Flyingoverseas 版 (精华区)
发信人: pity (戒网to study ), 信区: Flyingoverseas
标 题: 听力笔记二
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2001年10月05日09:42:39 星期五), 站内信件
6养花种草 -花草长势 -阳光水份: sunlight; water regularly -摆哪儿合适:窗前
sunlight;角落里shade 7照相 -效果:模糊blurry -用光,胶卷:闪光灯flash, 焦距
focus, out of focus, adjust the focus, 照相shot, a roll of film, 冲卷develop
, 放大enlarge 8邮局 -不满意:It took forever to arrive. 9外出吃饭(go out fo
r lunch, dine out) -上哪儿吃:一角dime, 五分nickel, 1分penny, 分cent -爱尝
鲜appetizer开胃物,打包酒菜carryout,腌制 souse, -喜欢安静:prefer a quiet p
lace -谁请客:我请客This is my treat; Let me treat you; Let me pick up the
bill. Foot the bill AA制:go fifty fifty, Let's spit the check, two bills -
点错菜:order,菜单recipe *侍者常用语: ①Bring the menu-are you ready to or
der now? ②take your order-I 'll be with you in a moment③recommend sth-spec
ialty特色④serve food- I'll take care of it. I'll see to it. 10贪吃场景 -吃
完:eat up, clean out, empty, go out. -谁打扫:残羹冷炙leftover *饭量小eat l
ike a bird, 饭量大eat like a horse, 酒量大drink like a fish, 能睡sleep like
a log, 能抽烟smoke like a chimney
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香·[FROM:]
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