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标 题: 托福考试词汇向导( 之五)
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托福考试词汇向导( 之五)
Unit 21
orientation n.适应(环境);指导 [app<ORIENT]
orifice n.口;孔;洞 [F<LL orificium<os oris mouth+facere make]
orison n.祈祷 [ME<AF ureison, OF oreison<L(ORATION演说;致词;叙述法)]
ornate a.装饰华丽的 [ME<L ornatus pp. of ornare adorn]
orotund a.宏亮的;夸张的 [L ore rotundo with rounded mouth]
orphan n.a.v.孤儿;使成孤儿
oscillate v.游移不定;踌躇 [L oscillare oscillat- swing]
ossify v.骨化 [F ossifier<L os ossis bone]
ostensible a.表面的;假装的 [F<medL ostensibilis<L ostendere ostens- stretch
out to view(OB-, tendere stretch)]
ostracize v.摒弃;排斥 [Gk ostrakizo<ostrakon shell, potsherd(used to write a
name on in voting)]
otiose a.无效的;多余的 [L otiosus<otium leisure]
outbid v.出高于...的价钱
outgoing a.外出的;出发的
outlandish a.古怪的 [OE utlendisc<utland foreign country<OUT+LAND]
outrage n.v.粗暴;暴力;伤害 [ME<OF outrage<outrer exceed<outre<L ultra beyond
ovation n.热烈欢迎;鼓掌;大受欢迎 [L ovatio<ovare exult]
overhaul v.分解检查;精细检查 [orig Naut, = release(rope-tackle)by slackening
slacken 放松<away, off>]
overlap v.重复
overshadow v.遮阴;使失色;胜过 [E ofersceadwian(OVER-, SHADOW)]
overweening a.过分的;自负的
overwhelm v.淹没;受打击
overwrought a.过度紧张 [overwork的过去式过去分词]
ovine a.绵羊的;似绵羊的 [LL ovinus<L ovis sheep]
pacifist n.非战主义者
paean n.赞美歌;欢乐歌 [L<Doric Gk paian hymn of thanksgiving to Apollo(under
the name of Paian)]
pagan n.异教徒 [ME<L paganus villager, rustic<pagus country district: in Chr
istian L = civilian, heathen paganism 异教];[ 异教信仰;偶像崇拜
pageant n.盛会;游行;露天历史剧 [ME pagyn, the ~ of historical events 一连串引
pal n.伙伴;共犯 [Romany = brother, mate, ult<Skr bhratr BROTHER]
palatable a.怡人的;味美的 [palate上颚;味觉;趣味,嗜好ME<L palatum]
palatial a.壮丽堂皇的 [L(PALACE)]
palaver a.空谈;闲谈;奉承 [Port palavra word<L(PARABLE寓言;比喻,譬语(<G."比较
palette n.调色盘 [F, dimin of pale shovel<L pala spade]
pall v.使生厌 [The novelty will soon ~ on them 那种新奇不久就会使他们感到厌倦
APPAL吓唬,使惊骇 The sight] [~ed me 那景象使我心惊胆战]
palladium n.智慧女神之像;保障物 [ME<L<Gk palladion image of Pallas(Athene),
a protecting deity]
pallet n.简陋的小床 [F palette: PALETTE 调色板 (盘) ;(一套的)颜料(画家、绘画
的)色彩范围 (种类)]
palliate v.减轻;缓和(病、痛等) [LL palliare to cloak<pallium cloak palliatio
n(过失的)减轻 辩解;缓和的办法,姑息手段]
pallid a.苍白的;呆板的 [L pallidus PALE]
pallor n.(脸色)苍白;青白;灰白 [L<pallere be pale;a deathly ~ 死人般的苍白]
palpable a.易察觉的;可触知的 [ME<LL palpabilis(PALPATE(医)触诊]
palpitate v.急速地跳动;抖动 [L palpitare frequent of palpare touch gently]
paltry a.微不足道的 [16th c:<paltry trash app<palt, pelt rubbish+-RY(cf trum
pery): cf LG paltrig ragged]
pamphlet n.小册子;时事论文小册子 [ME<Pamphilet, the familiar name of the 12t
h-c Latin love poem Pamphilus seu de Amore]
pan n.平锅;药室;盘状的洼地 [Hindi<Skr parna feather, leaf]
panacea n.万灵药 [L<Gk panakeia<panakes all-healing(PAN-, akos remedy)]
pandemonium n.喧嚣;骚乱 [modL(place of all demons in Milton's Paradise Lost)
<PAN-+Gk daimon DEMON 希腊神话中介于神]人[ 之间的恶魔(<L."恶鬼")
pander v.为淫媒;迎合 [Pandare, a character in Boccaccio and in Chaucer's Tro
ilus and Criseyde,<L Pandarus<Gk Pandaros]
panegyric n.颂词;褒词 [F panegyrique<L panegyricus<Gk panegurikos of public
assembly(PAN-, eguris = agora assembly)]
panic n.惊慌;恐慌;非常有趣的人 [OE<L panicum<panus thread on bobbin, millet-
ear<Gk penos web 蜘蛛网(cobweb)设计的圈套,阴谋,] [阱(of)]
panoply n.全副盔甲 [F panoplie or modL panoplia full armour<Gk(PAN-, oplia<h
opla arms)]
panorama n.全景;范围 [PAN-+Gk horama view<horao see]
pantheism n.宇宙即神论;多神崇拜 [PAN-+Gk theos god]
pantomime n.哑剧;手势 [F pantomime or L pantomimus<Gk pantomimos(PANTO-, MIM
par n.同等;票面价格;平均量 [L(adj & n)= equal, equality]
parable n.寓言;警语 [ME<OF parabole<LL sense 'allegory, discourse' of L para
bola comparison]
paradigm n.典范;词之变化例 [LL paradigma<Gk paradeigma<paradeiknumi show sid
e by side(PARA-, deiknumi show)paradigmatic ]模 [的,例证的;词形变化(表)的]
paradox n.似非而是的隽语 [<Gk paradoxon neut adj(PARA-旁边, doxa opinion)]
paragon n.模范;优秀的人物 [obs F<It paragone touchstone,<medGk parakone whet
parallel a.平行;相似 [F parall e<L parallelus<Gk parallelos(PARA-, allelos
one another)]
paramount a.最高的;至上的;主要的 [AF paramont<OF par by+amont above: cf AMOU
paramour n.奸夫(妇);情夫(妇) [ME<OF par amour by love]
paranoia n.偏执狂;妄想狂 [modL<Gk<paranoos distracted(PARA-旁边, noos mind)]
paraphernalia n.装备;随身用品 [rig = property owned by a married woman,<medL
paraphernalia<LL parapherna<Gk parapherna property apart] [from a dowry(PAR
A-, pherna f]
paraphrase v.意译;改写 [F paraphrase or L paraphrasis<Gk paraphrasis<paraphr
azo(PARA- phrazo tell)]
parasite n.寄生虫;寄生植物 [PARA-, sitos food parasitic 寄食的,靠别人为生的
nit 虱及其他寄生虫的卵]
parch v.使焦干 [ME perch, parche, PARCHED<地面等>干透的,焦干的 The ground wa
s ~ 地面干透了]
paregoric n.止痛药;缓和剂 [LL paregoricus<Gk paregorikos soothing(PARA-, -ag
oros speaking<agora assembly)pare(用刀子)削<] [果、马铃薯等>的皮]
pariah n.被社会遗弃者 [Tamil paraiyar pl of paraiyan hereditary drummer<para
i drum]
parity n.相同;类似 [formed as -PAROUS + -ITY]
parlance n.说法;语调 [OF<parler speak, ult<L parabola(see PARABLE): in LL =
'speech' way or manner of talking or speaking]
parley n.谈判
[perh<OF parlee, fem pp. of parler speak: PARLANCE说话的口气;语调;(特有的)说
法 in legal ~ 用法 律用语来说
parlous a.危险的;麻烦的 [ME, = PERILOUS危险的]
parody n.打油诗;讽刺诗;拙劣模仿 [LL parodia or Gk paroidia burlesque poem(PA
RA- 表示"侧"、]
paroxysm n.猛然发作;阵发 [<Gk paroxusmos<paroxuno exasperate(PARA-, oxuno sh
arpen<oxus sharp)]
parricide n.轼父母、长上者;轼尊罪 [assoc in L with pater father and parens p
parry v.挡开;躲开 [prob repr F parez imper of parer<It parare ward off躲开]
parsimonious a.吝啬的 [parsimony 极度的节俭;吝啬]
partiality n.偏见;偏爱 [ME<OF parcialite<medL partialitas(PARTIAL)]
partisan n.同党;游击队 [F<It dial partigiano etc<parte PART]
partition n.分割;划分;隔板 [ME<OF<L partitio -onis(PARTITE分裂的)]
parvenu n.暴发户 [F, pp. of parvenir arrive<L pervenire(PER-, venire come)]
passive a.被动的;消极的 [ME<OF passif -ive or L passivus(PASSION)]
pastiche n.模仿作品 [F<It pasticcio ult<LL pasta PASTE]
pastoral a.田园的;宁静的 [ME<L pastoralis(PASTOR)]
pasture n.v.牧场;草地;放牧;吃草
patch n.补丁;一小片(土地) [ME pacche, patche, perh var of peche<OF pieche di
al var of piece PIECE]
patchwork n.补缀品;凑合物
patent a.专利权 [ME<OF patent and L patere lie open PATENCY 明白;开放;明显的
paternal a.父亲的;得自父亲的
pathetic a.悲惨的;引人怜悯的 [F pathetique<LL patheticus<Gk pathetikos(PATHO
pathological a.病理学的;病理上的 [pathology病理学,病理;病状 F pathologie or
modL pathologia(PATHO-, -LOGY)]
pathos n.哀婉动人的性质 [Gk pathos suffering, rel to paskho suffer, penthos
patina n.古铜上所生绿锈 [It<L patina dish]
patio n.庭院;平台 [(<西班牙语) ((pl ~s) (西班牙式房屋的) 内院,中庭 (inner co
patois n.方言;土语 [F, = rough speech, perh<OF patoier treat roughly<patte p
patriarch n.家长;族长
[ME<OF patriarche<ecclL patriarcha<Gk patriarkhes<patria family<pater father
+-arkhes -ruler patriarchy家 长(族长)统治;父权制
patrimony n.继承之事物;遗产 [ME patrimoigne<OF patrimoine<L patrimonium<pate
r patris father]
patronage n.保护;奖励;照顾 [ME<OF(PATRON保护人;顾客)]
paucity n.稀少;缺乏 [ME<OF paucite or<L paucitas<paucus few]
pawn n.典当;抵押;人质;兵;走卒 [pawnbroker典当商]
peak n.峰;绝顶;鸭舌帽 [peaky有峰的;尖的;消瘦的]
peculate v.侵占;盗用 [L peculari rel to peculium: PECULIAR奇特的;罕见的;特殊
pecuniary a.金钱的;金钱上的 [L pecuniarius<pecunia money<pecu cattle]
pedagogue n.教师(常含蔑视之意) [ME<L paedagogus<Gk paidagogos<pais paidos bo
y+agogos guide]
pedant n.迂儒;拘泥形式的人 [F pedant<It pedante: app formed as PEDAGOGUE ped
pedestal n.雕像等的台架;基础 [F piedestal<It piedestallo<pi foot<L pes pedi
s+di of+stallo STALL货摊;停顿 PEDDLE沿街叫卖]
pedestrian a.徒步的;散文体的;通俗的 [pedestre or L pedester -tris]
pediatrician n.小儿科医师
pediment n.山形墙;三角墙 [earlier pedament, periment, perh corrupt of PYRAMI
D(常 P~)金字塔 2(数学)角锥]
peek v.偷看;窥见 [ME pike, pyke, steal a ~ 偷看]
peer n.贵族;上院议员;同辈 [ME<AF & OF pe(e)r, perer<LL pariare<L par equal]
pejorative a.侮蔑的 [F pejoratif -ive<LL pejorare make worse(pejorate 使恶化
;使变坏 变坏;恶化]
pelf n.金钱;不义之财 [ME<ONF<OF pelfre, peufre spoils: cf PILFER盗窃]
pell-mell ad.混乱地;纷乱地 [F p e-m e, OF pesle mesle, mesle pesle, etc, r
edupl of mesle<mesler mix]
pellucid a.清澈明晰的;易懂的 [L pellucidus<perlucere(PER-, lucere shine)]
pelt v.毛皮 [ME<obs pellet skin ~ a person with stones = ~ stones at a perso
n 对某人投掷石头 The rain ~ed against the] [window 雨猛烈地打 在窗子上]
penalize v.处刑;宣告有罪;处罚 [pen 雌鹄;监禁]
penance n.(赎罪的)惩罪;告解 [ME<OF<L paenitentia(PENITENT忏悔的;悔罪者)]
penchant n.倾向;爱好 [F, pres part of pencher incline]
pendant a.垂饰 [ME<OF<pendre hang<L pendere]
pendent a.悬垂的;突出的;未定的 [ME(PENDANT)]
pending a.未定的;即将发生的 [after F pendant(see PENDENT)]
pendulous a.下垂的;摆动的 [L pendulus<pendere hang]
penetrate v.穿过;穿透;看透 [L penetrare place or enter within<penitus interi
or penetrating 渗透的;贯通的;锐利的;有洞察力的 This is] [a ~ analysis of the
penitent a.后悔的 [ME<OF<L paenitens<paenitere repent后悔]
pension n.年奉;养老金;生活津贴 [F: PENSION]
pensive a.沉思的;忧郁的 [ME<OF pensif, -ive<penser think<L pensare frequent
of pendere pens- weigh]
penurious a.吝啬的;贫穷的 [medL penuriosus(PENURY贫困;贫穷ME<L penuria, perh
rel to paene almost)]
peonage n.劳役偿债;劳役偿债制度 [peon (中南美)工人,散工,日工]
perceive v.知觉;感知;理会 [ME<OF per ivre,<L percipere(PER-, capere take)]
perception n.知觉;认知;理解;知觉力 [E<L perceptio(PERCEIVE)perceptible 认得出
percolate v.过滤;渗出;浸透
[L percolare(PER-全部, colare strain紧张;拉紧<colum strainer松紧扣;过滤器)I'
ll ~ some coffee for you 我给你滤煮一些咖啡
percussion n.冲撞;敲击 [F percussion or L percussio(PERCUSS扣诊)repercussion
弹回;反应;影响 I am afraid that this event will] [have serious ~s]
peremptory a.专横的 [AF peremptorie, OF peremptoire<L peremptorius deadly, d
ecisive,<perimere perempt- destroy, cut off(PER-,] [emere take, buy)]
perennial a.长久的;永远的 [L perennis(PER-, annus year)]
perfectionist n.力求完美者;吹毛求疵者
perfidy n.背信;不诚实 [L perfidia<perfidus treacherous(PER-, fidus<fides fai
perforate v.穿孔;贯穿;打孔 [L perforare(PER-, forare pierce) perforat n.钻孔
perforce a.必需地;必然地 [ME<OF par force by FORCE]
perfume n.芳香;香味;香水 [F parfum, parfumer<obs It parfumare, perfumare(PER
-, fumare smoke, FUME): orig of smoke from a burning] [substance]
perfunctory a.表面的;敷衍了事的 [LL perfunctorius careless<L perfungi perfun
ct-(PER-, fungi perform)]
perigee n.近地点 [F perigee<modL<Gk perigeion round the earth(PERI-周围, ge
perilous a.危险的 [ME<OF perillous<L periculosus<periculum: PERIL 危险;冒险;
危难(ME<OF<L periclum at one's ~ ]冒险)
perimeter n.周围;周长 [F perim re or<L perimetrus<Gk perimetros(PERI-, metr
os<metron measure)]
period a.时代;句号;休止符 [ME<OF periode<L periodus<Gk periodos(PERI-, odos
= hodos way)]
peripatetic a.走来走去的;消遥学派的 [ME<OF peripatetique or L peripateticus<
Gk peripatetikos<peripateo(PERI-, pateo walk)]
peripheral a.周围的;外面的;枝节的 [PARIPHERY 外围;不重要的部分(PERI-, pherei
a<phero bear)]
perjury n.伪证;伪证罪 [ME<AF perjurie<OF parjurie<L perjurium(PERJURE使伪誓(
证);使破坏誓言 PER-表面, jurare swear)]
permeate v.渗透;透过 [L permeare permeat-(PER-, meare pass, go)permeable有浸
pernicious a.有害的;致命的
[L perniciosus<pernicies ruin<nex necis death ~ anemia 恶性贫血 thoughts ~ t
o society 对社会有害的 思想
peroration n.(演说等之)结论;总结 [perorate 对演说下结论,结束演说 详述,滔滔不
perpendicular a.成直角的;险峻的 [E<L perpendicularis<perpendiculum plumb-lin
e<PER-+pendere hang]
perpetrate v.犯罪;行诈 [L perpetrare perpetrat-(PER-, patrare effect)~ a swi
ndle 行欺诈 ~ a joke(不看场合地)乱开玩笑]
perpetual a.永久的;不间断的 [ME<OF perpetuel<L perpetualis<perpetuus<perpes
-etis continuous perpetuate 使永存;使不朽]
perplexity n.困惑;混乱;困窘的事物 [E<OF perplexite or LL perplexitas(PERPLEX
) in ~ 困惑地 perplexed 困窘的;不知如何是好的;混乱]的
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