<OF progeniteur<L progenitor -oris<progignere prog
enit-(PRO-, gignere beget)]
progeny n.子孙;后裔 [ME<OF progenie<L progenies<progignere(PROGENITOR)]
prognosis n.病状之预断;预测 [LL<Gk prognosis(PRO-, gignosko know)]
prognosticate v.预言;预示 [medL prognosticare(PROGNOSTIC前兆;预测)]
prohibitive a.禁止的;类同禁止的 [prohibitif -ive or L prohibitivus(PROHIBIT禁
projectile n.投射物;发射体 [PRO-, jacere throw)]
proletarian n.a.无产阶级(的) [L proletarius one who served the State not wit
h property but with offspring(proles)]
proliferate v.增殖;增生 [<F proliferation PRO-向前 LIFER后代]
prolific a.多产的 [medL prolificus(PROLIFEROUS)]
prolix a.冗长的;罗嗦的 [ME<OF prolixe or L prolixus poured forth, extended(P
RO-, liquere be liquid)]
prolong v.延伸;拖长;发长音 [ME<OF prolonger &<LL prolongare(PRO-, longus lon
promenade n.漫步;行列;舞会 [F<se promener walk, refl of promener take for a
promethean a.普罗米修斯的 [Prometheus(希腊神话)普洛米修斯 因盗天火给人类而受
promiscuity n.混乱;混淆不辨;杂婚 [(<L."掺合")]
promiscuous a.一团糟的;漫无目的的 [L promiscuus(PRO-, miscere mix混乱)MISCEL
LANEOUS混杂的 promiscuity混乱;杂乱]
prompt a.敏捷的;即时的;促使 [ME<OF prompt or L promptus pp. of promere promp
t- produce(PRO-, emere take)prompting刺激;激励];[ 暗示;提示台词 promptness敏
promulgate v.宣布;散播 [L promulgare(PRO-, mulgere milk, cause to come forth
prone a.有...倾向的;俯卧的 [ME<L pronus<pro forwards]
pronounced a.明白的;断然的;决然的
prop n.命题;顶杠 [ME
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