Flyingoverseas 版 (精华区)
发信人: bonjovi (bonjovi), 信区: Flyingoverseas
标 题: 托福考试词汇向导( 之一)
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2001年02月27日13:10:00 星期二), 站内信件
托福考试词汇向导( 之一)
Unit 1
aback ad.向后;逆帆 [A, BACK]
abaft ad.prep.在船尾;在...之后 [A + -baft <OE<BY+behind]
abandon v.放弃;放纵;遗弃 [ME<OF abandoner<under control ult<LL bannus, -um B
abase v.降低;贬抑 [A-, baissier to lower ult<LL bassus short of stature): in
fl by] BASE
abash v.使局促不安 [bash; unabashed]
abate v.减少;减轻 [rebate 将<已付金额的一部分>予以折扣,回扣,退还]
abbey n.大修道院; 大教堂 [Abba上帝 abbacy 男修道院长(abbot)之职务(辖区,任期)
abbess 女修道院院长;尼庵住持]
abbreviation n.缩短;缩写 [brevity 短暂;简短]
abdicate v.放弃权利;让位 [AB-, dicare declare]
abdomen n.腹;下腹 [abdominal adj.]
abduct v.绑架;拐走 [viaduct陆桥,高架桥 (道路,铁路)(<L. VIA(道)和 aqueDUCT(水
abed ad.在床上 [A, BED ill(sick)~病卧床上 lie~躺在床上]
aberration n.离开正路;脱离常轨 [errant 错误的,偏离的;游历的;遍历危险的]
abet v.教唆;唆使 [bait(装于钓)上或陷阱中的钩饵]
abeyance n.中止;暂搁 [<OF abeer<to + beer<medL batare gape(因惊讶或赞许而)张
abhor v.憎恨;厌恶 [horrible]
abide v.容忍;忍受 [abide by 遵守<规则、法令、决定等>]
abject a.可怜的;卑鄙的 [reject]
abjure v.发誓断绝;公开放弃 [jurare; purjury]
ablution n.沐浴 [antediluvian 诺亚(Noah)洪水前的;太古的;过时的 (cf deluge)]
abnegate v.放弃权利;舍弃;戒禁快乐 [AB-, negare deny]
abnormal a.不正常的;变态的 [earlier and F anormal, anomal<Gk anomalos ANOMAL
OUS, assoc with L abnormis: ABNORMITY]
abode n.住所 [verbal noun of ABIDE: cf. ride, rode, road]
abolition n.废除;革除 [abolish]
abominate v.痛恨;痛恶 [ominous (omen 的形容词)不祥的;凶兆的]
aboriginal a.原始的;土著的 [ab+origin+al]
abortive a.失败的;无意的 [oriental; abort]
abound v.充满;富于 [abundant]
abrade v.摩擦;磨掉 [erase; abrasion (abrade的名词)(岩石的)剥蚀;(机械的)磨损]
abridge v.缩短;删节 [ME<OF abreg(i)er<LL abbreviare ABBREVIATE]
abrogate v.废止;取消 [interogative rogation (常 ~s)(基督教)(耶稣升天节前三天
做的)祷告 rogatory 请求的;要求的]
abrupt a.突然的;意外的 [ab+rupt=rumpere]
abscond v.潜逃 [condiments 调味料(seasoning) (芥茉、胡椒等)]
absolve v.赦免;解除 [solution]
abstain v.戒除;禁绝 [tenere]
abstemious a.饮食有度;有节制的 [temetum]
abstinence n.禁食 [abs+tinence ABSTINENT]
abstracted a.心不在焉的 [intractable; abstract]
abstruse a.深奥的 [intrusion]
absurd a.不合理的;荒唐的 [AB-, surdus deaf, dull]
abundant a.丰富的;富裕的 [ME<OF abundance<L abundantia ABOUND]
abuse v.乱用;妄用 [ab+use disabuse 解除某人的迷惑;使醒悟]
abut v.紧邻;接靠 [a+but]
abyss n.深渊;地狱 [<Gk abussos bottomless A-, bussos depth]
accede v.同意 [ac+cede]
accelerate v.加速进行 [ac+celer+ate;concede]
accentuate v.重读;强调 [ac+cent=cant+uate;ACCENT;cantata(音乐)清唱剧]
accessible a.易接近的;易受影响的 [accessible or LL accessibilis; ACCEDE; acc
accessory n.附件;从犯 [ac+ces+sory;ACCEDE]
accidental a.偶然的;意外的 [E<LL accidentalis(ACCIDENT)]
acclaim v.欢呼;喝采 [ac+claim=clamare;clamorous吵闹的,喧嚷的; acclamation]
acclimate v.适应于新环境 [ac+climate CLIMATE acclamation]
acclivity n.向上的陡坡 [ac+cliv+ity proclivity]
accolade n.赞美;赏赐 [ac+col=collum+ade; collar]
accommodate v.供应;容纳 [ac+commodus; accommodating]
accomplice n.共犯;帮凶 [ME and F complice(prob by assoc with ACCOMPANY),<LL
complex complicis confederate: cf] [COMPLICATE]
accord n.一致;符合 [ac+cord=cordis heart]
accost v.打招呼 [ac+cost=costa rib COAST]
accoutre v.供给服装;装备 [ac+coutre couture 女装业;女装设计师 couturier 女装
accredit v.相信;任命;归功于... [ac+cre+dit CREDIT]
accretion n.增大;添加 [ac+cret+tion accrue ACCRETE 生长;增大;合生]
accrue v.自然增加 [ac+crue增加]
accumulate v.积聚 [ac+cumul=cumulus堆积+ate]
accuse v.控告;归咎 [ac+cuse=CAUSE]
acephalous a.无头的 [a+cephal=kephale头+ous]
acerbity n.尖酸的言语或态度 [acerb尖,酸+ity acerbic尖刻的]
acetic a.酸的 [ace=acetum醋+ic]
achromatic a.无色的;消色的 [A-, CHROMATIC]
acidulous a.微酸的;克薄的 [acid酸+ulous多的]
acknowledge v.承认 [ac+KNOWLEDGE]
acme n.顶点;极至 [Gk, = highest point]
acoustics n.声学;传音性 [acoustic 听觉的;有关声音的]
acquaint v.告之;使熟悉 [ac+quiant知道=cognit come to know ACQUAINTANCE 熟人]
acquiescence n.默许的;顺从的 [ac+quiesce安静+nce;aquiescent顺从的 quiescent静
acquisition n.获得;得到 [ACQUIRE acquisitive 贪得的;物质欲重的 requisite 必须
品 acquisitiveness 渴望占有]
acquittal n.开释
acrid a.辛辣的;尖刻的 [irreg<L acer acris keen+-ID, prob after acid]
acrimonious a.尖酸的 [ACRIMONY 尖刻;剧烈]
acrophobia n.高处恐怖症 [acro=akron+PHOBIA]
activate v.使活动
actuarial a.保险统计(员)的 [ACTUAL actuary 保险公司计算员;法庭记录(员) actua
te 激励]
actuate v.激励;促使 [ACTUAL]
acuminate a.锐利的;有尖头的 [L acuminatus pointed: ACUMEN]
acute a.灵敏的;急性的 [L acutus pp. of acuere sharpen<acus needle]
adage n.格言 [adagium ad+age]
adamant a.坚定不移的;固执的 [a+damant=daamao驯服]
adapt v.使适合 [ad+apt=aptus适合 adaptable有适应能力的 aptitude能力]
addendum n.补遗;追加物 [L, gerundive of addere ADD]
addiction n.沉迷;热中 [ADDICT ad+dict;addictive 使人上瘾的]
additive a.添加剂 [LL additivus: ADD]
addle a.混乱的;糊涂的 [addled头脑混乱的]
adduce v.引证;举出 [induce引诱]
adept a.老练的 [ad+ept能力 adopt 收养; adapt 适应]
adhere v.附着;坚持 [ad+here=haerere粘;adherent 拥护者,党徒]
adhibit v.容...进入;贴标签;采用 [AD-, habere have]
adipose a.多脂肪的 [同adeps adipis 胖的]
adjacent a.邻接的 [ad+jacent=jacere躺]
adjoin v.邻接;毗连 [AD-, jungere join]
adjourn v.延期;休会 [The court ~ed from Friday until Monday.]
adjudge v.判决;审查并颁给奖赏 [ME <OF ajuger <L adjudicare: ADJUDICATE]
adjudicate v.判决;宣判;裁定 [ad+judic=judicare to judge; judicious明智的]
adjunct n.附属物;助手 [ad+junct ADJOIN]
adjure v.命令;恳求 [ad+jure=jurare发誓]
adjutant n.副官;助手 [L adjutare frequent of adjuvare: ADJUVANT 辅助的;助手;
admeasure v.分配;测量 [AD-, MEASURE]
administer v.管理 [ad+, MINISTER]
admirable a.可钦佩的;美妙的 [ADMIRE]
admiral n.海军上将;鱼船队长 [<Arab. ' amir commander (cf. AMIR), assoc. with
admonish v.警告 [ad + mon = monere警告]
ado n.张惶;费力 [much ado->much a thing to do]
adobe n.泥砖;土坯 [a-do-be;abode住处]
adolescence n.青春期;年少
adopt v.收养;采纳 [option 选择]
adore v.崇拜;热爱 [oration 演讲 adoration 爱慕,崇拜 adorable 迷人的,可爱的]
adorn v.装饰 [ad+orn提供 suborn贿赂 adornment 装饰,装饰品]
adrift漂泊;无一定职业的 [A + DRIFT]
adroit a.灵巧的 [a+droit右手的 maladroit笨的]
adulation n.奉承 [adulate谄媚奉承]
adulterate v.掺混 [L adulterare adulterat- corrupt]
adumbration n.预示 [intervention 干涉 umbrella雨伞 umbrage不快]
adversary n.对手;敌手 [ADVERSE adversity灾难]
adverse a.逆的;相反的;不利的 [AD-, vertere vers- turn]
adversity n.灾难;不幸 [L adversitas -tatis;ADVERSE]
advert v.谈及
advisable a.适当的;可行的 [advisable=sensible advisory 劝告的 unadvised 轻率
advocate v.提倡;拥护 [ad+vocate=vocare 号召,叫]
aegis n.保护 [aigis 宙斯或雅典娜的盾]
aeon n.极长的时间;永久 [同eon eonian亦作aeonian永世的;无穷的eonism易装变态]
aerate v.空气;让空气进入 [L aer AIR + -ATE, after F aerer aero 航空的;飞行器
aerial a.天线 [L aerius <Gk aerios <aer air]
aesthetic a.美学的;审美的 [aesthetics 美学 aesthete 审美家 anaesthetic 麻醉药
afar ad.在远方 [ME <A-+ FAR; ~ off 遥远地方的. from ~ 由远方]
affable a.和蔼的;友善的 [AD-, fari speak]
affect v.影响;假装;爱好 [How will the decision ~ us? 这项决定会给我们什么样的
affected a.造作的;不自然的 [affectation做作,虚假 affection友爱;感人的 affect
ionate挚爱的 unaffected不矫揉造作的;自然的]
affection n.爱情;疾病;影响 [ME<OF<L affectio -onis(AFFECT)]
affectionate a.情深的 [med.L affectionatus (AFFECTION)]
afferent a.输入的 [AD-, ferre bring]
affiance n.信用;婚约;订婚 [AD-, fidus trusty]
affidavit n.宣誓书 [perfidy不忠,背叛 AFFIANCE婚约,定婚]
affiliation n.入会;加入 [filial子女的 AFFILIATE加入,联合]
affinity n.吸引力;密切之关系 [affine姻亲 affined 姻亲的;同盟的]
affirmation n.证言;无宣誓供述 [AFFIRM 断言,确认,肯定 affirmative赞成的,肯定的
affix v.附加物 [AD-, figere fix- fix]
afflatus n.灵感 [AD-, flare flat- to blow]
afflict v.使苦恼;折磨
affliction n.痛苦;折磨 [conflict冲突]
affluent a.丰富的;富饶的 [ME<OF<L affluere(AD-, fluere flux- flow)]
affranchise v.恢复自由;释放 [ENFRANCHISE, with prefix A-]
affray n.骚动;打架 [af+ fray(衣物)磨损;紧张]
affront v.冒犯;侮辱 [effrontery 厚颜无耻]
afield ad.在野外;离乡背井
afloat ad.在海上;票据流通
afore ad.prep(在)前方
Unit 2
afresh ad.重新;再
aftermath n.不幸事件之后;余波 [after-math]
agape a.张口惊视的 [a+gape 裂开,张嘴]
agenda n.议程 [agility 灵活,敏捷]
agent n.代理人;管理人;代办人 [a commission ~ 委托贩卖商,批发商 a forwarding
~ 运送者,运输业者 a secret (confidential) ~ 密探]
agglomerate v.一堆;结块 [glomerulus 小球,血管小球]
aggrandize v.加大 [grandeur 雄伟]
aggravate v.加重;恶化 [gravity庄重]
aggregate n.集合;总数 [gregarious喜社交的 aggregation聚集,总和]
aggressive a.好斗的;进取的 [egress出口]
aggrieved a.因受伤而不平的;痛心的 [grievous令人悲痛的;伤势严重的]
aghast a.恐怖的;惊骇的 [GHASTLY可怕的;惊人的 gast恐惧 ghost魔鬼 ghast=gast=g
agility n.动作敏捷;机智 [agile灵活的,轻快的]
agitate v.煽动 [ag做+itate表示不断的动作 agitated被鼓动的,不安的 agitation鼓
aglow a.发红的 [glow 发光;发热;热情]
agnostic n.不可知论者 [diagnostic诊断的 agnosticism不可知论 Agnus Dei(<L. 'l
amb of God')耶稣基督的别名]
agog a.兴奋的;有强烈兴趣的 [F en gogues<en in + pl of gogue fun]
agonize v.使受苦;使苦闷 [agony极大痛苦 agonizing引起极大痛苦的]
agony n.烦恼;顶峰 [(<G."比赛")agony aunt 答覆读者来函专栏女作家]
agrarian a.土地的;农业的 [L agrarius<ager agri field]
agreement n.协议;符合;同意 [ME<OF(AGREE)]
agronomist n.农学家 [agro土地+nom学科+ist]
aground ad.在地上;搁浅
ail v.使受病痛;使苦恼 [ail=egle小病 ailment不严重的疾病]
ailment n.疾病
airborne a.空气传播的;空降的
airtight a.密封的
aisle n.过道;走廊 [ME ele, ile <L ala wing: confused with island and F aile
ajar ad.门微开;不调和地
akin a.血族关系的;类似的 [a+kin 亲戚,血源关系]
alabaster a.雪白的 [ME<OF alabastre<L alabaster, -trum,<Gk alabast(r)os]
alacrity n.乐意;欣然;敏捷 [L alacritas<alacer brisk]
albeit conj.虽然 [al+beit albite n.曹长石,苏打长石 L albus white + -ITE]
alchemy n.炼金术 [al=the+chemy=khemia冶炼术 chemis-try化学]
alcove n.凹室;壁龛 [<al the + kubba vault(<L."转动,滚动")拱顶;穹窿;储藏室;墓
ale n.麦酒 [alewife n.啤酒店女主人 <17世纪的aloofe]
alga n.海藻;藻类 [algae 海藻;藻类 algaecide 亦作 algicide 除海藻的药]
algebra n.代数学 [It. & Sp. & med.L, <Arab. al-jabr <al the + jabr reunion o
f broken parts <jabara reunite]
alias n.别名 [at another time, other wise]
alibi n.不在犯罪现场证明;辩词 [elsewhere]
alienate v.离间 [alien+nate 由ALIEN外国人而来 alienated疏远的,被隔开的]
alienist n.精神病医师 [ALIEN+ist]
alight v.降下;落在
alimentary a.食物的;营养的 [ALIMENT 食物,营养品]
alimentation n.营养
alimony n.离婚赡养费;扶养费 [L alimonia nutriment <alere nourish]
alkali n.碱 [ME<medL,<Arab al-kali calcined ashes<kala fry]
allay v.使缓和;使镇静 [al+LAY摆放 ally同盟]
allege v.声称;宣称 [ALLEGATION(无证据)指控 illegal不合法的 allegiance忠诚]
allegiance n.忠贞;忠实
[E<AF<OF ligeance(LIEGE): perh assoc with ALLIANCE(ally 的名词)(为共同目标而
结的)联盟;同盟 关系
allegory n.讽喻;寓言 [ME<OF allegorie<Gk allegoria<allos other + -agoria spe
allergy n.过敏症;厌恶 [allergic过敏的,对讨厌的 ergo-phobia厌工作症]
alleviate v.减轻痛苦;缓和 [levity轻率]
alley n.小巷;小径 [ME<OF alee walking, passage<aler go<L ambulare walk]
alligator n.水陆两用战车;短吻鳄 [Sp el lagarto the lizard<L lacerta]
allocate v.拨下;留下 [allocation拨给,分配 location地点]
allopath n.用对症疗法的医生 [同allopathist = ALLOPATHY ] [allopathic 对症疗法
的 homeopathic顺势疗法的]
alloy n.合金 [unalloyed 未搀杂的;纯粹的]
allude v.暗指;提及 [ludicrous嬉笑的,可笑的 allusion暗示]
allure v.引诱 [al+luere=LURE诱饵,魅力 allurement诱惑物]
allusion n.暗示;暗讽;引谕;引述 [ALLUDE) in ~ to 暗指,暗示. v.allude]
alluvial a.冲积的 [alluvium 冲积土]
ally n.盟国;支持者 [perh dimin of ALABASTER 雪花石膏(制)的;白润光滑的]
alms n.施舍;周济;布施 [OE 'lmysse, -messe,< <eleemon(adj)<eleos compassion]
aloof a.远离的;不接近的 [a+loof= LUFF逆风而行]
alpine a.高山的;阿尔卑斯山的 [L Alpinus: ALP]
alteration n.变更;改造 [altercation 口角,激辩,争吵]
alternate v.轮流 [(常与with连用) alternus交替 alter其它]
altitude n.高度;海拔 [ME<L altitudo<altus high]
altruism n.利他主义 [altru=alter其它+ism]
alumnus n.学生;毕业生校友 [L, = nursling, pupil< alere nourish]
amalgamate v.混合;合并 [AMALGAM混合物 AMASS积聚]
amanuensis n.笔记者;文书 [L<(servus)a manu secretary + -ensis belonging to]
amass v.积累;收集
amateurish a.业余的;不熟练的 [(反professional) theatricals票友戏 AMATEUR业余
爱好者 morous多情的 L amator -oris lover]
amatory a.恋爱的;色情的
amazon n.女战士
[<G."无乳房"; 传说古时亚马逊女战士为拉弓射箭之便割除右乳房) Amazon(希)亚马逊
族女战士(住 在黑海边)
ambidextrous a.十分灵巧的 [LL ambidexter<ambi- on both sides + dexter right-
ambiguity n.暧昧;含糊话 [L ambiguitas(AMBIGUOUS)]
ambiguous a.含糊的 [ambiguity模棱两可]
ambivalent a.好恶参半的 [valiant勇敢的 ambivalence矛盾心理 G Ambivalenz <L a
mbo both, after equivalence, -ency ambivalence] [爱憎感情并存]
amble n.徐行;缓行 [amble=ambul走路 ambulence救护车 ample丰富的]
ambulatory a.可走动的;行走的 [ambula走+tory perambulate走过;徘徊于 L perambu
lare perambulat-(PER-, ambulare walk)]
ambush v.埋伏 [ME<OF <a Rmc form = 'put in a wood': rel to BUSH]
ameliorate v.改善,改良 [alt. of MELIORATE after F ameliorer]
amenable a.有服从义务的;愿服从的 [a+ men= mener驱赶动物]
amend v.修正;订正 [ME<OF amender ult.<L emendare EMEND]
amendment n.改正;修正 [amends赔偿,补偿]
amenity n.适意;礼仪 [amen-ity=pleasant]
amiable a.和蔼可亲的;悦人的 [强调人自身具备的性格和蔼 =lovable]
amicable a.友善的 [LL amicabilis<amicus friend]
amid prep.在其中;在其间 [ME amidde(s)<OE on ON + MID]
amigo n.朋友 [amiga 女性朋友]
amiss a.错;有毛病的 [ME prob<ON mis so as to miss<on + mis rel to MISS]
amity n.和好;和睦 [ami=amicus朋友+ty]
amnesia n.健忘症 [amnesty 大赦]
amnesty n.大赦 [F amnestie or L<Gk amnestia oblivion]
amoral a.非道德的;不属道德的 [a+MORAL immoral不道德的,淫荡的]
amorist n.好色之徒;爱情小说作者 [L amor or F amour + -IST]
amorous a.易动情的;情爱的 [AMOR爱+our]
amorphous a.无定型的 [metamorphose变形]
amortization n.分期偿还 [immortal不朽的]
amphibian a.水陆两栖的 [amphi两者,两侧,周围+bian]
amphitheater n.圆形剧场 [amphi周围+THEATER剧场]
ample a.充足的 [ampl=amplus大,多+e amble散步 amplify放大]
amplify v.扩大 [AMPLE+fy amplitude广阔,丰富]
amplitude n.广阔;振幅 [ampli=AMPLE+tude]
amputate v.切断;剪切 [amputee截肢者]
amuck ad.疯狂地
amulet n.护身符 [amu-let]
anabolism n.同化作用 [Gk anabole ascent(ANA-, ballo throw)]
anachronism n.时代错误 [chronicle编年史]
analgesic a.止痛的 [nostalgia怀旧]
analogous a.类似的 [prologue序言]
anarchy n.无政府状态;混乱 [anarchic无政府的]
anathema n.诅咒;讨厌的人或物 [ecclL, = excommunicated person, excommunicatio
n,<Gk anathema thing devoted,(later)accursed] [thing,<anatithemi set up]
anatomy n.解剖;解剖学 [ana+tomy]
ancestor n.祖先;先驱者 [ANTE-, cedere cess- go]
anchorite n.隐士;隐居修道的 [ancho 铁锚 rite 仪式]
ancillary a.辅助的;附属的 [<ancilla女仆]
anecdote n.逸话;轶事
[AN-, ekdotos<ekdidomi publish) anecdotage 逸话(集);(戏)(好谈往事的)老年(与d
otage (老耋) 接合而 带谐虐意味)
anemia n.贫血 [anemic 贫血的;衰弱的,无精打采的]
anesthetic n.麻醉剂 [anesthetize 麻醉;使麻痹 aesthetic美学]
angle n.角;见地;观点;钓鱼 [an acute (obtuse) ~ 锐(钝)角 take the ~ 测量角度
He looked at the problem only from his own ~.]
anguish n.极大痛苦 [angu痛苦+ish anguished很痛苦的 ANGER]
animadvert v.批评;责备 [L animadvertere<animus mind + advertere (AD-, verter
e vers- turn) animadversion批评;非难]
animalcule n.微生物 [anim气息,心,生命 animism万物有灵论]
animated a.活生生的 [anim生命+ated magnanimous大度的 animation活泼,卡通]
animosity n.仇恨 [anim生命 +osity]
animus n.恶意;意图 [L, = spirit, mind]
ankle n.脚脖子;踝 [ME<ON ankul-(unrecorded)<Gmc: rel to ANGLE]
annals n.纪年表;历史记载 [自annus而来,意为年]
anneal v.锻炼(金属、玻璃等) [an表趋向+ne+al火]
annex v.附加 [an表趋向+nex捆绑]
annihilate v.消灭 [nehilism虚无]
annotate v.注解 [annotation注解 connotation内涵]
annoyance n.烦恼;为难的事
annual a.一年的;每年的,一年生的 [ME<OF annuel<LL annualis<L annalis< annus y
annuity n.年金;养老金 [annui=annuus年+ty ANNUAL annuitant领受养老金者]
annul v.废止;宣告无效 [ME<OF anuller<LL annullare(AD-, nullus none)]
anomalous a.反常的;不规则的 [anomaly 反常]
anon ad.不久;立刻 [<OE on an into one,记an-on或anonymous; anonymous的缩写]
anonymous a.无名的;匿名的 [anomymity无名,匿名 synonym同义字 antonym反义词]
antagonism n.敌对 [ANTAGONIST敌手,对手]
antecedence n.居先;在前 [recede 后退]
antedate v.在信上写上较早日期 [ante- {字首}表示"前的"之意]
antediluvian a.原始的;大水前的 [ante+diluvi=diluvium= DELUGE洪水+an]
antenna n.触角;天线 [拉丁 = sail-yard]
anterior a.较早的;以前的 [ante-rior anteriority 居先;在前]
anthem n.圣歌;赞美歌 [national anthem]
anthology n.诗集;文选 [anthesis开花期]
anthropoid a.似人类的;似猿的 [anthropo人,人类+id似 misanthrope厌世者]
anthropology n.人类学 [anthropophagous 吃人的]
anthropomorphic a.神人同形的 [anthropo+morph+ic anthropomorphous 有人形的,有
Unit 3
antibiotic n.抗生素;抗菌的 [<F antibiotique; ANTI-,GK biotikos适合于生命的 <
antibody n.抗体 [anti-BODY]
antic a.古怪的;笨拙的 [antics滑稽的动作 ANTIQUE古董 attic阁楼]
anticipate v.预期;期待 [anticipatory预期的 precipitate加速;沉淀]
anticlimax n.令人泄气的转变 [anti-climax]
antidote n.解毒药 [DOTE老年痴呆 DOSE药剂 overdose药剂过量]
antielectron n.反电子;正电子
antigen n.抗原 [ANTIBODY, -GEN]
antipathy n.憎恶 [<GK antipathes 憎恶; ANTI-, pathos -eos 感情]
antipodal a.正相反的 [anti+podal]
antiquated a.陈旧的;过时的 [<ANTIQUE antiquity古老,高龄]
antique a.古代的 [F antique or L antiquus, anticus former, ancient<ante befo
antiques n.古董
antiquity n.古旧;古代;古代的人 [< L antiquitas -tatis<antiquus: ANTIQUE]
antiseptic n.消毒剂;防腐剂 [septic 有菌的,感染的]
antisocial a.厌恶社交的 [anti-SOCIAL]
antithesis n.相反;对照;对偶 [Gk antitithemi set against (ANTI-, tithemi plac
antonym n.反义词 [ANTI-, SYNONYM]
anvil n.铁砧 [OE anfilte etc]
apathetic a.冷淡的 [APATHY, after PATHETIC 可怜的;悲惨的;无价值的]
apathy n.冷淡;漠不关心 [F apathie<apathes without feeling<a- not+pathos suff
aperitif n.开胃酒 [F aperitif<medL aperitivus<L aperire to open]
aperture n.孔;开口 [APERITIF开胃酒]
apex n.顶点;最高点 [a+ peak顶峰]
aphorism n.格言;警语 [adage格言 maxim公理,格言]
apiary n.养蜂场;蜂房 [aviary养鸟场 apiculture养蜂业]
apiculture n.养蜂 [L apis bee, after AGRICULTURE]
apiece ad.每人;每个 [cost ten cents ~ 每个一角 A + PIECE]
aplomb n.沉着 [a+plomb 坠垂直线的铅锤 PLUMMET]
apocalyptic a.启示的;天启的 [APOCALYPSE启示,启示录 apogee远地点 ME<OF ult<Gk
apokalupsis<apokalupto uncover, reveal]
apocryphal a.真伪可疑的;作者不明的 [apo远+cryph隐藏+al apocrypha伪经 cryptic
隐藏的,秘密的 apocrypha 旁经;伪经]
apogee n.远地点;最高点 [apo远+gee地球 peri-gee近地点 geo-logy地质学 geo=gee]
apologize v.道歉 [apo-log-ize apologetic道歉的;歉意的]
apologue n.寓言 [F apologue <Gk apologos story(APO-, logos discourse)]
apolune n.远月点 [(月卫轨道最远点;反perilune) APO-+L luna moon, after apogee
apostate n.背教者;脱党者 [APOSTASY叛教,脱党]
apothecary n.药剂师 [apothec= apotheke储藏间+ary]
apothegm n.格言 [apo+the+gm]
apotheosis n.神圣的理想;神化之物 [ap+theos神+is theology神学 deify神化]
appall v.使惊骇 [appallling可怕的]
apparatus n.器具;器官;组织 [L <apparare apparat- make ready for]
apparel n.精制的衣服 [appar+el;apparent明显的]
apparition n.幽灵 [ME<F apparition or<L apparitio attendance(APPEAR)]
appeal v.恳请;呼吁 [ME<OF apel, apeler<L appellare to address]
appease v.抚慰;使平静 [ME<AF apeser, OF apaisier<a to+pais PEACE]
appellate a.控诉的;上诉的 [L appellatus(APPEAL, -ATE) appellant n.上诉人;a.控
appellation n.称号;名称 [ME<OF<L appellatio -onis(APPEAL, -ATION)]
append v.附加 [L appendere hang appendage 附加物]
appetence n.欲望;性欲;本能 [F appetence or L appetentia <appetere seek after
appetite n.胃口;食欲 [appetizing开胃的]
applicable a.生效的;适合的 [APPLY]
apposite a.适当的 [L appositus pp. of apponere(AD-, ponere put)]
appraise v.鉴定 [APPRIZE by assim to PRAISE]
appreciable a.明显的;重要的 [perceptible感觉到的 appreciative 感谢的;赞赏的]
apprehend v.理解;逮捕;忧惧 [prehensile能抓住的apprehensive 焦虑的;悟性好的]
apprehension n.挂念;忧虑;逮补 [APPREHEND, -ION]
apprise v.通知 [F appris -ise pp. of apprendre learn, teach(APPREHEND)]
approachable a.可靠近的;随和的 [reproach指责 reapproach再接近 reproachable应
approbation n.许可;承认 [APPROBATE通过;许可;称赞; -ATION]
appropriate v.拨款;盗用;恰当的 [LL appropriatus pp. of appropriare(AD-, prop
rius own)]
approximate v.近似;近似的 [AD-, proximus very near]
appurtenance n.(土地上)附属物 [APPERTAIN 附属,关系,适合, -ANCE]
apron n.围裙 [ME naperon etc<OF dimin of nape table-cloth<L mappa: for loss
of n cf ADDER 加者,计算者 = adding] [machine]
apropos ad.恰好地 [F propos<to+propos PURPOSE 目的;计划;意图]
aptitude n.才能;性向 [F<LL aptitudo -inis(APT, -TUDE)apt易于;恰当的]
aquaplane n.滑水板;滑水板游戏 [<L aqua 水 + PLANE]
aquarelle n.水彩画;水彩画法 [<Ita. acquarella= water-colour 水彩; <L aqua 水
aquatic a.水生的;水中的 [aqueous 水的]
aqueduct n.高驾渠;渡槽 [L aquae ductus conduit<aqua water + ducere duct- to
aquiline a.钩状的;似鹰的 [L aquilinus<aquila eagle]
arabesque a.阿拉伯式的 [F<It arabesco<arabo Arab]
arable a.适于耕种的;可开垦的 [F arable or L arabilis<arare to plough 耕地,田
arbiter n.仲裁人 [arbitrator公断人]
arbitrary a.武断的 [L arbitrarius or F arbitraire(ARBITER, -ARY)arbitrate仲裁
arbitrator n.仲裁人;审判者 [ARBITRATION仲裁,公断, arbitrate 仲裁 L arbitrari
arboreal a.树的;木本的 [L arboreus arboretum 植物园]
arcade n.骑楼 [F<Prov arcada or It arcata<Rmc: rel to ARCH]
arcane a.神秘的;秘密的 [F arcane or L arcanus<arcere shut up<arca chest]
archaeology n.考古学 [<Gk arkhaiologia ancient history(ARCHAEAN, -LOGY)]
archaic a.古代的;已不通用的 [F archaique<Gk arkhaikos(ARCHAEAN)]
archetype n.原形 [L archetypum<Gk arkhetupon(ARCH-, tupos stamp)]
archipelago n.列岛 [It arcipelago<Gk arkhi- chief+pelagos sea(orig = the Aeg
ean Sea)]
archives n.档案;档案保存处
ardent a.热心的;热烈的 [ardor 的形容词 an ~ patriot 满腔热忱的爱国者]
ardor n.热心 [<L."热(度)")with ~ 热心地]
arduous a.费力的;艰巨的 [L arduus steep, difficult]
arena n.竞技场 [L(h)arena sand, sand-strewn place of combat]
argonaut n.冒险家;投机者;叛徒 [(希腊神话)亚哥号上的人员(与Jason同乘亚哥号(th
e Argo)船前往科基斯(Colchis)寻找金羊毛(the] [Golden Fleece)之一行人)]
argot n.暗语 [argosy 大商船;大商船队]
arid a.干燥的;干燥无味的 [F aride or L aridus <arere be dry aridly 贫瘠地]
aright ad.正;正确地
aristocrat n.贵族 [<F aristocrate ARISTOCRATIC贵族政治的;主张贵族统治的]
arithmetic n.算术;算术的 [<Gk arithmetike(tekhne)art of counting<arithmos nu
ark n.方舟;笨重难看的船 [OE <L arca chest]
armada n.舰队 [arm=ARMY+ada舰队]
armament n.军备;武器;装备 [ARM, -MENT]
armistice n.休战;停战 [truce 停战;休止;中止]
armory n.武器制造厂;室内教练场 [armor plate (军舰、战车等的)装甲板]
aroma n.芳香;气派,风格 [L<Gk aroma -atos spice]
aromatic a.芳香的 [(AROMA, -IC)aroma芳香,气派,风格 L <Gk aroma -atos spice]
arraign v.提讯;控告 [ME<AF (ult AD-, L ratio -onis reason, discourse)]
arrant a.极端的;完全的 [ME, var of ERRANT]
array v.排列 [ME<AF araier, OF areer ult<a Gmc root, = prepare]
arrears n.债;欠债 [AD-, retro backwards: arrear(<L."在后")(工作、付款)延误]
arrest v.阻止;遏止 [~ the spread of the fire 阻止火势的蔓延 arrestant 制虫剂
arrogance n.自大;傲慢 [arrogant自大的;傲慢的]
arrogate v.冒称;霸占 [L arrogare arrogat-(AD-, rogare ask)]
arson n.非法纵火;放火 [arsonist纵火犯ardent热情的ars=ard ;ars艺术arse屁股;闲
articulate v.清楚说话;接合 [L articulatus(ARTICLE, -ATE)]
artifacts n.史前古器物 [artificer 技师;工匠 artificial不自然的,虚假的]
artifice n.策略;诡计 [<ars artis art, -ficium making<facere make artifact手工
artisan n.工匠 [F<It artigiano, ult<L artitus pp. of artire instruct in the
artless a.粗俗的;自然的
ascend v.上升;攀爬 [ascendancy统治者,支配力量 ascent上升 descend下降]
ascendant a.上升的;优越的
ascertain v.确定 [ME<OF acertener, stem acertain-<to+CERTAIN]
ascetic a.苦行的 [<asketes monk<askeo exercise asceticism 禁欲主义,苦行生活]
ascribe v.归于 [ME<L ascribere(AD-, scribere script- write)]
aseptic a.无菌的 [anti-sept-ic抗菌药]
ashen a.灰色的
asinine a.愚鲁的 [asin= asinus驴子ASS+ine]
askance ad.斜视地
askew ad.斜地 [A+SKEW歪曲,歪斜,弯曲]
asp n.毒蛇;埃及产眼镜蛇 [ME <OF aspe or L aspis <Gk n.= aspen 白杨;似白杨的;
aspen n.白杨;白杨似的;摇晃的 [earlier name asp + -EN forming adj. taken as n
oun asp毒蛇]
asperity n.粗暴;艰苦 [ME<OF asperite or L asperitas<asper rough prosperity繁
asperse v.诽谤 [(AD-, spargere sprinkle)aspersion中伤;(天主教)洒水]
aspirant n.热望者 [F aspirant or<L aspirant- (PIRE(<L."对呼气")渴望,一心]
aspiration n.抱负 [ME<OF aspiration ASPIRATE把发成h音;抽出(液体或气体)]
aspire v.热望,怀大志,切望 [ME<F aspirer or L aspirare< ad to + spirare breat
asquint斜视;斜的 [ME perh. <Du. schuinte slant]
assail v.攻击 [AD-, salire salt- leap]
assassin n.刺客 [F assassin or <med.L assassinus <Arab. hassas hashish-eater
assault n.突然袭击;猛袭 [as+sault=sail]
assay v.分析;试验 [ME<OF assaier, assai, var of essayer, essai;ESSAY]
assemble v.聚集 [<L ad to+simul together. assemblage 集合;集合物]
assent v.同意;赞成 [ME<OF asenter, as(s)ente ult<L assentari(ad to, sentire
assert v.断言;主张 [assertive 言语果敢的;断言的 assertion 主张;断言,确言]
assess v.估定;定...额;评价;估价 [~ a tax at 10 pounds; ~ a statement at its
true worth]
asset n.财产;可取之处 [as-set]
asseverate v.断言 [L asseverare(AD-, severus serious)]
assiduous a.勤勉的 [L assiduus(SESS)assidulity勤勉,励精]
assimilate v.吸收 [ME<L assimilare(AD-, similis like)]
assize n.裁判;法定价格 [ME <OF as(s)ise, fem. pp. of aseeir sit at, <ASSESS]
assonance n.类音;类韵;母韵 [AD-, sonus sound]
assort v.分类;配齐;相交 [OF assorter <a to + sorte SORT. assorted 组合的,各色
assuage v.平息;减轻 [ME<OF as(s)ouagier ult<L suavis sweet; unassuaged 未缓和
assumption n.担任;假设 [ME<OF asompsion or L assumptio(SUME, -ION)]
assure v.确告 [assured自信的assurance自信;保证 reassure使安心]
astir骚动;活动;兴奋 [A + STIR n.骚动;传播;流行]
astound v.使...大吃一惊,惊愕 [obs. astound (adj.) = astoned pp. of obs. asto
astral a.星的;多星的 [LL astralis<astrum star]
astray a.迷路的;误入歧途的 [a+STRAY走离]
Unit 4
astringent a.收敛性的;止血的 [stringent 严格的;严厉的]
astrolabe n.星盘
astrology n.占星学 [ASTRO-, -LOGY]
astute a.机敏的;狡猾的 [obs F astut or L astutus<astus craft]
asunder ad.散开;碎散;分别 [OE on sundran into pieces: cf SUNDER分为二,分开,切
asylum n.收容所;避难所 [ME<Gk asulon refuge<a- not + sulon right of seizure捕
asymmetric a.不均匀的;不对称的
atheistic a.无神论者的 [atheism无神论]
athirst a.渴;渴望 [OE ofthyrst for ofthyrsted pp. of ofthyrstan be thirsty]
athlete n.比赛者,运动家;强壮的人 [L athleta<Gk athletes< athleo contend for
a prize (athlon)]
athletics运动 [athlete运动员]
athwart ad.横穿过去;不顺利地 [A+THWART(<古北欧语"横过")妨碍,反对,使挫折]
atlas n.地图集 [L<Gk Atlas -antos a Titan who held up the pillars of the uni
verse, whose picture appeared at the beginning] of [early atlases]
atomy n.微小之物;原子;矮人 [ANATOMY剖析;解剖学;骨骸 taken as an atomy]
atonal a.无调的
atone v.补偿;赎罪 [back-form<ATONEMENT 赎罪 at one + -MENT, after medL aduna
mentum and earlier onement<obs] [one(v)unite]
atrocious a.凶暴的;残酷的 [L atrox -ocis cruel atrocity暴行]
atrophy v.使衰退;使萎缩 [F atrophie or LL atrophia<Gk<a- not+trophe food]
attach v.附上,贴上;使属于 [ME<OF estachier fasten<Gmc: in Law sense thr. OF
attachment n.附着;依恋;逮捕;扣押 [ME<F attachement<attacher(ATTACH, -MENT)]
attainment n.成就;造诣;学识
attentive a.注意周到的;倾听的 [ME<F<attente, OF atente, fem pp. of atendre A
attenuate v.使变细;使弱 [AD-, tenuis thin]
attest v.证明;证实 [AD-, testis witness]
attic n.阁楼 [F attique, as ATTIC古怪的: orig a small order above a taller o
attire n.服装;盛装;打扮 [ME<OF atir(i)er equip<a tire in order]
attorney n.代理人;律师 [ME<OF atorne pp. of atorner assign<to+torner turn]
attribute n.品性 [<L attribuere attribut-(AD-, tribuere assign)]
attrition n.摩擦;磨损 [ME<LL attritio<atterere attrit- rub]
attune v.使合拍调;使调和 [AT-+TUNE]
atypical a.非典型的;不正常的
auction v.n.拍卖;拍卖人 [L auctio increase, auction<augere auct- increase]
audacious a.大胆的;目中无人的 [L audax -acis bold<audere dare audacity胆识;大
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